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    TOXICMANElon Musk respektive jeho firmy SpaceX (Falcon / Heavy / Dragon / Starship), Tesla, Starlink, Neuralink, Boring, xAI
    TOXICMAN --- ---
    Elon Musk is speaking at the virtual #HumansToMars conference (he's dialing in from Germany):

    Given enough time SpaceX will get to Mars

    I want to emphasize that this is a very hard and dangerous difficult thing, not for the faint of heart .. It's gonna be tough going and be pretty glorious if it works out

    We're making good progress. The thing that really impedes progress on Starship is the production system ... A year ago was nothing there and now we've got quite a lot of production capability. So we're rapidly making more and more ships

    SpaceX is trying to simplify the configuration of Starship's Super Heavy booster, so the engine configuration might end up being 28 instead of 31 engines.

    Starship over time will be able to launch over 100 tons of cargo.

    The first orbital Starship flights "might not work" since the company is in "uncharted territory."

    SpaceX has not done much work on Starship's cabin/interior "because we've got to first make the thing work and do hundreds of missions with satellites before we put people on board."

    The outer ring of booster engines (20 of 28) have no TVC actuators. Steering control comes from center 8 TVC & differential throttle of outer engines. By any measure, the high thrust variant of Raptor will probably have the high T/W of any engine ever.
    Over time, outer 20 will have ~300 tons of thrust & inner 8 ~210, so roughly 7500 tons total at sea level or 1.5 T/W for booster+ship
    PER2 --- ---
    TOXICMAN --- ---
    Starlink Constellation Animation (August 2020)
    TOXICMAN --- ---
    Now targeting Thursday, September 3 at 8:46 a.m. EDT for launch of Starlink from Launch Complex 39A, pending Range acceptance — team is using additional time for data review
    PER2 --- ---
    DZODZO --- ---
    DZODZO --- ---
    vyzera ze z toho boosteru mali trochu opozdeny live signal, ked to pristavalo tak napravo uz zhasli plamene a nalavo este sekundu raketa pristavala
    LADINEK --- ---
    Dneska super zabery, ten pohled z pristavajiciho boosteru byl hodne dobrej!
    TOXICMAN --- ---
    TOXICMAN --- ---
    TOXICMAN --- ---
    BLACKHEAD --- ---
    Kurva to je to krasny!
    (pristani na pevnine)

    PER2 --- ---
    possible hop in "few" minutes
    TOXICMAN --- ---
    LIVE: SpaceX Hops Starship SN6 to 150 Meters
    XCHAOS --- ---
    Tak zase pro změnu SH bude mít 4 nohy, ne 6...
    VOYTEX --- ---
    SpaceX satellites’ effect on night sky can’t be eliminated, astronomers say | Ars Technica
    LADINEK --- ---
    Tak budeme držet palce, na ten SAOCOM se těším už od doby co byl oznámen start na polární dráhu z Floridy...
    APPU --- ---
    Targeting launch of SAOCOM 1B at 7:18 p.m. EDT tonight. Falcon 9 and SAOCOM 1B are vertical on SLC-40. Weather continues to be 40% favorable for liftoff
    APPU --- ---
    Standing down from today’s launch of Starlink due to inclement weather during pre-flight operations. Next launch opportunity is Tuesday, September 1 at 9:29 a.m. EDT, pending Range acceptance
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