hm, tak to vypada na obyc analog port v terminalu kam se da pripojit analog telefon, nebo applikace. s mobilem jsem se az moc zasnil ( coz neznamena, ze si nekdo nemuze pripojit nanobts, ktere nekteri operatori nabizi - stavi internet pripojeni)
"In this
baseline plan, Starlink Services would provide telephone services connecting consumers to its
MSP’s platform using its network capacity, which is available to consumers through their
customer premises equipment. Consumers will have the option of using a third-party,
conventional phone connected to a Session Initiation Protocol standards-compliant analog
terminal adaptor or a native-IP phone selected from a list of certified models.
The MSP solution represents Starlink Services’ baseline plan for a standalone voice
service offering. Starlink Services continues to assess integrating alternative standalone voice
applications into the Starlink network"