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    ztracené heslo?
    TOXICMANElon Musk
    DZODZO --- ---
    SEJDA: vsak toto je ten pripad vedcov, takze je to "poster", ale znudeny ajtik by z toho vedel urobit mem za par minut, doplnis tam nejaky obrazok Dogeho pripadne nejaku hlasku "I don't always raise the temperature, but when i do, your civilisation is fucked up" a hotovo
    SEJDA --- ---
    DZODZO: jako toto? To mi jako mem nepripada ..
    DZODZO --- ---
    SEJDA: no vsak napr https://faktaoklimatu.cz/ to maju spracovane dobre, pouzivam to celkom casto
    SEJDA --- ---
    DZODZO: to je reseni, ktere mi zni jako "poloautomaticky bot" :D
    Akorat, ze vedec neudela tak jednoduse "mem", jako spise "poster" :)
    DZODZO --- ---
    ALCATOR: mozes mat pripravene odpovedi na rozne situacie a iba ctrl+c ctrl+v, nieco ako foldre so zbierkami "memes if putin wins the war" a "memes if putin loses the war"
    SEJDA --- ---
    KOUDY: Jak muzes napsat "pritom to je pravda", kdyz sis ted jakoze prectl text, ktery by jsi mohl chapat, kde na konci stoji, ze pohlavi je 8, i kdyz oznaceni F2M dava tusit, ze jich bude vice.
    Nechybi ti tam nekde uvozovky, kde citujes fiktivniho cloveka s nazorem 5 leteho ditete?
    KOUDY --- ---
    ALCATOR: Ted uplne nechapu co to pises za (omlouvam se) debilitu a proto jsem psal, ze si E24 pod freespeech predstavuje uplne neco jineho nez Elon ci ja. To co pises nema s freespeech nic spolecneho. To je hatespeech a za to z twitteru na 95% vyletis, jako treba Kanye West - https://www.bbc.com/news/business-63826675 a tisice dalsich lidi. Elon sam psal, ze pravidla v tomhle plati stale stejna jako za minuleho vedeni a na wiki si kdyztak muzes dohledat co to free speech je - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Freedom_of_speech

    Freedom of speech is a principle that supports the freedom of an individual or a community to articulate their opinions and ideas without fear of retaliation, censorship, or legal sanction. The right to freedom of expression has been recognised as a human right in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and international human rights law by the United Nations. Many countries have constitutional law that protects free speech. Terms like free speech, freedom of speech, and freedom of expression are used interchangeably in political discourse. However, in a legal sense, the freedom of expression includes any activity of seeking, receiving, and imparting information or ideas, regardless of the medium used.

    Je ale potreba se adaptovat na dnesni dobu a dnesni realitu. Je to jako kdybys chtel treba omezit pravo na nazor lidi, kteri voli Babise, protoze ty sam vis ze Babis je gauner a zmrd a jeho volici jsou z velky casti urcite dezolati a prorusaci a ja nevim co jeste. Jenze pak se podivas na pruzkumy a tech volicu je pres 30% naseho naroda, tak by asi nebylo dobry jejich nazor uplne omezovat a umlcovat je zejo. v USA je to to samy. Pred rokem si nemohl napsat na twitter, ze si myslis, ze pohlavi jsou jen dve. Muzske a zenske. Peterson za to schytaval obrovsky hate. Pritom je to pravda. Muzes se klidne indentifikovat jako kolo od trakare, ale bud mas picu, nebo curaka. Takova je biologicka realita. Ted uz tenhle nazor muzes na twitter napsat bez toho abys mel shadowban. Podle me je uplne v poradku si poslechnout i nazor strany se kterou nesouhlasis a treba to trochu obrousi hrany, nebo se trochu poucis. My dva treba zijeme v realite, kdy Babis je zmrd, plno lidi kteri poslouchaji Ortel jsou kreteni, lidi kteri podporuji rusko jsou kreteni a nechapeme proc chodi demonstrovat na vaclavak, ale oni to zase vidi jinak a jich je treba v nasi zemi vic, nebo jich postupne bude vic..nez nas a jako kreteni budou videt oni nas. Ja mam posledni dobou zas treba hodne velkej problem s lidma, kteri se lepi k silnici, omezuji ridice, nici cizi majetek, obrazy v galeriich apod. Nedaval bych jim vubec zadnej prostor v mediich. Zaviral bych je na 10 let do vezeni, okamzite jim daval milionovy pokuty apod, ale presto jim svet nechava prostor na jejich nazor a casto jim niceni ciziho majetku vicemene toleruje. Na takovy planete proste ted zijem a ja se s tim musim smirit.
    ALCATOR --- ---
    KOUDY: Dovol, abych ti pregnantně vysvětlil, v čem spočívá tvůj (a Elonův) fatální omyl.

    "Transky jsou nebezpeční devianti co groomujou děti! Postřílet je všechny!" --- se ti do 280 znaků jednoho Tweetu pohodlně vejde.

    Naproti tomu tahle odbornice potřebuje 2000+ znaků, aby vysvětlila laicky pochopitelným způsobem, jak to s transrodovými osobami je -- a to jsem vybral jednu z jejích kratších odpovědí (citace níže i s odkazem).

    Takže za dobu, za kterou odbornice napíše cca 1 stranu populárně naučného textu, stihnou hovada celého světa zaprasit jakýkoliv prostor desítkami či stovkami nenávistných výkřiků. Čistě statisticky to pak bude vypadat, že pravda je na jejich straně, protože je jich přece víc.

    "Vox Populi, Vox Dei" byl nebezpečný princip tisíce let zpátky a v dnešní době je ještě nebezpečnější, protože všemocné algoritmy dokážou z původně marginálního hlasu udělat dominantní mainstream. A nikdo z nás bychom si neměli přát být v epicentru toho, co se stane pak...


    Claire Jordan's answer: https://qr.ae/pyYq5j
    Sex chromosomes aren’t “simple science” - they’re what we call “lies to children”. That means a very, very simplified and not-quite-true version of reality which we teach to little kids to get them onto roughly the right page for learning the real stuff. Unfortunately people who never *did* learn the real stuff spend their lives thinking molecules really are like pingpong balls linked by cocktail sticks, and that sex is binary.

    All mammal embryos start out female. In therian mammals like us, the development of testicles is usually triggered by the presence of a gene called SRY which is usually on a Y chromosome. The testicles then produce androgens, and the embryo usually responds by developing other male characteristics. Usually.

    But there are Y chromosomes which don’t have a functioning SRY gene. There are X chromosomes which *do* have an SRY gene, or a different gene which has mutated to act like an SRY. There are embryos which don’t respond normally to the presence of androgens produced by their own testicles. There are embryos which respond to androgens produced by a male twin. And there are a *lot* of people who developed some male characteristics, but not all. That’s without even mentioning XYY, XXY and XXXY individuals, who all have varying degrees of abnormal development, or chimaeras, who are fusions of two fraternal twin embryos who may have been different sexes.

    So while *most* people are either XX females or XY males, there are also XX males and XY females - sometimes *fertile* XY females, able to get pregnant. There are people who are female in all other ways, but have a penis. There are people who have a vagina and big breasts and undescended testicles and male muscle. There are people born with a vagina who suddenly grow w pneis and balls at puberty. There are males with very feminine bone structure and musculature. There are people who have one ovary, one testicle, a penis, a vagina, half a womb, one big breast, one small breast and a face which is masculine on one side and feminine on the other. There are people who have ovotestes - gonads which can produce both ova and sperm.

    In the specific case of transgender individuals, the science currently says that most of their body became male but the neurological wiring needed to connect their brain to their body properly stayed female; or in the case of F2M trans people, *only* their neurological wiring became male while the rest of their body stayed female.

    Throughout history, humans have always known that not everybody fits the male/female binary - for example the Talmud lists eight sexes.
    KOUDY --- ---
    E2E4: Oumaj. Here we go again. Zas klasicky lzes. Nejde o viru v absolutni free speech pod kterou ty si asi predstavujes uplne neco jineho nez Elon, ale o to, ze to, co delalo minule vedeni twitteru a sice ze potlacovat nazory far left a far right skupin neni resenim a i lidi z techhle skupin maj pravo na nazor. Ja radsi budu na twitteru, kde si budu moct precist i nazory treba od Rogana nebo Petersona, ikdyz s nima casto nesouhlasim..nez bejt na facebooku, kde mi ta socialni sit maze sest let stary fotky protoze by nahodou nekoho mohly pobourit. Ostatne i youtube uz nebude cenzurovat svuj feed v politickejch debatach, protoze cejti jak je proti twitteru najednou v pici. Twitter je sit pro dospely lidi a jestli tam nekdo veri nejaky fakenews, tak to jen ukazuje jeho omezenost. Za to fakt nemuze Elon.

    The ability to openly debate political ideas, even those that are controversial or based on disproven assumptions, is core to a functioning democratic society — especially in the midst of election season.

    An update on our approach to US election misinformation

    KOUDY --- ---
    TOXICMAN --- ---
    PALEONTOLOG --- ---
    E2E4: pri nejaky besidce lidi aplikace bezdezinfo.cz se kluci nechali slyset, ze masivni nahlasovani s dusledky shadowbanu provozuje iceska advokatni komora :))
    E2E4 --- ---
    PALEONTOLOG: tak na Elona s free speech už snad věří jen Koudy ne? :)

    ale tohle může t čistě jen tím, že Rusky Trollí armády prostě nahlásuji příspěvky jako "violence". stejný trik jako používá zdravé fórum a jiný dezolat/dezinfo skupiny, masový nahlašování oponentů..

    takže Elon je v tom tentokrát nevinně.
    PALEONTOLOG --- ---
    QWWERTY: at mu za to sesijou pulky k sobe

    btw. what freespeech absolutist doing?

    TOXICMAN --- ---
    Model S Plaid at Nürburgring Again
    MRAKY --- ---
    ESTEN: hm, asi ano. no kazdopadne to vypada super :)
    ESTEN --- ---
    MRAKY: to bude spis stabilizace v post processu
    MRAKY --- ---

    zaznam z pristani prvniho stupne. proc to tu davam je ta plynulost te kamery... to je neco neuveritelneho...
    TOXICMAN --- ---
    SHEFIK --- ---
    Tesla surprises by gaining full $7,500 tax credit on cheapest Model 3, now starts at $30,000 | Electrek
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