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    BLOODRATPerly z Youtube komentářů
    HRAFNAIN --- ---
    We all need to try to enjoy life’s simplicity. We all just want the same things; food, shelter and friendship. We all have our own unique talents and traits and if you don't think you have anything to offer you're simply wrong. Get out there and be yourself, man. You have more to offer than you'll ever know. Much love to you all. Edit: I know its hard to believe but its the truth. I suffer from anxiety and sometimes I feel like I'm worthless... but talking to people who care makes me have hope. Sometimes life is fucking hard... I've lost a lot of loved ones and friends. My long time girlfriend just ended things after her parents said we cant be together. Life can be so scary. I've dealt with bad trips and so many panic attacks and hard moments and was alone for years and scared but all that keeps me going is to try to stay positive and to do what makes me smile. Music helps a lot. Walking through nature. Meeting new people. Do what you wish and don't let anyone tell you otherwise. Thanks for all the kind replies... I appreciate you all. Keep that head up.
    HRAFNAIN --- ---
    Javier Enrique Sampayo Rodríguez
    1 month ago
    The vocalist of Foo Fighters looks like the drummer of Nirvana.
    HRAFNAIN --- ---
    This isn't a music video and Christopher Walken isn't putting on a performance. This is just footage of him that someone happened to capture on an average day in his life.
    HRAFNAIN --- ---
    no vono vůbec kterýkoliv Bolero generuje strašlivý perly :D

    Very appropriate to start with the toothpick. But he should have switched to progressively larger implements as the piece went on.

    I was wondering why dis baton was so teeny. I thought it was because his gaze is powerful enough to be telepathic.

    I've read that he used the regular baton but at the intense parts he used to throw it up by accident, usually hitting someone in the audience. So he decided to use a toothpick, instead.

    atd. atd. kuadraat, zas prokrastinace na celej weekend? :D
    HRAFNAIN --- ---
    00:00 - 15:49 is the best part.
    HRAFNAIN --- ---
    [ JAMILLOS @ Zjištění ]
    Ravel - Bolero (original version)

    "Can we all just take a moment to appreciate the poor drummer."
    Oh my goodness, yes!
    dude. this takes shit load of patience xD
    Barry Marks journey weel in the sky

    Nintendo almost used this as the Legend of Zelda main theme 
    SALVATOR --- ---
    HRAFNAIN --- ---
    hmm pretty good, i love myself for my taste of music
    SALVATOR --- ---
    My greatest sin as a human is that I have thoroughly sat through the whole thing, enjoying every second of this as I imagine the entire world succumb to pure insanity. Buildings falling, skies cracking, seas boiling, Cthulhu rising, all this to this song.
    The world will not end by man or monster, but by Otamatones. May God have mercy on our souls.

    otamatone  Greensleeves オタマトーン グリーンスリーブス
    SALVATOR --- ---
    Ruben Avalospřed 1 rokem
    My cat be singing this all the time! Meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow!
    He loves the guitar.

    Rage Against The Machine - Renegades Of Funk
    SALVATOR --- ---
    SALVATOR --- ---
    DontTaze MeBropřed 10 měsíci
    I think I just grew extra chest hair.

    Isaac Hayes: Shaft (High Quality)
    SALVATOR --- ---
    Mercury Reborn včera
    Everyone report this, for having nudity in it, so the youtube team has to sit trough the whole thing.

    Windows XP Startup Sound slowed down to 24 hours
    SALVATOR --- ---
    AIDS is now officially the second worst thing that has happened to Freddy Mercury

    Kanye West Bohemian RAPsody best video
    BLOODRAT --- ---
    Dschinghis Khan - Moskau 1979

    TheKruk6666 months ago
    The weirdest Power Rangers I've seen.

    BLOODRAT --- ---
    Tower Climbers working

    EvilTim19119 months ago
    How didn't the tower collapse from the mass of their balls?
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    HughMahnnn7 months ago
    +EvilTim1911 It's simple: Superior engineering and materials, Solid Brass isn't too heavy, even in the gigantic proportions we are talking about here.
    BLOODRAT --- ---
    CGI **Award Winning** 3D Animated Short HD: "Through The Storm" - by Fred Burdy

    Fusurugi 2 months ago
    The deal is made. You will wander the barren netherlands until your soul will fall to madness and decays into nothingness.
    Reply · 6

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    Vivien Lehnig 2 months ago
    +Fusurugi Come on, Holland is not that bad
    BLOODRAT --- ---
    Self-Aware & Famous | Metalocalypse | Adult Swim

    Alekous Epicocity 2 years ago
    Sober.exe not found.
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