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    ztracené heslo?
    TOXICMANElon Musk
    PES --- ---
    TADEAS: Ovšem plnou zodpovědnost za jakékoliv průsery při takové jízdě nese ten testovací (ne)řidič...
    TADEAS --- ---
    SEJDA: Q. Is this legal?

    As far as we've been told by a small handful of private citizens in the UK (and EU), yes. Until it is sold or offered to customers, Tesla can test their autonomy features with employees without restrictions.
    SEJDA --- ---
    SATAI: tajne znamena, ze nechavas ridit assistenta, i kdyz legislativa nic takoveho neumoznuje
    TADEAS --- ---
    SATAI: testujou to lidi co na to zamestnavaj TADEAS
    SATAI --- ---
    SEJDA: co znamená "tajně"? Bil má být mld?
    SEJDA --- ---
    TADEAS: uvidime, jak dlouho to v EU potrva, uz vime, ze testuji "tajne". Myslim, ze nasbiraji nejakych 100 mil. - 1 bil. km. A ukazou vysledek.
    CRAZY_IVAN --- ---
    DZODZO: to bych právě čekal, že bude číslo stoupat, protože to bude řídit víc a víc lidí, co nejsou řidiči, ale víc masovka ve stylu honda drivers
    TADEAS --- ---
    Tesla Self Driving Residential Test! | FSD Beta
    TADEAS --- ---
    bejt v us tak kupuju full self driving, blizej se... v eu nas jeste chvili budou srat urady :D

    Hermosa Beach on Tesla Full Self-Driving Beta 10.69.25
    TADEAS --- ---
    DZODZO: jsem zvedav na statistiku FSD beta :)
    DZODZO --- ---
    hm clovek by cakal ze s vacsim poctom vozidiel vo flotile bude ten pocet kilometrov do nehody klesat, ale tak nejako to osciluje stale rovnako

    Tesla Vehicle Safety Report | Tesla
    INK_FLO --- ---
    E2E4: pokud ale někdo omezuje jeho patolízala (kterej mj. trumpovsky halucinuje o tom, že "Antifa member's evil hearts is the drive for revenge against God for the crime of Being."), tak to naopak považuje za "extremely concerning" :-)

    Jordan Peterson to file lawsuit over potential psychologist licence suspension | News | westernstandard.news
    E2E4 --- ---
    free speech..

    SATAI --- ---
    DZODZO: taky zmrdi jako Musk?
    DZODZO --- ---
    SATAI: those are rookie numbers, byvaly kolega co robil pre herne studio nedostal zaplatene 6 mesiacov :)
    SATAI --- ---
    Two months later, laid-off Twitter staffers haven't received promised severance pay | Boing Boing
    DZODZO --- ---
    KURE: hm:

    - That total includes credits the company receives for producing zero-emissions vehicles, which it can sell to other automakers, as well as more direct subsidies like rebates for Tesla buyers and sales-tax credits.
    - Put plainly, Tesla has raked in money by selling credits that allowed its competitors to continue manufacturing higher-polluting cars. Tesla has sold credits to Fiat Chrysler, Mitsubishi, Mazda, Honda and Toyota in recent years.

    takze Tesla dostala peniaze od inych automobiliek a nie od statu Kalifornia, slevy na EV dostavaju tiez aj ostatne automobilky, tam je to limitovane na pocet predanych kusov a co je komicke, ze tie slevy sa vztahuju aj na hybridy :)
    CRAZY_IVAN --- ---
    * Tesla-supported California jobs (direct and indirect) exceeded 80,000 in 2021. Over 43,000 of these stemmed from $1.6 billion in expenditures with California suppliers.
    * For every 100 direct Tesla jobs, 50 more were supported in the supply chain and 68 by follow-on consumer activity.
    * From 2018 to 2021, Tesla paid an average of $1 billion in federal, state and local taxes annually, with approximately $400 million going toward state and local taxes in 2021.
    * Tesla's average contribution to the gross state product (GSP) rose by 42% between 2018-2021, while the state’s GSP grew by 16%.
    * Wages from Tesla and Tesla-connected jobs resulted in $16.6 billion in economic activity, or $44.4 million injected into California's economy each day.
    CRAZY_IVAN --- ---
    KURE: tjn, muselo se to californii děsně nevyplatit, kor když tam pořád fyzicky zůstávaj, zaměstnávaj dál tunu lidí, dodavatelů a tak 🤦
    KURE --- ---
    DZODZO: no to jo, obzvlášť po všech těch miliardách co do nich California nacpala.
    Gov. Newsom Says California Subsidies Powered Tesla’s Success
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