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    ztracené heslo?
    TOXICMANElon Musk respektive jeho firmy SpaceX (Falcon / Heavy / Dragon / Starship), Tesla, Starlink, Neuralink, Boring, xAI
    SEJDA --- ---
    LADINEK: predchozi satelity vyrobilo Mitsubischi.
    LADINEK --- ---
    SEJDA: hele fakt si myslim, ze to sem nepatri, takze posledni prispevek z moji strany :) Airbus je mel samozrejme poslat do prdele uplne prvni, pak se tohle vubec nemuselo resit ;)
    SEJDA --- ---
    LADINEK: satelit vyrobil Airbus Space and Defence, jakeho turka chces poslat doprdele? :D
    LADINEK --- ---
    SEJDA: ale my jsme zapad a mame si za nasima hodnotama stat, takze ano jsme lepsi, jestli se to nekomu nelibi a mysli si, ze jsme banda debilu tak mu nic nebrani se sebrat a jit tam kde to povazuje za lepsi ;)

    Ale dost OT, je to ciste vec SpX jak se k tomu postavi, osobne bych se vubec nezlobil kdyby Turka poslali do prdele.

    Mimochodem na Kosmonatixu vysel docela obsahlej clanek na tema problemu s Merlinama

    Známe problém Merlinů – cesta ke Crew-1 je volná | kosmonautix.cz
    SEJDA --- ---
    LADINEK: vysles tim signal, ze si zapad mysli, ze je "lepsi", a ze to je banda debilu, kteri potrebuji lekci
    LADINEK --- ---
    SEJDA: vysles tím zprávu, že pokud se Turci budou chovat tak jak se chovají tak budou mít problém s přístupem k "západním" službám a technologiím.
    SEJDA --- ---
    PER2: asi si sedim na vedeni, jakou spravu tim vysilas? Ze nechces aby se "turci" divali na satelitni televizi? Akorat tyto satelity siri signal po Africe, znacne casti Asie, a specialne i Evropy. Vsichni si maji vypnout telku?
    PER2 --- ---
    SEJDA: samozrejme, ze to udela nekdo jinej, ale vysilas tim urcitou zpravu
    SEJDA --- ---
    PER2: kdyz ho nevynese SpaceX, vynese ho Roskosmos nebo Cina .. nejsem si jisty, komu by se tim pomohlo.
    MRAKY --- ---
    Tesla officially increases price of its Full Self-Driving Kickstarter campaign to $10,000 - Electrek
    TOXICMAN --- ---

    Some challenges with high winds. Looks like Sunday for static fire.
    DZODZO --- ---
    starship, moon and mars :)

    MRAKY --- ---
    How a tiny bit of lacquer grounded new Falcon 9 rockets for a month | Ars Technica

    "SpaceX technicians removed the two engines and shipped them from Florida to the company's test site in McGregor, Texas, where they were able to replicate the problem. They found that a relief valve within the gas generator—a tiny rocket within the engine that starts up and powers its machinery—was clogged with a masking lacquer akin to nail polish. They were able to show that removing the lacquer from the vent hole allowed the engines to start up normally.

    This lacquer is applied during an anodizing process to treat aluminum components of the gas generator. It is supposed to be subsequently removed, but in the case of these two engines, a tiny amount of the material had been trapped within a bore hole less than 2mm across. "
    TOXICMAN --- ---
    PER2 --- ---
    heh, spacex si udelaj z transporteru crawler ;)

    PER2 --- ---
    EXIS --- ---
    XCHAOS: tak uvidíme :) nemá důvod se hádat. Oni to určitě při tom streamu pak vysvětlí :)
    XCHAOS --- ---
    SpaceX Starlink Public Beta Begins: It's $99 a Month Plus $500 Up Front - Slashdot
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