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    ztracené heslo?
    ANSIVegan Vital Time
    MOODYCAT --- ---
    STEPHANIE: Díky moc za doporučení! Tyhle pomazánky se fakt daj jíst :)!
    MOGUCAN --- ---
    MOODYCAT: 1. humus! nejlepší mají v Praze v Olive Food v pasazi na Florenci.
    2. chápu, že kaše ne, ale kdyby ses přece jen rozhodla tomu dát šanci, tak určitě do vloček přidat proteinový prášek, jinak je hlad dřív.
    KCHARI --- ---
    MOODYCAT: tak to jsi teda prvni clovek o kterem slyším, ze mu Patifu nechutna :) Jinak na chleba mám nejraději domácí hummus a ke snídani je takhle pres zimu hodně fajn třeba zeleninovy vyvar (ale clovek nesmí byt líný si ho připravit předem :)).
    MOODYCAT --- ---
    S_O_U_L_MAN: Ty jsem měla snad ve všech příchutích a děsný.
    MOODYCAT --- ---

    PEPAZZ: Ty Patifu jsem měla a to je teda ekvivalent blitek.
    PEPAZZ --- ---
    MOODYCAT: kaše jsou super pac je v nich voda která zaplní břicho objemem ale zadnýma kaloriema a vlaknina je ve vločkach neporušená pokud nedelas kaše z mouky za čož ti podekují tvoje streva. narozdíl např od chleba.
    PEPAZZ --- ---
    MOODYCAT: jinak vyrobit si vlastní tofu pomazanku s lahudkovym drozdím je taky dobrota.
    Pripadne arasidove maslo :)

    Ja snidám kaše a vydržíím na nich dlouho, ale pridavam do nich vzdy i - lnene seminky a konopne seminko, chia , obcas mák, obcas arasidove maslo
    PEPAZZ --- ---
    MOODYCAT: alternativy syra jsou strasný a drahy, vubec nepouzivam. Ale z pomazanek mohu doporucit tyto:

    Sojakrrem je skvely na celerovou/mrkvovou pomazanku

    jde celkem i
    MOODYCAT --- ---
    URPUTNIK: Když říkám kaše ne, tak kaše ne...
    URPUTNIK --- ---
    MOODYCAT: ovesna kase naslano? :) ja jsem to potkal poprve tady (hledej tam slovo gruel), substituovat syr/slaninu za neco vege nebude problem ..
    MOODYCAT --- ---
    Chci se víc vnořit do vegan stravy a mám několik dotazů.
    1. Co si dáváte "na chleba"? Mě napadají jen různé ty luštěninové a tofu pomazánky, což je teda hnus, eventuelně avokádo. Případně rostlinné alternativy šunky/sýra. Jistě ale vás napadne i něco jiného.
    2. Co snídaně? Jak vytvořit výživnou snídani, po které nemáte hned hlad? Já jsem doteď byla zvyklá na vajíčka v nějaké formě...ze hry jsou tímpádem určitě kaše, protože na tom člověk déle, jak dvě hodiny nevydrží. Nápady?
    PEPAZZ --- ---
    máte někdo refeerence na tuhle knihu?
    Plant-Based Sports Nutrition: Expert fueling strategies for training, recovery, and performance
    PEPAZZ --- ---
    URPUTNIK: jinak se obecne priprav na to že pokud vyřadíš živ produkty, tvůj kaloricky příjem musíš na rostlinné stravě dohnat většími porcemi. Na tomhle dost lidí kolabuje(a pak nadava na veganství) hlavne pokud je napadne jít striktne raw vegan, což vřele nedoporučuji.
    PEPAZZ --- ---
    URPUTNIK: gratulace k tvymu rozhodnutí. S nečím ti určitě můžu poradit! Napiš do pošty, co presne je tvoje predstava. Pokud bys chtel opravdoveho profi poradce pak můžu doporučit Pavlu Širokou - nejlepe ji asi kontatkovat na facebooku.

    jinak pekny velmi čistý jidelníček si udržuje Derick. Tam bys měl najít vše podstatné.
    Simnett Nutrition - YouTube
    Pak hodně pekné recepty byli v wholefoodplantbasecooking kanálu: hlavne teda dortíky :)
    The Whole Food Plant Based Cooking Show - YouTube

    URPUTNIK --- ---
    ahoj, uz rok pokukuju po vege* strave, nejdriv ze zdravotnich duvodu (mam RS), vydrzel jsem to 3 mesice, pak zacal pravidelne cvicit a najednou "mel potrebu masa" .. tak jsem se vratil k masu (1-3x tydne), ubehlo par mesicu, uvidel jsem Game changers, a dostal novou motivaci na vege .. ale narazim na to, ze si asi sam neumim poskladat jidelnicek (ted jsme dostal k vanocum kucharku, kde je ukazka jidelnicku na 40dni, tak vyzkousim)..

    stejne tak jsem cely zivot hubenejsi, nez bych chtel, a s tim, jak jsem vyndal z jidelnicku maso (listopad 2019), a nezvedl objem jidla, tak jsem dokonce jeste dalsi 2kg shodil .. vychrtlej nejsem, ale pri mych 193cm, bych aspon tech 75kg zpatky rad mel, ted mam 72 :)

    takze je tu nejaky poradce, s kym to muzu probrat? mimochodem, ty odkazy na nastence nefungujou
    PEPAZZ --- ---
    vědecké okénko

    Nutrients | Free Full-Text | Plant-Based Diets for Cardiovascular Safety and Performance in Endurance Sports | HTML

    Because plants are typically low in saturated fat and devoid of cholesterol, vegetarian diets reduce plasma lipid concentrations [18], leading to reduced viscosity. In a study comparing 48 individuals following vegetarian eating patterns and 41 matched controls, plasma viscosity, packed cell volume, and blood viscosity were lower in vegetarians, and the stricter the avoidance of animal products, the greater the observed differences [39]. Individuals excluding meats entirely had significantly lower blood viscosity, compared with those having occasional meat (less than once a week). These observations were initially identified as an explanation for the lower blood pressure and lower prevalence of hypertension that are commonly observed among those following vegetarian diets. However, reduced blood viscosity also improves tissue oxygenation, potentially improving athletic performance.

    The higher the saturated fat intake, the greater the impairment of flow-mediated vasodilation [42].

    Although meals rich in animal fats impair arterial compliance, some added oils may have similar short-term effects. A single-meal experiment using a carrot cake and a milk shake prepared with coconut oil (which is high in saturated fat) demonstrated impaired arterial compliance, compared with the same meal prepared with safflower oil (which is high in polyunsaturated fat) [43]. Studies using olive oil (rich in monounsaturated fat) have yielded mixed results—some showed an impairment of flow-mediated vasodilation, others did not [44,45,46]. Overall, these studies suggest that, while animal fats are particularly harmful for arterial flexibility, there is a benefit from meals prepared from vegetables, grains, legumes, and fruits, without animal products or added oils.

    When the production of reactive oxygen species exceeds the body’s ability to neutralize free radicals through endogenous and exogenous antioxidants, the result is called oxidative stress. At low levels, oxidative stress upregulates antioxidant defenses [49] and boosts the immune response [50]. However, free radical production that greatly exceeds the neutralizing ability of antioxidant defenses can result in damage to DNA (leading to mutations), to plasma lipids (leading to atherosclerosis), and to proteins (leading to cell damage and accelerated aging). Exercise-related oxidative stress can also lead to muscle fatigue, reduced athletic performance, and impaired recovery [51].

    Compared with omnivores, people following vegan and vegetarian diets have increased antioxidant activity, due to higher intakes of vitamin C, vitamin E, beta-carotene, and other antioxidants [52], as well as to higher antioxidant enzyme production [53]. Researchers have also found potentially beneficial effects of specific antioxidant-rich foods on exercise outcomes, notably beets [54], allium vegetables (e.g., garlic, onions, and leeks) [55], and cherry juice [56].

    A plant-based diet appears to be a helpful part of a strategy to reduce inflammation. In a 2017 meta-analysis of 18 prior studies, vegetarian diets consumed over a two-year period were shown to reduce serum concentrations of C-reactive protein (a marker of inflammation), suggesting an anti-inflammatory effect of plant-based foods [59]. The anti-inflammatory benefits of plant-based diets may stem from (1) their antioxidant content, (2) the absence of products that may be inflammatory or sensitizing, or (3) the absence of pro-inflammatory fats. A few studies have examined the possibility that specific foods with antioxidant activity (e.g., tart cherries [61], pomegranates [62], blueberries [63], blackcurrants [64], and watermelon [65]) may decrease post-exercise inflammation and facilitate recovery.

    In the Adventist Health Study, individuals who ate meat at least once per week had a higher prevalence (49% and 43% higher prevalence for women and men, respectively) of degenerative arthritis and soft tissue disorders compared with individuals who avoided meat [68]
    In individuals with rheumatoid arthritis, several studies have demonstrated that vegan and vegetarian diets reduce C-reactive protein, as well as both subjective and objective signs of arthritis [69,70,71,72,73]. A vegan diet has also been shown to have an anti-inflammatory effect (as evidenced by reductions in C-reactive protein) in patients with and without coronary artery disease

    4. Conclusions
    Plant-based diets play a key role in cardiovascular health, which is critical for endurance athletes. Specifically, these diets improve plasma lipid concentrations, blood pressure, body weight, and blood glucose control, and, as part of a healthful lifestyle, have been shown to reverse atherosclerosis. The possibility that such diets may also contribute to improved performance and accelerated recovery in endurance sports is raised by their effects on blood flow, body composition, antioxidant capacity, systemic inflammation, and glycogen storage. These attributes provide a scientific foundation for the increased use of plant-based diets by endurance athletes.
    SCHIFFI --- ---
    nekdo tip na vyzkouseny recept na chilli dort pls?
    PEPAZZ --- ---
    já byl taky právě :)
    MOGUCAN --- ---
    PEPAZZ: ano! již potřetí. výborná akce, maximálně doporučuju.
    PEPAZZ --- ---
    byl nekdo místní na vegan sport club kempu?
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