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    ztracené heslo?
    TUHONew materialism — All memories are machines
    TUHO --- ---
    Narazil jsem ted nahodou na clanek, si jen tak odkladam na pozdejsi cteni (sorry teda, ani nevim, jestli sotji za to :)...

    An ethico-aesthetic paradigm as an alternative discourse to the quality assurance discourse
    Gunilla Dahlberg Stockholm University, Sweden
    Abstract This article analyses the discourse and practices of quality assurance and quality control through the lens of neo-liberal governing as expressed in economic rationalities such as new public management, total quality management, public choice and human capital. As an alternative to this form of governing, an ethico-aesthetic paradigm is enacted, inspired by Spinoza’s concept of ‘affect’ and Félix Guattari’s and Gilles Deleuze’s ‘ontology of immanence’. This opens up to a reconstruction of the pragmatic scene of didactics as it border-crosses the discourse and practices of ‘action at a distance’, manipulating the classroom space from outside of the situation by measurements and procedures constructed by others. Moreover, it opens up to another construction of the human subject – a processual and event-centred construction of human subjectivity – which also opens up to leakages, movement, creativity and hope in the present.
    PALO_FABUS --- ---
    TUHO: inu, tento záhyb jsem zanedbal :)
    TUHO --- ---
    PALO_FABUS: A ty ses zjevne obeznamenej s krizi reprezentace, ze si sem nedal vedet, kdyz si mel prednasky v Praze v Brne .]] Sem propas :-/
    PALO_FABUS --- ---
    TUHO: připadá mi, že autor není obeznámen s původem krize reprezentace, tak mu nezbývá než mluvit o strachu z hermeneutiky :)
    TUHO --- ---
    necetl jsem ,jen si odkladam na pozdeji :))

    The embarrassment of being human
    A critique of new materialism and object‐oriented ontology
    New materialism and object‐oriented ontology have recently gained widespread attention. Taking as exemplary the work of Jane Bennett and Graham Harman (yet also drawing on other figures within these materialist fields), this paper argues that the theories are self‐contradictory and rooted in what I label semiophobia (an unease with human reality as embedded in a semiotic reality). In addition, I argue that Harman's poetics (weird realism) and Bennett's strategic anthropomorphism are inconsistent and fail to deliver what they promise. Finally, I argue that in spite of its honorable intentions new materialism entails undesirable ethical and political consequences.

    TUHO --- ---
    TUHO:Bozi shrnuti, radost poslouchat :)
    TUHO --- ---
    LOWRIDER --- ---
    TUHO: no já to četl jenom tak zběžně, názor zatím nemám. Nepřišlo mi to úplně skvěle napsaný, nicméně M. Charvát je zajímavej. Teď vydal taky tohle, možná to sem patří taky: O nových médiích, modularitě a simulaci

    Mám to rozečtený, je to taková docela zběsilá čítanka téměř všech autorů, co mají k filosofii médií co říct, ale systém v tom je.
    TUHO --- ---
    LOWRIDER: Jo, mne to prislo pomerne povedeny, mam ji nekde doma, zkusim nekdy vecer nakouknout :) Btw jenom takovej detail co me napadne vzdcyky, kdyz vidim preklad "asignifikatntni semiotika", ktera mi trosku evokuje "nedulezita semiotika" misto autory zamysleneho "neoznacujici semiotika", ale to se teda vyskytuje i v ceskym prekladu Tisic plosin...
    CICHLASOMA --- ---
    LOWRIDER: "hlouběji na povrch" je boží! ("nejhlubší je kůže"!)
    LOWRIDER --- ---
    Reaguji na "vypada to fakt povedene, akorat mi prijde, ze v ramci proklamovane interdisciplinarity by si jeho pristup zaslouzil mnohem vice psychologie."
    No psychologie tam vlastně taky je, zejména jsem se hodně inspiroval problémem "multiple self" a pak zásadně knihou Arto Wittemana Architektura vnitřního světa člověka

    Nicméně, chtělo by to hlouběji na povrch
    LOWRIDER --- ---
    Zdar, už jste tu diskutovali tohle:
    Gilles Deleuze. Asignifikantní sémiotika

    Myslím, že jako jediná česká monografie o Deleuzovi by to zasloužilo. Je to taky přepis dizertace, z roku 2016.
    TERYHASPY --- ---
    kvalitni prace
    dekuji za sdileni
    CICHLASOMA --- ---
    Tahle diplomka je taky dobrá, mně teda tím, co v ranym Deleuzovi zdůrazňuje, přijde ta Drbohlavova asi cennější, ale to už jsou zčásti mý soukromý preference.
    Člověk v šíleném dění světa (Pojetí člověka u raného Deleuze)
    TUHO --- ---
    CICHLASOMA: Hoj, jsem to tud nej prehlid. Posudek Petricka vypada super, tesim se, az si prectu :)

    Btw koukam, ze Harmanovi vysla nova knizka OOO: A New Theory of Everything
    Object-Oriented Ontology, A New Theory of Everything by Graham Harman
    CICHLASOMA --- ---
    Transcendentální empirismus
    TUHO --- ---

    By Jose Rosales
    11 SEP , 2017
    Guattari was dreaming of building a federation of regional protest movements, which could open up secondary fronts and weaken the Nation-State. Despite his extensive network of contacts, he never managed to realize this perilous project, which was located on the cusp between democratic combat and terrorist action […] Guattari became a hero figure in Bologna. He was considered one of the essential sources of inspiration for the Italian left, and he watched the marches with the utmost delight, seeing his thoughts take shape in a social and political force. The day after the gathering, the daily and weekly press put his photo on their covers, presenting him as the founder and creator of this mobilization. Guattari had suddenly become the Daniel Cohn-Bendit of Italy.
    TUHO --- ---
    zrovna si ctu od Guattariho Three Ecologies a vybafne na me Trump. Jeste, ze se nedozil dneska.

    Strana 43
    Now more than ever, nature cannot be separated from culture; in order to comprehend the interactions between ecosystems, the mechanosphere and the social and individual Universes of reference, we must learn to think 'transversally'. Just as monstrous and mutant algae invade the lagoon of Venice, so our television screens are populated, saturated, by 'degenerate' images and statements. In the field of social ecology, men like Donald Trump are permitted to proliferate freely, like another species of algae, taking over
    entire districts of New York and Atlantic City; he 'redevelops' by raising rents, thereby driving out tens of thousands of poor families, most of whom are condemned to homelessness, becoming the equivalent of the dead fish of environmental ecology.

    CICHLASOMA --- ---
    Deleuze, Guattari, & the New Right | The Fourth Political Theory

    Tohle je, myslim, celkem pozoruhodná ilustrace nikterak jednoznačnýho vztahu myšlení D&G k politickejm otázkám, resp. lépe posicím.
    FIDEL --- ---
    CICHLASOMA: tak jsem si to objednal na recku a uz do toho zbezne koukl a vypada to fakt povedene, akorat mi prijde, ze v ramci proklamovane interdisciplinarity by si jeho pristup zaslouzil mnohem vice psychologie, zvlaste v tech pasazich, kde reflektuje vlastni psychonauticke zkusenosti
    Kliknutím sem můžete změnit nastavení reklam