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    ztracené heslo?
    TOXICMANElon Musk
    LEGI --- ---
    jinak jestli počítám správně, tak aktuální Dragon mise byla 90. úspěšným návratem prvního stupně Falconu včetně troj-Falkončího Falcon Heavy samozřejmě
    TOXICMAN --- ---
    TOXICMAN --- ---
    QD na věži pro Starship se právě instaluje

    Starbase LIVE: 24/7 Starship & Super Heavy Development From SpaceX's Boca Chica Facility
    KULA --- ---
    TOXICMAN: nevím jestli John používá translátor ale...

    TOXICMAN --- ---
    QD (Quick Disconnect) pro Super Heavy je na vypouštěcím stole

    TOXICMAN --- ---
    PER2 --- ---
    PER2: As if NASA didn’t have enough issues on their hands, the agency’s computers keep crashing because the files from Blue Origin’s lawsuit are too big — resulting in a further delay to SpaceX’s Human Landing System (HLS) contract.

    The size of Blue Origin’s lawsuit (which clocks in at more than seven gigabytes worth of PDFs) is causing the Department of Justice’s Adobe software to crash, according to documents obtained by space reporter Joey Roulette. The issue stems from the fact that the Acrobat can’t combine “several hundred files at one time without crashing.”

    “We have tried several different ways to create 50-megabyte files for more efficient filing, all without success thus far,” the document reads.
    BLACKHEAD --- ---
    SEJDA: Mea culpa, spatne jsem rozumnel v tom zivem prenosu...
    SEJDA --- ---
    BLACKHEAD: Protoze ma privni stupen oznaceni B1061.4, jde uz o jeho 4. pouziti.
    Mise CRS-23 – ElonX
    BLACKHEAD --- ---
    TOXICMAN: Nadhera. Perfektni pristani. Nova plosina, podruhy "letenej" Falcon, podruhy "letenej" Dragon...
    TOXICMAN --- ---
    TOXICMAN --- ---
    TOXICMAN: Standing down from today’s launch due to weather; next launch opportunity is Sunday, August 29 at 3:14 a.m. ET
    TOXICMAN --- ---
    GSE 7 tank has been moved out of the mid bay

    PER2 --- ---
    VOYTEX --- ---
    Dubnovy Crew Dragon incident s "fake satellite" - SpaceX zabranil NASA zverejnit nektere dokumenty podle vyjimky ze zakona o svobodnem pristupu k informacim

    SpaceX False Alarm Encounter with "Unknown Object" - April 2021 - The NASA Documents - The Black Vault
    The entire batch of records released is below, however, there were additional records being reviewed by SpaceX so they would have an “opportunity to provide its input in accordance with Executive Order 12600,” as those responsive records could be “proprietary.” Proprietary information is exempt under the FOIA, hence the need for the review by SpaceX.

    On August 26, 2021, NASA sent a letter to The Black Vault. After SpaceX reviewed the records, a total if three pages, they decided that all of them should not be released. Therefore, they issued an objection to NASA on releasing the records to The Black Vault.

    NASA agreed, and denied all of them, in full, per FOIA Exemption (b)(4).
    PER2 --- ---
    TOXICMAN --- ---
    ALCATOR: všechny označené jsou nějakým způsobem vadné - zlomené / naprasklé / uvolněné apod
    ALCATOR --- ---
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