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    TOXICMANElon Musk
    ANDELIN_GZEMI --- ---
    TADEAS: A prezentují to fotkou, kde je Musk evidentně doklíčovaný...smells fishy
    TADEAS --- ---

    Elon Musk gave the design firm Commensalist, led by author Louis De Jaeger, the job of designing the best possible food forest design for the challenging conditions on planet Mars. The Commensalist team travelled around the world to find the highest food-producing trees that can survive in extreme heat and cold. Trees that not only produce food, but also filter particulate matter, purify water, create oxygen, and provides shade.

    The designs are finished, computer models have shown that project “Mars Food Forest” will be able to support the lives of one million people on the red planet. In the California desert, Elon Musk is now reconverting an old underground military base into a 10-acre test plot that will recreate the exact conditions on Mars. The Commensalist team will grow the three winning foodforest designs to see which one is the best and what problems can be prevented. This trial will take 15 years to complete, and the results will be right on time when the first big domes will be installed on mars in the year 2038
    TADEAS --- ---
    Mars Food Forest | How to feed 1M people on the red planet

    One year ago Elon Musk stepped into our office and asked:

    "How are we going to feed 1 million people on Mars by 2050?"

    What followed was an intense brainstorm with this amazing visionary.

    We cannot bring soil to Mars, so we have to create it on Mars.

    After uncountable computer simulations and pooling together the expertise from the Commensalist team, we concluded that food forests are the only feasible way to feed a population on a barren planet

    After one year of hard work, under a veil of secrecy, we are proud to present: Mars Food Forest.
    TOXICMAN --- ---
    Targeting Friday, April 1 for launch of our fourth dedicated smallsat rideshare mission; teams are keeping an eye on weather as the latest forecast shows a 30% chance of favorable liftoff conditions

    Transporter-4 Mission
    TOXICMAN --- ---
    How SpaceX is Rapidly Iterating Starship
    TOXICMAN --- ---
    LIVE: SpaceX Rolls Out Super Heavy Booster 7
    LEGI --- ---
    TOXICMAN: včetně..
    BDSAT nanosatelit od BD SENSORS – BDSAT
    TOXICMAN --- ---
    Payloads for our upcoming fourth dedicated smallsat rideshare mission – Transporter-4 – were encapsulated into Falcon 9’s fairing late last week. On this flight are 40 spacecraft, including cubesats, microsats, picosats, hosted payloads, and an orbital transfer vehicle

    TOXICMAN --- ---
    FSD Beta should be available in Europe for LHD this summer, RHD a few months later. These dates depend on regulatory approval.
    TOXICMAN --- ---
    March 28 (Reuters) - SpaceX has ended production of new Crew Dragon astronaut capsules, a company executive told Reuters, as Elon Musk's space transportation company heaps resources on its next-generation spaceship program.

    Capping the fleet at four Crew Dragons adds more urgency to the development of the astronaut capsule's eventual successor, Starship, SpaceX's moon and Mars rocket. Starship's debut launch has been delayed for months by engine development hurdles and regulatory reviews.

    EXCLUSIVE SpaceX ending production of flagship crew capsule | Reuters
    EXCLUSIVE SpaceX ending production of flagship crew capsule | Reuters
    SN0WCRASH --- ---
    SEJDA: pekne spravene, hlavne je to velka tema a video stale znesitelnej dlzky. Slusne PR. A flying skill++ samozrejme :)
    TOXICMAN --- ---
    SEJDA: ŠÍLENÝ :) neuvěřitelný skill pilota
    KAERO --- ---
    SEJDA: ech, me teda nadchl ten prulet skrz lisy, za provozu! a dal kolem robotu behem prace...
    SEJDA --- ---
    Prulet Tesla Berlin .. dron nam zachytil snad vsechny roboty, a i tu hrstku zamestnancu

    Nejvic se mi libil "teflonovy" robot, ktery macha kostru auta v zakladovce.

    XCHAOS --- ---
    TOXICMAN: možná to souvisí s tím, že pokud na chopsticks booster přímo nepřistane, tak nemusí mít nutně ty roštový kormidla správně natočený tak, aby chopstiks vůbec šly použít, ne? i když to zase nedává smysl vzhledem tomu, že booster stejně nebude přistávat v ose toho startovacího podstavce... hmm, divný. Asi to ještě nemaj nacvičený a na tomhle kuse to trénovat nechtěj...
    TOXICMAN --- ---
    KAERO: booster zatim vzdy usazoval i zvedal jerab
    KAERO --- ---
    TOXICMAN: mechazilla nefunguje? nebo to je stara fotka jak to davali dohromady?
    TOXICMAN --- ---
    PES --- ---
    Starlink zvedl cenu za hardware i měsíční poplatek za připojení - Lupa.cz
    SN0WCRASH --- ---

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