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    ztracené heslo?
    STARFModularni syntezatory
    ::::: Be the modulation you wish to see in the world :::::

    Diskuze venovana vyhradne modularni synteze.
    Vlastnite modular? Stavite? Uvazujete o nem? Vsechny souvisejici dotazy a napady sem.



    rozbalit záhlaví
    JANDIS_01 --- ---
    SIDE: To by neměl být problém. . kdyžtak pošta.
    SIDE --- ---
    WTK: ty matky tady maj u me na kopci ve meste, takze si ani nic nebudu nechvat posilat

    JANDIS_01: nevim jestli by nakonec nestala posta vic, nez ty raily :D staci mi 2x42hp
    JANDIS_01 --- ---
    SIDE: Mám nějaký raily z průmyslových case pokud máš zájem. . ;)
    WTK --- ---
    SIDE: jo ty raily jsou normalni gie-tecy co se bezne pouzivaj, matky by tam mely pasovat. kdyby se ti jich hodilo vic, tak to lip vyjde z conradu, maj tam ted i 20% slevu koukam https://www.conrad.cz/ctyrhranne-matice-toolcraft-109037-m3-n-a-ocel-1000-ks.k109037
    SIDE --- ---
    once again noob atacks.
    chci si udelat z takovy roztomily krabicky nejakej lunchbox. budou tyhle raily a tyhle matky ok?

    Hliníkový profil 125021 0208 19"-Mounting Profile 2, 208,3mm | Soldering

    matky: Matice čtyřhranná nízká M3 DIN 562
    WTK --- ---
    CABOWITZ: no akorat mi to prislo, musim si vyhradit nejakej cas na cteni, takze zatim to lezi na policce vedle dalsich dvou knizek ktery maj podobnej osud:)) kazdopadne co sem tim listoval a cet predmluvy tak mi to neprijde jako vyhozeny prachy, je to fakt velka knizka s docela obsahlym shrnutim jak historie tak soucasnosti modularu, hlavne orientovana na euro, s rozebranejma vsema typama modulu vcetne jejich zastupcu a pouziti v patchich. Myslim ze takovejhle big picture pohled na eurorack do ty doby nikde moc poradne sepsanej nebyl a mozna mi to nejak pomuze trochu lip ucesat mou hromadu nevyuzitejch modulu:) je hezky jak je to dost aktualni, zahlid jsem tam i cast o prazsky synth library.
    CABOWITZ --- ---
    WTK: a stalo to za to? ev. dik za report/minirecenzi...
    VLAK --- ---
    OTZ: pokud chces delat "CV" mody bez nutnosti nejakeho hlubsiho pochopeni ohmova zakona, tak spis doporucuju vactroly (vactrol = ledka + fotorezistor v nepruhledem pouzdre; v podstate velice hruby, proudem ovladany variabilni rezistor):
    MUFF WIGGLER :: View topic - Converting (almost) any POT into CV input
    poustet napeti od pinu od potaku taky jde, alespon prozkoumas meze selskeho rozumu.
    OTZ --- ---
    WTK: no tak selskym rozumem predpokladam ze pot. reguluje hladinu napeti :) ale ok zkusim si neco najit sam, dik za radu :))
    BURAN --- ---
    WTK: :-D
    WTK --- ---
    OTZ: no heled nemyslis ze by bylo lepsi si nejdriv precist aspon nejakej uplnej zaklad o elektronice (jako treba co to vlastne je potenciometr) a podivat se jakou plni funkci v tom obvodu, nez se ptat na ktery z jeho 3 pinu pripojit plus a minus? :)
    OTZ --- ---
    cau, ted se zeptam jako amater..a uplne to sem asi nepatri, ale moc nevim, kde jinde se zeptat..ale konecne jsem se odhodlal si modnout volcy, zatim jenom VCA out, a napadlo me pritom, jestli by na kazdej potenciometr slo privest CV zvenku. nebo jestli ne na kazdej, tak aspon na nektery. to by mohla bejt sranda, udelat si z toho takovej pasivni semimodular :)) jenze zatim ani nevim co ty 3 piny u kazdyho pot. jsou, a na ktery 2 z nich pripadne privest + a - zvenku..a taky na jakym vnitrnim napeti to vlastne beha, ale podle servisniho manualu to vypada ze se tech 9V deli na 5V a 3,3V. neni tady nejakej bastlir, co se v tom uz vrtal? :) bass + keys

    WTK --- ---
    INK_FLO: u kickstarteru mi to prislo drahy, az sem si to nakonec objednal po nem za vic:)
    INK_FLO --- ---
    PATCH & TWEAK - Exploring Modular Synthesis– BJOOKS

    LEVOS_BOB --- ---


    1 voice Syncussion pro Eurorack...
    SIDE --- ---
    takova levna alternativa knurlies, objednano, otestovano, fungujou.
    100 pcs M3 x 8mm Toolless Thumb Screws half Screw Thread | eBay
    INK_FLO --- ---
    "Thinking back to those days I can say that my experience with the Buchla was better than any psychotherapy. The surface of cables and knobs was like a display for my own perceptions. Connecting modules was like connecting parts of my being that were dormant and dissociated. Discovering how the activity of one module could invisibly determine the activity of the other was like discovering how different layers of our being are invisibly connected and integrated in complex way."

    I think that experiencing musical ideas through a physical activity adds a lot to the creative process. Sometimes I feel that my musical ideas can survive and come to real life only if they’re processed through my body, my gestures, my memory. And these kind of machines invite us to explore sound not only visually but also physically, gesturally. This also means a less visually-oriented music design – no timeline view, no horizontal-linear-teleological-narrative-representational view of music, which can be quite liberating!

    Caterina Barbieri on minimalism and creating living organisms out of sound
    OTZ --- ---
    nova platforma..ke studiu i hrani :)

    INK_FLO --- ---
    In the course of the last decade, modular synthesisers went from obscure curiosities to coveted objects. But as their popularity grew, their reputation became more complicated: modular synthesisers make you more interested in complex patches than finishing music; modular synthesisers are a hipster, male-dominated fad; modular synthesisers are emblematic of misplaced creative priorities.

    All of which is true, to some extent. But for the people who were in the scene before the hype, it's all a bit baffling. Modular systems historically had just a passing connection to popular electronic music. They were tools used by academics, installation artists, sound designers, hobbyists and the odd techno producer. Their appeal lay in showing how simple operations scale out into interconnected systems. Using them to make tonal, quantised music is contrary to their nature.

    In those days, it was mostly people over the age of 60 using big American modulars and thinking everything else was child's play. It should be said that many early adopters of modular gear weren't necessarily producers. One client was a guy who runs a well-regarded restaurant in Berlin. He had a huge modular system that he used exclusively to make experimental baroque music to play for his customers!

    Years ago, modulars had nothing to do with music. There are circuits that generate frequencies and waveforms and you connect them in such a way as to make a sound. Now people approach them with the mentality that modulars should fit into the way they're used to making music. So I think this change has more to do with the expanding market and the demands of customers than the manufacturers themselves. We have a joke at the shop that downstairs at Kottbusser Tor are the drug junkies and upstairs are the modular junkies. It's about having all your demands met and consuming.

    RA: Machine Love: SchneidersLaden
    HRAFNAIN --- ---
    1959, modular az na pudu, start/stop, synteza, mix, a nekompromisni strih, jo!
    Kid Baltan and Tom Dissevelt 1959

    kdyztak me presmerujte na vhodnejsi board :]
    BURAN --- ---
    Start/stop eventy posilat po clock kanalu imho nejde bez toho, aby tomu spravne rozumely vsechny zarizeni.
    Bud se to posila spesl kanalem, a nebo to proste zacne/prestane posilat clock pulsy.
    OTZ pise, ze start neni uplne presnej, tipuju tedy moznost 2.
    Kliknutím sem můžete změnit nastavení reklam