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    ztracené heslo?
    TOXICMANElon Musk
    TOXICMAN --- ---
    TOXICMAN --- ---
    OTAVA: ja to taky chápu, ale zcela určitě to někdo anonymně zveřejní
    OTAVA --- ---
    Ten NDA chapu, protoze nez to vyladej, bude to stat za hovn o a ty nechces a by se o tvym produktu rikalo ze stoji zahovno.
    VOYTEX --- ---
    TOXICMAN: "$1 charge to help test the billing system." :))) tak urcite, o zadnej bank connection data harvesting se nejedna, a tady nam podskrabnete NDA
    XCHAOS --- ---
    TOXICMAN: s tím NDA mi teda dost štvou...
    E2E4 --- ---
    "We all feel abandoned": Tesla workers say company ignoring concerns about virus at California plant - CBS News
    EXIS --- ---
    DZODZO: tady -- mapa můžeš vidět, kde ta factorka je. Jede tam vlak okolo, ale stejně většina lidí bude jezdit autem. Nicméně věřím, že používají hlavu a budou tam míst dost velké parkoviště pro pracující lid. Spíš by mě zajímalo, kolik lidí tam reálně bude pracovat, protože z obrázků, co jsem viděl to je hooodně automatizo-robotizované.
    DZODZO --- ---
    asi tam nie je zachytene uplne cele parkoviste, v pravom dolnom ruzku tam cosi vycuhuje, nevieme jak velke

    navyse v nemecku je asi verejna doprava trochu rozvinutejsia ako v amerike, takze nemusi kazdy dojizdat autom
    SEJDA --- ---
    TOXICMAN: s tak malym parkovistem nefunguje ani Lidl.
    TOXICMAN --- ---
    tak beta bude jenom pro US a část Kanady :(


    q: What is Starlink Beta?

    a:Starlink Beta is an opportunity to be an early user of the SpaceX's satellite internet system.The purpose of Starlink Beta is to gather feedback that will help us make decisions on how best to implement the system for Starlink's official launch. By design, the beta experience will be imperfect. Our goal is to incorporate feedback from a variety of users to ensure we build the best satellite broadband internet system possible.

    q:Who can participate in Starlink Beta?

    a:Starlink Beta will begin in the Northern United States and lower Canada, with those living in rural and/or remote communities in the Washington state area. Access to the Starlink Beta program will be driven by the user's location as well as the number of users in nearby areas. All beta testers must have a clear view of the northern sky to participate.

    q:Why do I need a clear view of the northern sky to be a beta tester?

    a:The Starlink system is currently made up of nearly 600 satellites orbiting the Earth that can provide internet service in a very specific range-between 44 and 52 degrees north latitude. Your Starlink dish requires a clear view of the Northern sky in order to communicate with the Starlink satellites. Without the clear view, the Starlink dish cannot make a good connection and your service will be extremely poor.

    q:Can I document and share my Starlink Beta experience?

    a:No, unfortunately you cannot document or share your Starlink Beta experience publicly. Beta testers will be required to sign a Non-Disclosure Agreement as a condition of their participation.

    q:How will my service quality be during Starlink Beta?

    a:During Starlink Beta, service will be intermittent as teams work to optimize the network. When connected, your service quality will be high, but your connection will not be consistent. This means it may support streaming video with some buffering, but likely is not suitable for gaming or work purposes.

    q:What is expected of me as a participant in Starlink Beta?

    a:Beta testers will provide feedback in the form of periodic short surveys over an 8 week period to help our teams improve every aspect of the service.

    q:Is there a cost to participating Starlink Beta?

    a:There is no cost to be a beta tester, aside from a $1 charge to help test the billing system.

    q:What will I receive as a Beta Tester?

    a:Your Starlink Kit will arrive via FedEx pre-assembled with a Starlink dish, router [see FCC approval], power supply and mount depending on your dwelling type. Your Starlink Kit will require a signature for delivery, but you will be able to manage your delivery date and time through FedEx.

    q:How does Starlink internet work?

    a:Starlink will deliver high-speed broadband internet across the globe with a large, low-Earth constellation of relatively small but advanced satellites. Satellite internet works by sending information through the vacuum of space, where it travels nearly 50% faster than in fiber-optic cable.

    q:Most satellite internet services today come from single geostationary satellites that orbit the planet at about 35,000km, covering a fixed region of the Earth. Starlink, on the other hand, is a constellation of multiple satellites that orbit the planet much lower at about 550km, and cover the entire globe.

    a:Because the satellites are in a low orbit, the round-trip data time between the user and the satellite - also known as latency - is much lower than with satellites in geostationary orbit. This enables Starlink to deliver services like online gaming that are usually not possible on other satellite broadband systems

    q:If I sign up to be a Beta Tester and I change my mind, can I cancel?

    a:Yes, you can cancel at any time.
    TOXICMAN --- ---
    objevili se nějaké screeny z beta starlinku, kde je vidět anténka

    DZODZO --- ---
    pozeram, ze tam naplanovali rovno zelenu plochu na strechu, keby Elon potreboval zasa kempovat vo fabrike, tak az si moze hore rozlozit stan a opiect spekacky
    TOXICMAN --- ---
    Giga Berlin po dokončení
    TOXICMAN --- ---
    SpaceX Boca Chica - A New Nosecone Is Born - New Lots Readied For Expansion
    TOXICMAN --- ---
    The first nosecone since Mk1 has been stacked!
    Photo credit: Nomadd/BocaChicaGal with NSF

    ONDRA_99 --- ---
    SEJDA: Nevim, ale tusim ze se rikalo ze ten vysoky skok (tusim 2 km) nemuzou udelat bez tech aerodynamickych prvku ktere tady nejsou.
    SEJDA --- ---
    ONDRA_99: tak asi by to dokakazal, ale co by jim ten test prinesl? Maximalni vykon integrovaneho Raptoru? A neni raptor dostatecne integroravany uz pri statickem zazehu?
    ONDRA_99 --- ---
    Nebo taky prvni hop muze byt pouze s jednim motorem. Tusim ze rikali ze 200m by ten jeden Raptor mel dat. Docela bych chapal ze po tech x zmenach si nejdriv poskoci s jednim motorem a az pak pripadne pridaji dalsi.
    THAIGRR --- ---
    SEJDA: nedivil bych se, kdyby udelali static fire s jednim, namontovali dalsi dva, udelali static fire se trema (letova/skakaci konfigurace) a pak trprve ostrej pokus
    JANOS --- ---
    Slusny, ja jsem cely ten propad prochlastal, jen jsem vystrizlivel kdyz jsem si v tramvaji domu otevrel stranku s TSLA :)
    Kliknutím sem můžete změnit nastavení reklam