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    TOXICMANElon Musk
    INK_FLO --- ---
    The Childish Drama of Elon Musk - The Atlantic

    For the past few days, Elon Musk has been throwing a gigantic temper tantrum on his platform, Twitter. It is not usually a matter of public interest when a narcissist like Musk goes haywire, but just as Donald Trump’s anger warped our public life, Musk’s conniptions could affect our culture and how we get information.

    Musk’s defense of free speech is nonsense. One of the world’s richest men—who is not shy about his politics or his contempt for the free press—has reinstated Donald Trump, white supremacists, and any number of dangerous malefactors to Twitter, but he has made it clear that Donie O’Sullivan is beyond the pale. He has purchased an important and influential piece of the public square not to enhance public debate, but to punish people who annoy him. As if to underscore this point, Musk joined a Twitter Spaces live audio chat with journalists who asked him to explain what he was doing. He abruptly left the meeting—and then Twitter Spaces itself was shut down. (This was, he tweeted, to fix a “Legacy bug.” He announced on Friday evening that Spaces had been restored.)

    I actually don’t subscribe to some of the more nefarious theories about Musk’s motivations (nor will I share them). I think he lost his cool because for more than a month, he’s been in way over his head with an impulsive purchase, his fortunes are plunging, and he got booed by a crowd of thousands of people at a Dave Chappelle performance—which, for a guy like Musk, is probably an unforgivable injury from what should be an adoring public.

    But we can at least shelve all of Musk’s blather about free speech. Twitter is an important part of how we disseminate and process news, and it’s now in the hands of an irritable and unpredictable child. This is one more step in the infantilization of American life, in which we must accommodate and work around the behavior of grown men and women who not so long ago would have been pushed out of public life either by our collective political disgust or by responsible shareholders who would insist that their corporate leaders get back to work instead of making a spectacle of themselves.
    KOUDY --- ---
    SATAI: Ja jsem nic takovyho nikde nerekl. Zase si klasicky domyslis. Ser na to. Ses tu zase OT a ja naskakuju na tvoje hysterceni. Zbytecna debata.
    SATAI --- ---
    KOUDY: no, tvrdíš to ty...
    KOUDY --- ---
    SATAI: To teda tvrdis peknou blbost, ale neni to poprve ani naposled :)
    SATAI --- ---
    KOUDY: protože ochranky miliardářů jsou přece nad právem i spravedlností...
    KOUDY --- ---
    SATAI: Stejne jako Elon omezil trolleni hystericky AOC, tak i ja se o vanocnich svatcich pokusim postuchovat vas co nejmin :)
    E2E4: Chtel jsem ho setrit, ze milionari ochranky mit vetsinou nemusej, ale Elon je miliardar a miliardarsky ochranky at klidne chranej deti svejch panu jak je potreba, ale byla by z toho zas zbytecna debata..:)
    E2E4 --- ---
    SATAI: já myslím že řekne že i chudý člověk má právo na bezpečnost a bezpečnost svých dětí!

    AVATAR --- ---
    PER2: wenhop?
    SATAI --- ---
    Ten Koudy se tu teď maže sám, nebo ho někdo začal moderovat?
    PER2 --- ---
    SATAI --- ---
    QWWERTY: pokud se to potvrdí, tak snad Koudy začne křičet, že je to důvod zakázat milionářům ochranky ;-)
    AVATAR --- ---
    Poslete nekdo Muskovi tohle video, treba pochopi, o jakou picovinu se snazi...

    Very Serious Business
    E2E4 --- ---
    “I think you should open a vote on Weibo regarding whether you should step down as Tesla CEO.”

    Elon Musk posts on Weibo about how action matters more than words and gets an earful from disgruntled Chinese netizens | South China Morning Post
    AVATAR --- ---
    [SPAMST @ Pletky svlečených kosatek v lisu - bez ploutví nesolí ale zlato v otěžích neutopíš "Lepší číst memy než nekrology"]

    Postuje to proruskej svab, hodi se jim to do kramu. A pritom je to takova picovina, protoze FBI neplatila twitteru za cenzuru, ale za data o lidech. Coz je neco dost jinyho, ze...
    SEJDA --- ---
    BRAMBOROVY_KRAL: je to nadherna ukazka toho, jaky je "Vox populi, vox Dei" neboli populizmus, neboli prima demokracie ve skutecnosti.
    Za to jsem Muskovi a jeho novemu tymu vedeni Twitteru velmi vdecny.
    Aneb "zrusme byrokraticka opatreni" a "vladneme tak jak si lidi preji" = zrychleme otacky :D
    DZODZO --- ---
    SUMAC: Elon upozornoval na to ze cena akcii Tesly je overvalued v minulosti uz niekolkokrat, ale stock market je lunapark :)
    SUMAC --- ---
    DZODZO: long vyvoj ceny akcii Tesly krasne ukazuje, co je to cash cow a jak se da pekne vydelat na overvalued stocku, ten sesup na hodnoty kolem cervna 2020 byl naprosto nevyhnutelnej, co Elon dela mimo Teslu to moc nezvrati :)
    PES --- ---
    KOUDY: Tak vždy musí být nějací hejlové, kteří ty napálené ceny po růstu zaplatí...
    ...jinak by jsi měl jen "virtuální hodnotu" nepodloženou prakticky ničím a sice bys akciově mohl být třeba miliardář, ale kdyby nebyl nikdo, kdo by ty akcie koupil, tak bys měl stejně kulový.
    KOUDY --- ---
    DZODZO: Hlavne je potreba dat si graf s petiletym investicnim horizontem (pripadne alespon s triletym). Ja jsem na tesle v long portfoliu furt asi 800% v plusu a je to moje nejvydelecnejsi akcie za poslednich pet let :)..Jestli ji nekdo vzal pote, co rostla o 1500% tak je to debil..stejne jako pokud nekdo koupil btc na 60k dolarech pote, co tam vylitnul ze 4k.. Pro takovyhle lidi nemam slova pochopeni, ale jen investorsky kroutim hlavou :)..za me je tesla furt overvalued a videl bych ji nekde kolem 100-120 dolaru na akcii idealne..

    Jinak celkem dobry review.

    QWWERTY --- ---
    plot twist k udajne stalker kauze :))

    California police say member of Elon Musk's security team is a suspect following stalker claim
    police in South Pasadena said that the incident involved a member of Musk's security team, whose vehicle hit the car of a man he alleged was following him.
    The police called the security team member a "suspect." They did not say what crimes they suspected him of committing, but said they were investigating a report of "an assault with a deadly weapon involving a vehicle."
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