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    ztracené heslo?
    STARFModularni syntezatory
    ::::: Be the modulation you wish to see in the world :::::

    Diskuze venovana vyhradne modularni synteze.
    Vlastnite modular? Stavite? Uvazujete o nem? Vsechny souvisejici dotazy a napady sem.



    rozbalit záhlaví
    VEX --- ---
    LEVOS_BOB --- ---
    The Make Noise/soundhack Spectraphon is a dual Spectral Oscillator coded by Tom Erbe (@ebremot) of soundhack. It uses real-time spectral analysis and resynthesis to create new sounds from those that already exist. It is inspired by classic electronic musical instruments of the past, including spectral processors, additive synthesis, vocoders, and resonators (especially the Buchla 296 and Touché) but it takes a physical form more resembling the classic analog dual complex oscillator in the lineage of the Buchla 259 and the Make Noise DPO.

    LEVOS_BOB --- ---
    SIDE: https://youtu.be/XJtpzysqJv8

    suma sumarum:

    22 things you can use it for:

    1. Audio level control (for example, to reduce eurorack audio levels to line level)
    2. A simple voltage generator
    3. Mod depth control for external LFOs and envelopes.
    4. Signal/waveform inversion
    5. An audio mixer
    6. Slew for glide/portamendo effects.
    7. It has multiple ways to trigger envelopes.
    8. It can generate two separate AD (Attack-Delay) Envelopes.
    9. Envelope curves can be linear, exponential, logarithmich, or any combination thereof, generating "sharkfin" type envelopes.
    10. It can generate ASR (Attack-Sustain-Release) envelopes
    11. Various type LFOs
    12. Math can behave as a voltage controller oscillator (VCO)
    13. By creating two VCOs and patching one to the other you can create FM style sounds
    14. With a bit of patching, Maths can create extremely slow LFOs (up to 25 minutes)
    15. Maths can behave as an envelope follower...
    16. ... which can be used as Sidechain
    17. It can be a simple clock...
    18. ... and perform as a clock divider
    19. You can mix envelopes and LFOs to create complex shapes, such as a fast LFO riding a slow LFO
    20. The OR output can be used to create even more complex waveforms, as well as act as a rectifier that only allow positive voltages.
    21. Maths can process sounds fimilar to a filter with optional resonance
    22. In a pinch, Maths can act as a VCA
    WTK --- ---
    CABOWITZ --- ---
    SQARE: sound like real random :)
    B3DA --- ---
    SIDE: v zasade 2* asr envelope + mixer s bonusy :D
    VEX --- ---
    LEVOS_BOB: to už je ale vrchol:D maths nejsou ani ve vcv racku, jestli si správně pamatuju.
    SIDE --- ---
    LEVOS_BOB: nikdy sem presne nepochopil co Maths delaj, ale za 2 litry jsem ochotneh to testnout ;)
    LEVOS_BOB --- ---

    SQARE --- ---
    CV z uranový rudy, ok :-D

    Uranium ore activity generating CV, gates and triggers: Ore-Some Volts Eurorack modules for sale
    LEVOS_BOB --- ---
    Ahoj tady nejake moduly na prodej po uklidu kejsu:

    A-120 lowpass filter
    A-118 noise + random voltage
    A-170 dual slew limiter
    A-185-2 precision adder
    A-196 phase locked loop

    Hexinverter Mutant BD9
    Mutable Instruments Elements original

    Ceny dohodou..
    BASSICK --- ---
    Venuju tady tohle kdyby to nekdo chtel do soboty vyzvednout pak to de do srotu
    (V podstate happy ending kit bez zdroje)

    LEVOS_BOB --- ---
    STARF: jediny co se mi na tom libi jsou "MODE" a "ASSIGN" switche z POTI expanderu pridany k hlavnimu modulu.. jinak design dost hruza... original neni zas tak drahej...
    VEX --- ---
    STARF: tak to jsou hajzli
    OTZ: Avantone to proti behringeru nakonec vyšlo. Ale nevím, jestli mají na design patent.
    OTZ --- ---
    B3DA: afaik: pokud na to vyrobce nema exkluzivitu, teda patent, je to legal as usual. tofuzel patentovy soudy jsou drahy (min. v USA=10M$, v Cine asi haha.., dal nevim), na to hresej vsichni tihle "BigTech", ze jim to projde protoze ten mensi to neuplati/nevyhraje. viz treba TerraVision vs. Google, serial na netflixu.
    B3DA --- ---
    STARF: tak to vykradani MI je nepekny, ale Batumi snad ani neni open hw, ne .. how is this legal?
    STARF --- ---
    Behringer kopiruje Xaoc... facepalm.
    U starych analogu mi to smysl jeste dava, kdyz Roland po bezmala 40 letech nedokazal provest re-release, ale tohle bere prodeje malymu vyrobci.

    TMH --- ---
    Ahoj, než pošlu na veřejný internet tak bych to seslal sem, prodám Intellijel Cylonix Shapeshifter, má lehči rack rash takže za 9800,- bez poštovnýho.
    LEVOS_BOB --- ---
    MI Elements orig. na prodej... as new... anyone?

    LEVOS_BOB --- ---
    CABOWITZ: ahoj uvazuju o prodeji...
    Kliknutím sem můžete změnit nastavení reklam