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    ztracené heslo?
    TOXICMANElon Musk
    DRAGON --- ---
    TOXICMAN: ok, dik za upresneni, myslel sem jako ze utect gravitaci, napsal sem to blbe ;)
    TOXICMAN --- ---
    NEXIS_CZ: jestli to fakt začne klopit ve 400 metrech, oh jesus :D
    NEXIS_CZ --- ---
    a ten přistávací manévr? to bude podívaná :)

    TOXICMAN --- ---
    z Q&A
    1. 2 more prototype Starships (Mk3 and Mk4) will be built; 1 more for both Boca and Cape.
    2. First Super Heavy booster will be made probably after Mk5 Starship is done as they haven't ramped up engine production yet.
    3. Currently they can build 1 Raptor every 8-10 days, within a few months they should be able to get it to 1 every 2 days. This is very important because Super Heavy is going to have 31-37 (depending on mission) engines... so the first batches are going to the 3 engine, then 6 engine Starship prototypes.
    4. He expects MK1 to fly 20KM test in 1-2 months and plans on (probably) MK5 with the first Super Heavy to reach orbit for the first tine... within 6 months.
    5. He thinks the first crewed missions (probably just orbiting LEO, but I don't think he said) could potentially be within a year.
    6. Fuel boil-off is not as difficult of a problem as people might think. The cold side of Starship will be only 3 Kelvin, so they will keep "cold stuff on the cold side, hot stuff on the hot side" and the LOX will be in a tank in the vacuum of a larger tank which will prevent boil-off. Apparently cold vacuum tanks are how it's stored on Earth?
    7. In reference to the Bridenstine tweet... only 5% of SpaceX is working on Starship currently. According to Elon it's much easier to build prototype designs than doing the fine tuning they're doing on their Falcon vehicles.
    TOXICMAN --- ---
    TOXICMAN --- ---
    kuk :D
    TOXICMAN --- ---
    DRAGON: 1. kosmická rychlost je orbita a jsem docela dost přesvědčen, že to bude 2020... pokud se neobjeví nějaký fatální problém designu
    DRAGON --- ---
    TOXICMAN: myslim tak prava, aby byla schopna prekonat 1. k. rychlost, s lidma nebo bez lidi je fuk, proste ta, ktera bude schopna nadorbitalniho letu :) to si asi jeste pockame, co? tusis ramcove kolik let?
    TOXICMAN --- ---

    Starship a Falcon 1... pouze 11 let od prvního dosažení orbity
    TOXICMAN --- ---
    DRAGON: Elon říkal, že v následujících měsících chtějí postavit na každém sajtu 2 Starship lodě a na orbitu by se měla dostat cca u Mk 3/4, pokud si dobře pamatuju.
    Ono taky záleží, co myslíš pravá loď... bude to takový iterativní proces, kdy budou zkoušet víc a víc s každým dalším modelem. Na začátku bez lidí, takže to taky nebude uplně "pravá" :)
    DRAGON --- ---
    TOXICMAN: mne tak napada: tusi se vlastne datum, kdy se zacne stavet prava a ne maketa na testovaci polety? je uz nejake datum, do kdy ma stat?
    TOXICMAN --- ---
    TOXICMAN --- ---
    záznam, bylo to parádní :)

    Starship Update
    DZODZO --- ---
    Gigant zacne hopkat tak za mesiac, skor dva po zapocitani elonovej konstanty, chcelo stihnut torzo kvoli vyrociu
    PER2 --- ---
    chacha, stavej vedle starshipu falcon1 ;)
    TOXICMAN --- ---
    Watching some weather in the area; moving Starship update to no earlier than 8:00 p.m. CDT (03:00 našeho)
    TOXICMAN --- ---
    Tim live

    What to expect at tonight's Starship event (LIVE)
    TOXICMAN --- ---
    TOXICMAN --- ---
    Rage, rage against the dying of the light
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