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    ztracené heslo?
    TOXICMANElon Musk
    LEGI --- ---
    KOUDY: hele, ale chapes, ze omezit JENOM opozicni obsah a zakazat konkretni sluzbu pro CELOU zemi, nota bene nikoli navzdy, ale po splneni pravnich podminek, nejsou tak uplne totozny pripady?

    nikdo tady nebreci, ze twitter v soukromych rukou zacina odpovidat pranim majitele-masibla. i kdyz je to smutny, ano. jen se tu smejeme tomu, jaky je pokrytec a lhar.
    E2E4 --- ---
    E2E4: heh, teď koukám že totéž udělal .. Twitter. (ten cenzurovaný Twitter, předtím, než si ho koupil Elon a udělal na něm Freedom of speech)

    jdu blejt

    Victory for free expression in Turkish court
    E2E4 --- ---
    KOUDY: tak raději něco o raketách.

    Twitter's decision to throttle access to accounts from Turkey comes as Musk's business ties to the country have solidified following increasing communication between Erdogan and Musk, Elmas noted, based on news coverage of their interactions.

    The pair first met in 2017, Forbes reported, before sitting down in 2021 to discuss lithium batteries for electric vehicles and launching satellites. That year, Turkey signed its deal with SpaceX to launch its domestically produced communications satellite, Türksat 6A. In 2022, per Forbes, Musk and Erdogan shook hands at the World Cup.

    Last month, after years of delays, Turkey's first domestic and national observation satellite was launched into space — with the help of a Falcon 9 rocket created by Musk's company, SpaceX, local news outlet Türkiye Newspaper reported. While the deal's financial details remain unclear, Space.com noted that a single Falcon 9 rocket flight costs roughly $62 million.
    E2E4 --- ---
    What Wikipedia did: we stood strong for our principles and fought to the Supreme Court of Turkey and won. This is what it means to treat freedom of expression as a principle rather than a slogan."

    Wikipedia was banned in Turkey from 2017 to 2020 over an article about state-sponsored terrorism, where the country was described as a sponsor of the Islamic State and Al-Qaeda terrorist groups. After a lengthy legal battle escalated to the country's highest court, the Turkish block of Wikipedia was lifted in January 2020.

    Defenders of Musk were quick to label Wales' comparison to Wikipedia as a false equivalency because the encyclopedia site operates as a nonprofit, while Twitter is a for-profit business — to which Wales responded: "If Elon is now saying "We don't care about freedom of expression if it interferes with making money" then he should just say that."
    KOUDY --- ---
    E2E4: Nevysvetlim. Je to samozrejme spatne a souhlasim s vama v tomhle. Jenze nezijeme v dokonalem svete a nevim, jestli se tu s vama zase hadat o tom, ze jste jak naivni deti a myslite si, ze v Cine nebo u Kima, u Lukasenka ci Erdogana a podobenjch zmrdskejch diktatoru budou mit socialni site navrch. Kdyz si pamatuju situaci treba mesic zpet, kdy se italsky vlade/uradum neco nelibilo na chatgpt a kluci z openai jim okamzite vyhoveli a tu sluzbu vypli, dokud nesplnili podminky italsky vlady. Takze Elon ani Zuck ani dalsi firmy fakt nejsou vsemocny a musej se ridit narizenim vlad kde fungujou. To je pro nektery z tohohle klubu asi ocividne nova realita dnesniho sveta. Stejne jako to, ze kdo ma vytetovano SS nacista je.

    Žádné omezení, rovnou zákaz. Italové přišli o ChatGPT - Novinky
    E2E4 --- ---
    KOUDY: škoda, já se těšil, že nám vysvětlíš, jak je Elon tak velký zastánce free speech, že radši v Turecku pokorně přistoupil na cenzuru, protože s cenzurou je to free speech aspoň pro toho diktátora..

    nebo že aktivní cenzura opozice před volbami ještě nemusí být b rozporu s proklamacemi o oddanosti svobodě slova, stejně jako každý s vytetovanou svastikou a SS nemusí být nutně nacista, což je něco, co někdo kdo neřídil miliardovou korporací nebo truhlárnu nikdy nepochopí.
    KOUDY --- ---
    Increasing lithium refining capacity is critical to a sustainable energy economy—today, we're breaking ground on our in-house lithium refinery outside of Corpus Christi, TX.

    This facility will also prioritize the elimination of a challenging refinery byproduct (sodium sulfate).

    Instead, the byproduct is a mixture of sand & calcium carbonate—a viable additive in the production of construction materials, allowing us to make use of this waste stream.

    In the future, we will also process other intermediate lithium feedstocks, including those from recycled batteries & manufacturing scrap.

    KOUDY --- ---
    Dalsi den, dalsi breceni nyxackejch karens, ze nejaka socialni sit neni takova jakou by ji chteli mit. To tu fakt neni klub o twitteru, kam byste kazdej den tyhle slzy mohli psat a tady to nechat jen pro raketky a teslu?
    SATAI --- ---
    LEGI: Panmusk podle vzoru Panwerich.
    LEGI --- ---
    ale pan Musk to tak nemyslel in 3, 2...

    (teda az prijede z vyletu v kabriu)
    SATAI --- ---

    DZODZO --- ---
    P_T: vskutku sokujuce, este sa to v zivote nestalo... https://www.accessnow.org/?s=turkey+twitter
    P_T --- ---
    Free speech absolutist v akci

    AVATAR --- ---
    Mi spis prijde divny, ze se tu nikdo nepozastavuje nad tim, ze zustal vykonnym ceo a z ni udelal jen obchodni reditelku. Takze se nic nemeni, jen oficialne deleguje cast sve agendy, ktera ho nezajima :)
    PES --- ---
    Bylo to tu? Mezi všemi těmi KOUDYovinami?

    Twitter má novu šéfku, oznámil Musk. Jde o manažerku televize NBC [AKTUALIZACE] - Lupa.cz

    Je to oficiální. Elon Musk potvrdil, že se novou výkonnou ředitelkou Twitteru stane Linda Yaccarino. I am excited to…
    TOXICMAN --- ---
    KOUDY --- ---
    SATAI --- ---
    P_T: člověk se s ním blokuje a on pak své ztrapňování smaže, aby nezůstalo k ponaučení dalším generacím? :-D
    TOXICMAN --- ---
    Raptor V3 just achieved 350 bar chamber pressure (269 tons of thrust). Congrats to @SpaceX
    propulsion team!

    Starship Super Heavy Booster has 33 Raptors, so total thrust of 8877 tons or 19.5 million pounds.

    To be frank, we did not expect the engine to survive a full duration run at that pressure. It is uncharted territory.
    Raptor chamber wall might have the highest heat flux of anything ever made

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