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    ztracené heslo?
    ELDOUGOArmored Warfare
    DZODZO --- ---
    aha oni dali hard pve az od tieru 5+
    MADDOGCZ --- ---
    a teď to po mně chce 19 GB :-(
    MADDOGCZ --- ---
    Nemohu se přihlásit ... Staženo 600+ a nemůžu si loknout ani acc.
    DZODZO --- ---
    CARB6N: je to stale beta, tak snad sa s tym nejako poperu - maju predsa odkial cerpat inspiraciu na to ako to nedelat :D
    CARB6N --- ---
    LIQUIDFREAK: Pravda. Ja byl 2 tejdny doma, tak jsem za tohle dal par Ecek, s tim, ze si rad dam nenarocny PvE s tankama. IMHO dodelam M1A1, mozna T-90 a pak si nainstaluju 4 Fallouta a bude po AW. Musim priznat, ze me tady PvP nejak vubec nezajima. Ja kdyz chci hrat PvP, tak si pustim TS a HotS. Ono uz z podstaty ty hry to PvP nemuze bejt zabavny, protoze ta hra neni ke vsem stejne rovna. Je tam az moc rng na akcni hru. At uz je to nefer MM, rolly na pene a dmg, spatnej spoting system. atd. Na PvE to tolik nevadi, ale na PvP se to nehodi. Kdyz hrat nejakou podobnou hru pro PvP, tak asi uz ten WT, kterej ma podobny problemy, ale na RB to neni tolik videt.
    LIQUIDFREAK --- ---
    Zitra patch, server nedostupny 10-15hod

    Increased base match participation Reputation reward for playing PvP matches from 90 to 135
    Decreased base ammo costs for Tier 5 by 20%
    Decreased base ammo costs for Tier 6 by 30%
    Decreased tier 6 upgraded ammo cost multiplier by about an additional 8%
    Decreased base ammo costs for Tier 7 by 25%
    Decreased tier 7 upgraded ammo multiplier by about an additional 12%
    Decreased base ammo costs for Tier 8 by 40%
    Decreased tier 8 upgraded ammo multiplier by about an additional 14%
    Decreased tier 5 repair costs from 16000 to 12800
    Decreased tier 6 repair costs from 28000 to 19600
    Decreased tier 7 repair costs from 44000 to 26400
    Decreased tier 8 repair costs from 60000 to 36000

    Progression Changes - PvE

    Since PvE does not benefit from the repair cost and ammo cost changes, we are giving PvE a significant overall boost to credit income. We are also globally increasing PvE reputation gains. The difficulty reward bonuses were somewhat in order to prevent the players from obtaining exceedingly high rewards on higher difficulty levels.
    Increased all PvE Reputation gains by 20%
    Increased PvE credit gains by 35% at all tiers
    Decreased the medium difficulty reward bonus from 25% to 15%
    Decreased the hard difficulty reward bonus from 50% to 30%
    Premium Vehicle Improvements
    To improve the overall value of our Premium Vehicles, we've added a number of new bonuses.
    Playing a Premium Vehicle now increases Reputation earnings by 20%
    Playing a Premium Vehicle now increases Crew Experience by 20%
    Playing a Premium Vehicle now increases Commander Experience by 20%

    Maps - PvP and PvE

    Roughneck - fixed vegetation
    Reactor - adjusted terrain and collision near J1 to prevent a dead end. Set shoreline surface type to the proper category, now players will not be slowed down nearly as much while driving along the shore
    River Point - fixed mission collision on the Bell Tower Structure
    Lost Island – optimization works and visual effect corrections, fixed the incorrect skybox
    Ghosthunter - fixed issues with fail conditions for the first two capture points
    Life Jacket - set enemies to wait until after the countdown timer before attacking the first objective
    Starry Night - fixed the scripting of the primary objectives so that they are not counting down as soon as the server loads
    Harbinger - adjusted AI behavior so that they can shoot through destructible objects
    Hydra - reduced the initial enemy count and spaced out spawns of re-reinforcements
    Scorpio - fixed an issue where secondary objectives were not always showing up
    Cavalry - fixed a lighting issue causing a halo on the map
    Sapphire - fixed Objects with Missing textures
    Medium difficulty missions can now be started from tier 3, hard difficulty from tier 5

    Vehicle Rebalances

    T-90, M60, M60A2
    Updated suspension values for vehicle to reduce "swinging" behavior
    Fixed an issue with the smoke grenades visual effects
    Taifun - to better reflect the Taifun's unique low profile and help compensate for its turretless configuration, we've given it a significant buff to its camo factor. We feel this will help it have a unique role without being overwhelmingly powerful
    Camouflage factor increased from 0.25 to 0.325
    RDF-LT - we've completed a balance pass on the RDF-LT and found it to be somewhat behind the curve compared to other equal tier LTs. To help emphasize its niche further, we've increased the RDF-LT's already excellent rate of fire, slightly decreased its damage per shell, and improved its penetration to make it more capable of damaging MBT weak points at the same tier
    Rate of Fire increased by 30%
    Damage per shell decreased by 15%
    Penetration for all rounds increased by 7.5%

    Bug Fixes

    Auto-repair - resolved an issue that occurs when players attempt to turn on auto-repair after a vehicle has been destroyed, causing it to become unplayable
    Kill Cam - resolved a performance issue that can occur when the both the player and their killer have been destroyed
    Premium Time - updated incorrect settings which gave Founder's Pack users less premium time than was promoted, corrected the premium remaining premium time display
    Ramming Damage - reduced the base ramming damage for all vehicles by approximately 40% as well as adjusted the mass modifier from 2 to 1.5, taking away some of the excess ramming damage that heavier vehicles could inflict.
    Base - resolved an issue where the Academy and Barracks buildings were not providing bonuses after players are defeated in PvP
    Vehicles - resolved an issue where vehicles cannot be sold back by the player
    Decals - resolved an issue with decal placement on variety of vehicles, fixed the issue where the decals disappeared after an armor upgrade on some vehicles, fixed the issue where permanent decals sometimes counted only as temporary, the flag decals flipped to display correctly
    Service Screen - tooltips have been added to help players identify how to unlock specific upgrades
    Added an option to show the best ammunition available for selected vehicle. The option should take some of the guesswork out of the ammunition selection process
    Gunner Sight - corrected the issue where a knocked out gunner sight provided an increase to accuracy rather than decreasing it
    Fixed the bug where the aiming reticle did not sometimes behave properly in PvE mode
    Fixed the issue where the reticle reload bar could miss reload events while weapon swapping
    Fixed the issue where Battalion leaders could not invite more than 50 players to a Battalion
    Fixed the issue where daily missions were not affected by premium account and boosts
    Fixed the issue where the players were not able to assign skills to crewmembers under certain conditions
    Numerous localization updates and corrections (in French, Polish and German)
    WOJTYLA --- ---
    helejte ty techniology veci.... 12% minimum a maximum accuracy.... co je minimum a co maximum prosim?
    LIQUIDFREAK --- ---
    CARB6N: mne nejde o nemluveni :D nejsem komous.. Jde mi o to, ze poukazovat jak neco funguje v pve je zbytecne, v pvp je to stejne secko uplne jinak.

    Ale fakt cim dal vic zjistuju ze je to ztrata casu a vyhozeny prachy.. Proste po wotku je to este vetsi nuda..
    CARB6N --- ---
    LIQUIDFREAK: tak určitě, ale nevím proč o něm nemluvit, když je to nejrychlejší a nejmíň sólo bolestná cesta k XP
    FELCARKILLER --- ---
    my jsme byli v plutone, me padla hra a pak bylo tlacitko na pve zesedly :-)
    ted uz je to ok, mel jsem jakoze na pozadi akorat ten trenink no, demence ze to musim prekliknout
    FELCARKILLER --- ---
    CARB6N: ok zkusim dik
    CARB6N --- ---
    FELCARKILLER: pusť tutoriál a pak z něj hned vyskoč.
    LIQUIDFREAK --- ---
    FELCARKILLER: a nemas nahore preklikly trening? Tam je takovej posuvnik.. mi secko jede ok
    FELCARKILLER --- ---
    z niceho nic nam nejde spustit pve, co to?
    LIQUIDFREAK --- ---
    Ono hlavne se tady dohadovat o pve jako takovem je zbytecne. Nerikam ze mam neco proti pve, sam ho taky hravam v podstate ale to, ze nekdo dokaze nastrilet xx a zabit dalsich xx v pve je nic nerikajici.
    Navic je to primarne pvp hra tak co..
    CARB6N --- ---
    LIQUIDFREAK: Tak oni ti terminatoři budou hrát proti o 2 tiery vyšším tankům. A terminator se v PvE hraje v podstatě jen s AP municí. Taky s ním mám něco nahráno. Takže jestli někdo bude mít problém s dingáním, tak to určitě nebude ta T-90.

    Ja nevim, kolik mas odehranejch PvE her s tier 8, ale ja uz jsem jich s M1 odehral celkem dost a když je tam člověk s T-90, kterej ví co dělá a kde se spawnujou tanky, tak ten dmg je brutální. PvE je totiž hodně lehký a skoro se tam nedingá narozdíl od PvP. Jedeš celou dobu HEAT a AP hazíš jen na BMT a pokud nemůžeš trefit někoho s ERA někam, kde ji nemá.
    LIQUIDFREAK --- ---
    CARB6N: Mno zaprehanel pac s T-90 budes mit nonstop tier stejny a vyssi. Tam ta T90 spis hodne nadinga nez nastrili. Vono to neni prdel, a to nemluvim o pvp. :D Sice ma nej dmg ale ta pruraznost neni takova jak uvadi teorie ;)
    CARB6N --- ---
    LIQUIDFREAK: Ale prdel...a stejne mam pravdu:) Uznavam, ze jsem si tak trosku trosicku zaprehanel, asi by vsichni mrtvy nebyli, ale ten pomer dmg by byl podobnej tomu, co postoval DZODZO
    DZODZO --- ---
    CARB6N: uvidim no, tam som sa este neprebojoval, takto som zatial mal akurat t-90 proti sebe, spawnol sa mi hned za ritou, dal mi jednu vychovnu facku zozadu a siel som do sprchy :)
    Kliknutím sem můžete změnit nastavení reklam