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    ztracené heslo?
    TOXICMANElon Musk
    CITRONAK --- ---
    TADEAS: tak trochu jsem doufal, že je nějaká "jasná" volba k nákupu super zimních pneu, ale chápu. Díky 🙂
    TADEAS --- ---
    CITRONAK: zlevnili je, takze primo, se zakalkulovanim casu stravenym tim ze to nekde budes hledat a vybirat, pokud to neni tvuj konicek, to vyjde tak akorat :)
    CITRONAK --- ---
    Když koukám na poslední příspěvky tak nevím, zda jsem tu správně... ale... přemýšlím o koupi nové Tesla Y LR: má smysl brát zimní pneu přímo od Tesly, nebo raději koupit jinde? Děkuji.
    KOUDY --- ---
    One of Meta’s top executives showed employees a preview of the company’s upcoming Twitter competitor during a companywide meeting today that was watched by The Verge. You can see some of the screenshots above.

    Instagram’s upcoming Twitter competitor shown in leaked screenshots - The Verge
    BLACKHEAD --- ---
    PES: Asi na to nema dost velkou haceindu, no...
    Me by se urcite vesel Falcon9, na stojaka... :-D
    PES --- ---
    ONDRA_99: Neříká se "Sky is the limit..."? ;-))) Prostě trochu větší poličku... takovou řekněme RAMPU !!!
    ONDRA_99 --- ---
    PES: To by se mne o kousek na policku neveslo :(
    PES --- ---
    ONDRA_99: správný vodvaz by byl v měřítku 1:1, že? ;-)
    ONDRA_99 --- ---
    KAERO: Ja to chci v original krabicce primo od Lega :D
    KAERO --- ---
    ONDRA_99: neni problem. tady zadej do vyhledavaciho policka starship a vypadne ti hromada projektu, jen si vybrat:
    ONDRA_99 --- ---
    DRAGON: Jen skoda ze to vypada mensi nez Lego Saturn V. By chtelo hezky v pomeru velikosti aby si to clovek mohl dat pak vedle sebe :)
    DRAGON --- ---
    LEGO IDEAS - SPACEX SUPERHEAVY STARSHIP: To the Moon, Mars, and Beyond
    PER2 --- ---
    CRAZY_IVAN: putin show when?
    E2E4 --- ---
    PALEONTOLOG: jsem myslel že to je nějakej klasický dezinfoadvert od Blue checka, ale ono doopravdy..

    (v článku přímý link na court document)

    PALEONTOLOG --- ---
    BREAKING: Twitter owner Elon Musk’s own lawyers throw him under the bus in open court, tell a judge that Elon Musk lied when he claimed that his "Twitter Files” proved that the government committed “censorship” to help Biden beat Trump in 2020.

    But it gets even worse for Musk…

    It happened today during a case involving Donald Trump.

    Twitter's lawyers threw Musk under the bus, declaring that, "Nothing in the new materials shows any governmental actor compelling or even discussing any content-moderation action with respect to Donald Trump."

    The communications that Musk unearthed as part of his phony "Twitter Files" do not show coercion, Twitter’s lawyers wrote, “because they do not contain a specific government demand to remove content—let alone one backed by the threat of government sanction.”

    Twitter's lawyers continued, "Instead, they show that the FBI only issued general updates about their efforts to combat foreign interference in the 2020 election.”

    You know it’s bad when even your own lawyers are admiring that you’re a liar.

    Please RT and ❤️ to expose Elon Musk — and consider joining the growing exodus to Tribel, a new Twitter competitor that is exploding in popularity because Elon Musk banned Tribel’s Twitter account — but he forgot to ban this link to download the new Tribel app: http://tribel.app.link/okwPIHYCIqb
    TOXICMAN --- ---
    SUMAC --- ---
    CRAZY_IVAN: tak na druhou stranu tyhle picoviny posloucha v US urcita cast zakazniku, takze se akorat prelije tahle sorta lidi z FOXu na Twitter.
    SITH --- ---
    E2E4 --- ---
    SATAI: comment roku.

    Elon je centrista, tj něco jako Speer nebo Canaris. :)
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