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    ztracené heslo?
    TUHONew materialism — All memories are machines
    FIDEL --- ---
    jasny, me to taky miji a vlastne nevim co si o tom myslet, o to vic mne prekvapilo, ze to ma svou pravicovou variantu spojenou se jmenem Nick Land. narazil jsem na to asi ve dvou textech, ale moc jsem se toho prave z nich nedozvedel
    TUHO --- ---
    FIDEL: obavam se, ze neporadim. akceleracionismus je tak rychlej, ze me celkem miji .)) ale kdyz na neco narazim, dam ti vedet.
    FIDEL --- ---
    neodkazal bys mne na nejaky text tykajici se "pravicoveho akceleracionismu"? znam jen tu levicovou verzi skrzeva manifest Williamse se Srnicekem...
    TUHO --- ---
    Prave jsem docetl knizku Becoming virtual (ktera docela stoji za precteni, predevsim tedy pro ty, ktery si chteji vyjasnit rozliseni mezi real/possible a actual/virtual u D&G) od francouzskyho deleuzianskyho technooptimisty Pierra Levyho a zjistil, ze ma docela zajimavy blog...

    Pierre Levy's Blog | Various thoughts and papers in french and english

    Mimojine tam popisuje, svuj vyzkum na poli novych mediich a rozvoji kolektivni inteligence prostrednictvim tvorby novyho jazyka (IEML=information economy meta language)...

    We are currently at the beginning of a fourth big anthropological change, because the symbols can now be transformed by massively distributed automata in the digital realm. My main hypothesis is that we still did not have invented the symbolic systems and cultural institutions fitting the new algorithmic medium. So my research in the past 15 years has been devoted to the invention of a symbolic system able to exploit the computational power, the capacity of memory and the ubiquity of the Internet.
    My Research in a Nutshell | Pierre Levy's Blog

    the creation of IEML (Information Economy Meta Language), a tool for the augmentation of collective intelligence by means of the algorithmic medium. IEML, which already has its own grammar, is a metalanguage that includes the semantic dimension, making it computable. This in turn allows a reflexive representation of collective intelligence processes.
    TUHO --- ---
    TUHO: vida a koukam, ze uz k "dostani" na libgen.in
    TUHO --- ---
    A trosku medii: Recenze na novou knizku Jussi Parikky: A Geology of Media.

    btw Parikka ma blog, ktery se vyplati sledovat.

    Machinology | Machines, noise, and some media archaeology by Jussi Parikka

    Uryvek recenze:
    Media archaeology undertakes to rewrite media history from the standpoint of the machines themselves, eschewing any linear or teleological account. Instead, media archaeologists embrace the ‘anarchaeology’ first mooted by Siegfried Zielinski (2006), which sees media history as a disorderly jostling between concepts, systems, inventions and crazes, any one of which has its own intrinsic merits and its autonomous history. [...] In this book, Parikka outdoes Zielinski, pushing the boundaries back to the scales of geological time, from the far future of radioactive decay to the deep past when key minerals and energy sources were formed.

    TUHO --- ---
    akorat mi tady pristal sbornik Deleuze Studies editovany Gary Genoskem. Zatim jsem to prolitl, ale je tam skvelej clanek Machinic Animism od Angely Melitopoulos a Maurizia Lazzarata (kterej se pro me osobne radi spolu s Genoskem a DeLandou jako jeden z lidi, ktery jsou schopny "odemknout" praci D&G). Aneb jak se s pomoci inspirace animismem archaickejch spolecnosti snazi Guattari prekonat subjekt/objektove rozdeleni, jak pojima subjektivitu a jak updatetuje animismus, aby ustal propojeni s materialismem.

    Clanek jsem nasel online tady:

    “For every type of machine we will question not only its vital autonomy, which is not an animal, but its singular power of enunciation.” Every machinic assemblage (technical, biological, social, etc.), once contained enunciative facilities, if only at the embryonic stage. They thus possessed a proto-subjectivity. There too, like subjectivity, it is necessary to separate the singular power of the enunciation of the subject from the person and the human. This goes against our philosophical and political tradition that since Aristotle has made language and speech a unique and exclusive characteristic of man, the only animal which possesses language and speech.

    TUHO --- ---
    andrew culp se asi nastval .)

    Task: Destroy Worlds (Not Create Conceptions)
    The conspiracy against this world will be known through its war machines. A war machine is itself “a pure form of exteriority” that “explains nothing,” but there are plenty of stories to tell about them. They are the heroes of A Thousand Plateaus – Kleist’s skull-crushing war machine; the migratory war machine that the Vandals used to sack Rome; the gun that Black Panther George Jackson grabs on the run,[4] and the queer war machine that excretes a thousand tiny sexes. “Each time there is an operation against the state – insubordination, rioting, guerilla warfare, or revolution as an act – it can be said that a war machine has revived.”
    Task: Destroy Worlds (Not Create Conceptions) | Anarchist Without Content
    TUHO --- ---
    Hodi se... I kdyz na to, ze ma byt Chandler visual semiotician, tak vizualni uprava dobry peklo .))

    Semiotics for Beginners
    Daniel Chandler
    Glossary of Key Terms
    Semiotics for Beginners: Glossary
    TUHO --- ---
    Jakkoliv teda me Latour nebavi, a prijde mi jako vykastrovana verze ontologie D&G se strasnym humorem a sislavym hlasem, tak ale vcera zacal jeho kurz na Coursere...

    Coursera - Free Online Courses From Top Universities
    TUHO --- ---
    jo a De Landa nedavno vydal novou knizku Philosophical Chemistry - Genealogy of a Scientific Field. V podstate filozofie vedy, ktera se odehrava na poli empirickyho zkoumani vyvoje ucebnic chemie

    Philosophical Chemistry: Genealogy of a Scientific Field: Manuel DeLanda: Bloomsbury Academic
    TUHO --- ---
    No a neco na odlehceni na nedelni odpoledne .)

    Manuel DeLanda. Assemblage Theory, Society, and Deleuze. 2011
    TUHO --- ---
    Mimochodem, koukal jsem, ze na libgen.in se da stahnout Bryantova (autor v ramci oboru hypernavstevovaneho blogu larval subjects) Onto-Cartography. Rozhodne stoji za precteni, asi tak 1000x srozumitelnejsi nez cokoliv, co napsal Deleuze nebo Guattari :) Pritom to z nich dost vychazi, plus z Latoura, Luhmanna, Maturana a Varely. A kdyz si knizku prectete tak se muzete prihlasit pristi tyden k jeho on-line kurzu Anarchy of objects .]


    Onto-Cartography: An Ontology of Machines and Media
    TUHO --- ---
    Na tyhle pasazi z TUHO
    The first articulation chooses or deducts, from unstable particle-flows, metastable molecular or quasi-molecular units ('substances') upon which it imposes a statistical order of connections and successions ('forms'). The second articulation establishes functional, compact, stable structures ('forms'), and constructs the molar compounds in which these structures are simultaneously actualized ('substances)'. (ATP 40-41)

    je dobre videt, jak d&g berou semioticky koncepty od hjelmsleva a "presadej" ho uplne jinam - do popisu geologickejch jevu...

    viz trabant v TUHO

    "Something can only be called a sign when it is possible to distinguish in
    it a signifiant and a signifie. In place of the Saussurean terms Hjelmslev introduces
    the terms expression and content, which he calls the planes of the sign. In a
    further interpretation of Saussure the terms form and substance are introduced:
    Language, according to Saussure, is a form that initiates distinctions in both the
    "amorphous mass" of our thoughts (content) and also in the "plastic matter"
    (matiere plastique, Saussure, 1916: ISS) of sounds. Just how Saussure imagined
    the formation process of these two formless substances is shown in Figure 2,
    from the Cours (Saussure 1916: 156). Saussure wanted to portray language as
    one synthetic form located between two substances. Hjelmslev, in contrast,
    emphasizes the differing formation of the two planes of expression and content, and defines this entity created out of two different forms as the definitive model
    of the sign.
    The image used by Hjelmslev to illustrate the relationship between form
    and substance is that of a net (form), which is thrown over the unformed matter
    (called by Hjelmslev purport-also on the plane of expression-or matiere), so
    that a formed substance is created by projecting non-substantial form onto the
    formless substance. It is necessary, therefore, to distinguish, on both planes of
    the sign, between matter (formless substance), (formed) substance, and (nonsubstantial)
    This leads, in Hjelmslev's model of the sign, to the following
    six major components: expression-purport, expression-substance (ES), expressionform
    (EF) , content-form (CF) , content-substance (CS), and content-purport.
    These can be represented in the following diagram (with the particular interdependences
    indicated by arrows):

    Expression-purport-ES→ EF↔CF←CS-Content-purport
    TUHO --- ---
    A tady dobrej prehled konceptu a-signifying semiotics Félixe Guattariho

    A-signifying Semiotics
    Gary Genosko

    This paper offers an interpretation of the theory of a-signifying semiotics
    developed by French intellectual-activist Félix Guattari in the 1970s. The
    argument is that these types of part-signs are perfectly adapted to the quasiautomated
    networks of contemporary infocapitalism, and their characteristics
    are studied with regard to the magnetic stripe on a plastic bank or credit
    card. Although these part-signs are akin to signals since they do not have a
    semantic dimension, they do have a political materiality in the technologies,
    that is, the information strands of the machinic phylum, in which they are
    found. This technomaterialist semiotics of infocapital places Guattari at the
    forefront of innovative semiotic theory.

    TUHO --- ---
    Prehled zakladnich konceptu obecny semiotiky Louise Hjemsleva, na jehoz praci Deleuze s Guattarim dost stavi (predevsim na rozdeleni content-expression). btw taky bych se chtel jmenovat jurgen trabant .]]

    Louis Hjelmslev: Glossematics as General Semiotics
    Загрузка статьи
    TUHO --- ---
    O stratech...

    The strata, along with the assemblage, rhizome and the Body without Organs (BwO), form the material basis of Deleuzeand Guattari’s systems theory. As such, an understanding of stratification is necessary to an understanding of their work.

    To begin, there is the entire BwO, or the total set of unformed materials. Geologically, the Earth is an example. Strata are "inevitable phenomenon" that occur on the BwO. They code and territorialize the BwO; put (very) simply, strata make things out of the formless masses. Where there is one stratum, it necessarily follows that there must be another to border it; this leads Deleuze and Guattari to conclude that strata "come in at least pairs, one serving as the substratum for the other" (ATP 40). The strata are formed by double articulation. This involves a simultaneous articulation of content ande xpression:

    The first articulation chooses or deducts, from unstable particle-flows, metastable molecular or quasi-molecular units ('substances') upon which it imposes a statistical order of connections and successions ('forms'). The second articulation establishes functional, compact, stable structures ('forms'), and constructs the molar compounds in which these structures are simultaneously actualized ('substances)'. (ATP 40-41)
    Strata | Texas Theory
    TUHO --- ---
    Guattariho rozvinuti konceptu auto- a allopoietickcyh "stroju" Maturana a Varely jako proto-subjeku s vlastni onto- a fylogenezi .]

    Felix Guattari
    [...] The machine has something more than structure. It is 'more' than structure in that it does not limit itself to a game of interac­tions which develop in space and time between its component parts; rather, it possesses a core of consistency, insistence and ontological affirmation, which is prior to the unfolding into energetico-spatio-temporal coordinates. This machinic core, which in some respects can be qualified as proto-subjective and proto-biological, possesses characteristics Varella has not completely taken into account. These are, on the one hand, elements of onto- or of phylogenesis, but also, on the other hand, elements of finitude. The machine is a bearer of finitude, of something of the order of birth and death, and from this arises the fascination that it can exert as an exploded, destroyed or imploded machine; a bearer of death around it but also of death to itself. [...]
    TUHO --- ---
    Hodne selektivni interpretace D&G, ale taky velmi srozumitelna od Manuela DeLandy ve forme prednasek na European Graduate School
    Manuel De Landa - Philosopher of Contemporary Science and Architecture - Videos

    Velmi strucnej uvod do Deleuzeho od Johna Proteviho na Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy
    Gilles Deleuze (Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy)

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