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    TOXICMANElon Musk
    TOXICMAN --- ---
    Cryo tankers unloading
    TADEAS --- ---
    2021 Accelerating Martian and Lunar Science through SpaceX Starship Missions

    SpaceX details plan to build Mars Base Alpha with reusable Starship rockets

    With the help of coauthors from NASA Ames, SETI, and half a dozen prestigious US universities and institutes, SpaceX has begun to answer exactly that question in a 2021 whitepaper [PDF] submitted for the National Academies’ next Planetary Science and Astrobiology Decadal Survey. While that survey alone could influence NASA as the agency prepares to outline its next decade of space science and determine the ultimate destination of tens of billions of federal dollars, the consequences of which could be immense, SpaceX also used the paper to describe its plans for early missions to Mars in unprecedented detail.

    As has always been the plan, SpaceX will begin the process of constructing sustainable cities on Mars with a few (relatively) simple steps. Likely as soon as the mid-2020s, SpaceX will begin launching uncrewed Starships to Mars to both verify the system’s maturity and readiness and “deliver significant quantities of cargo to the surface in advance of human arrival.” Likely leaning on a wide range of robotics, those early missions will help SpaceX characterize local resources, stage supplies, test technologies for long-duration Martian surface ops, and begin developing infrastructure – with a propellant plant likely the most pressing need. None of that is surprising. However, there’s more.

    According to the authors, which include several current and former SpaceX engineers, “current SpaceX mission planning [tasks those early uncrewed Starships with delivering] equipment for increased power production, water extraction, LOX/methane production, pre-prepared landing pads, radiation shielding, dust control equipment, exterior shelters for humans and equipment, [and more – all hardware needed to support the first human base.]”

    Further, confirming what’s been assumed to be the plan for years, “humans will likely live on [Starships] for the first few years until additional habitats are constructed” and “the first wave of uncrewed Starships can also be relocated and/or repurposed as needed to support the humans on the surface,” serving as “valuable assets for storage, habitation, [scientific laboratories], and a source of refined metal structures and resources.” The paper also states that “SpaceX is aggressively developing Starship to…conduct initial test flights to Mars…as soon as 2022 [or 2024]” and even raises the possibility of SpaceX launching the first Starship(s) to Mars before the rocket’s first lunar mission but then launching a separate lunar mission and landing a different Starship on the Moon while the Marsbound ship or ships are still in transit.


    SpaceX appears to intend to pack even the very first Mars-bound ships with supplies. But even if they don’t bring much, the first Martian immigrants – launched in batches of “10-20 people” alongside “100+ metric tons” (~220,000+ lb) of cargo – will reuse all surviving Starships as pre-emplaced habitats, storage tanks, and raw material feedstock. Early cargo will focus on power, water, and propellant production, as well as shelters, radiation shielding, and the construction of prepared landing pads
    TOXICMAN --- ---
    Tesla (TSLA) announces it has now installed 250,000 Powerwalls - Electrek
    TOXICMAN --- ---
    Main takeaways from Elon’s talk:

    -First orbital launch attempt in January/February

    -1000 Starships for life to become multi-planetary

    -2-3 uncrewed Mars landings before humans

    -A dozen Starship launches in 2022

    -Launch of commercial payloads in 2023
    PER2 --- ---
    After a lull in launches the last few months, SpaceX plans to close out 2021 with a spurt of missions from all three of the company’s active launch pads in Florida and California, with five or more Falcon 9 flights planned before the end of the year.
    TOXICMAN --- ---
    12 million pounds (5 443 100 kg) of thrust at liftoff

    TOXICMAN --- ---
    Starship Raptor Engine Audio - SpaceX Ship 20: Six Engine Static Fire
    SUMAC --- ---
    DZODZO: hele nechci nijak kazit tvuj elan, ale pokud tax evasion jede ted pres ruzny lobby a financni entity a poradenstvi i na simple income tax a capital gain tax (jeden az dva papiry celkem, kazdy rok se posle bernaku), tak uz vidim, jak nekdo (kdo a kde?) vymaha dane z tohodle daneni individualniho luxusu u lidi co jsou danove registrovani nekde na Kaymanskych ostrovech nebo v Monte Carlu. na to naparit vsem plosne dan z luxusu navrch na VAT a la spotrebni dan na chlast, ciga a benzin? odvazne.

    tohle podobne se zavedlo v holadsku na SUVcka s urcitym >x-litrovym motorem ve mestech, a svete div se, vysledek (ani ostatne zamer) nebyl vic penez z dani do pokladny ze kterych se bude financovat napr. parkovani SUVcek ve mestech, ale totalni exit SUV z holandskeho trhu s autama. takze pokud naparis dan na luxus vysledek nebude prisun vice penez to statni pokladny od bilionaru, ale konec trhu s luxusem v meritku, jaky je ted.

    naopak, pokud chces prisun penez z dani na financovani cehokoliv a nejakou previdatelnou a vymahatelnou fiskalni politiku, zdanis transparentne prijem vsem a budes doufat, ze lidem co davas nejvic na ruznych grantech, a tax breaks a pobidkach, tak ze z nich pak az neco vyvinou a budou generovat pro sebe profit, ze aspon naberes zpatky to, cos jim do startu dal.
    DZODZO --- ---
    SUMAC: stale si neporozumel tomu co som napisal, ano bilionari sa vyhybaju plateniu dane z prijmu, ale keby sa tato nezmyselna dan zrusi a miesto toho navysi spotrebna dan a hlavne zavedie uhlikova dan, ktora bude zohladnovat negativne externality v cenach vyrobkov, tak tomu sa nevyhnu - chces jachtu co stoji 10M dolarov? bum ale je na nu spotrebna a uhlikova dan dalsich 5M dolarov, lebo jej vyroba pouziva materialy, ktore sa musia tazit a elektrinu z fosilu a jazdi na fosil

    to by sa rychlo ukazalo aky je kto bilionar
    KAERO --- ---
    Takova zajimava informace:
    "Jak uvádí audit NASA, SpaceX doposud zaplatilo ze svého více než polovinu všech nákladů vyplývajících z vývoje lunární Starship"
    Brzy bude rozhodnuto o povolení orbitálních startů Starship, přistání na Měsíci s astronauty se však zdrží – ElonX
    ALMAD --- ---
    SUMAC: Taky blbe. A?
    BLACKHEAD --- ---

    Communism, communism, communism, communism, communism, communism, communism, communism, ...

    SN0WCRASH --- ---
    dan su blbost z pricipu, akurat sme si na ne tak nejak zvykli. A zasa je to OT
    SUMAC --- ---
    DZODZO: ne, to rozhodne nemam. mam na mysli veskerou infrastrukturu vcetne energeticke site, soc a zdrav zabezpeceni zamesnancu, skolstvi, verejnych sluzeb, pravniho systemu, grantovych agentur, vladnich agentur jako NASA, DoD, DoE, Pentagon, ESA, policie, hasicu, atd. to vsechno tu mame diky tomu ze platime dane a na vsechno tohle radi bilionari a jejich ruzne angazovani fanboys a fangirls radi zapominaj.
    DZODZO --- ---
    SUMAC: ty si to asi necital poriadne, vsak pisem, ze sa ma viac danit spotreba, o vyzname dani nepolemizujem, ale zatial co niekde si to viem odovodnit, tak inde nie

    inak do infrastruktury ktoru moja firma vyuziva, aby dopravila hodnoty zakaznikovi investoval amazon, ak mas na mysli verejne cesty a tak :)
    SUMAC --- ---
    DZODZO: for no reason? a jak se dostanes do prace, kde ty tvoje "hodnoty" pro zakaznika vytvaris? kdo, a z ceho, investoval do infrastruktury, kterou tvoje firma vyuziva aby ty hodnoty nekam dopravila a neco s nima udelala?

    fascinujou me lidi, co tyhle veci berou jako samozrejost aniz by se pozastavili nad tim, co musela spolecnost udelat aby byla tam, kde je. a pak se jeste rozcilujou, ze po nich nekdo chce, aby spolecnosti vratili to, co do nich investovala.
    DZODZO --- ---
    DZODZO: navyse ked sa clovek trochu snazi tak plateniu dane z prijmu sa vie vyhnut, ale dan ktora je uz v cene kupovaneho vyrobku zaplati vzdy
    DZODZO --- ---
    SUMAC: to je taka hyperbola, predstav si to v sirsom zmysle napr. danit niekoho snahu nieco vytvorit a cas tym straveny, ja napr. nevravim ze som stelesnenie uspechu a v praci sa casto zajebavam na diskusnych forach, ale ten zvysok casu vytvaram nejaku hodnotu pre zakaznika (napr. zabezpecim, ze mu bude fungovat system na fakturovanie svojich zakaznikov) a z tohoto mojho zaplateneho casu mi zoberu peniaze for no reason

    naproti tomu, ked ma zdania za to ze nakupujem veci, ktore vlastne az tak nepotrebujem a maju velky enviromentalny dopad, tak by mali byt drahe, aby som si rozmyslel, ci kvoli svojmu rozmaru pripravim svoje decka o kusok buducnosti, tam si to viem odovodnit celkom dobre
    DZODZO --- ---
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