Docela často teď myslim na to, co říkal často v rozhovorech, mimojiné i v
tomhle z 2015"There's a window that could be opened for a long time or a short time where we have an opportunity to establish a self-sustaining base on Mars," he reasons, "before something happens to drive the technology level on Earth below where it's possible. So does the base become self-sustaining before spaceships from Earth stop going?...
I mean, I don't think we can discount the possibility of a third World War. You know, in 1912 they were proclaiming a new age of peace and prosperity, saying that it was a golden age, war was over. And then you had World War I followed by World War II followed by the Cold War. So I think we need to acknowledge that there's certainly a possibility of a third World War, and if that does occur it could be far worse than anything that's happened before. Let's say nuclear weapons are used. I mean, there could be a very powerful social movement that's anti-technology."