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    ztracené heslo?
    TOXICMANElon Musk
    SEJDA --- ---
    AVATAR: je to ze starsiho clanku:
    "As he notes, Facebook helped convince people to move from MySpace not just by being a friendlier to use platform, but by providing a tool to make it easy to switch:

    Facebook addressed this problem by giving MySpace users who switched to Facebook a bridge between the two services. Simply give this tool your MySpace login and password, and it would use a bot to login to your MySpace account, scrape all the waiting messages in your queues and inbox, and push them into your Facebook feed. You could reply to these, and the bot would log back into MySpace and post those replies as you.

    Facebook attacked MySpace’s high switching costs head on, lowering them for users and unleashing network effects and rapid growth.

    But, of course, as we covered in detail, just a few years later when others sought to do the same thing to Facebook, Facebook sued. And won. And effectively put up a wall against the very activity it used to lower the switching costs from MySpace.

    Cory argues that by enabling the platforms to put up these giant walls, it enabled the “enshittification” of social media. Even as the services treated users terribly, your friends were all there and it was too difficult to leave."

    How The Enshittification Of Social Media Is Decreasing The Switching Costs And Enabling Something New | Techdirt
    AVATAR --- ---
    Enshittification - slovicko dne :D
    E2E4 --- ---
    dobrý vysvětlení toho co se děje v Twitteru poslední dobou

    It Turns Out Elon Is Speedrunning The Enshittification Learning Curve, Not The Content Moderation One | Techdirt
    NECROMAN --- ---
    KOUDY --- ---
    TOXICMAN --- ---
    TOXICMAN --- ---
    TOXICMAN --- ---
    Threads neni tematem klubu
    MAKROUSEK --- ---
    KOUDY: Ale na Threads je urcie cenzura, tam porno nebude smet. Nebo snad ano?
    KOUDY --- ---
    Threads uz pres 30M subs za prvnich 24 hodin a to je to spustene offiko jen v usa. Slusnej rozjezd. Musk mozna bude mit fakt problem, jestli threads nepotka behem trech mesicu clubhouse effect. Zatim se tam nic moc zajimaveho nedeje. Appka je ale hezky jednoducha a prehledna. To se mi libi.
    NECROMAN --- ---
    VAGABUND: pokud člověk už používá Facebook a Instagram, tak už Threads nemají moc co dál o člověku shromažďovat :)
    SEJDA --- ---
    E2E4: nejdal ve vyuzivani osobnich dat je Tic-Toc, i kdyz je nejmladsi a hodne lidi tam propada do "dafaultu" = nazi macho resp. drogerie a hadry.
    ARAON --- ---
    VAGABUND: Bluesky

    E2E4 --- ---
    VAGABUND: tak Facebook je ve využívání osobních dat nejdál, žejo.. :)

    plus teda tyhle kategorie jsou co tam napíše autor:

    "the information is self-reported by the developer"
    VAGABUND --- ---
    QWWERTY: "other data" :)
    1st pic Threads
    2nd Twitter

    QWWERTY --- ---
    VAGABUND: tech genialnich tahu je tam asi vic nez bych cekal
    Threads app was briefly visible from desktop on Wednesday, before Meta limited access.
    PES --- ---
    VAGABUND: Kdyby tohle udělal Musk, byl by to nepochopený tah génia, kterému my "přízemní" nemůžeme přece rozumět ;-)
    Však oni to časem vychytají (a tohle může být také "záměrná past", aby lidi ty Threads nerušili a tím pádem se daly prezentovat ÚŽASNÁ čísla růstu, i kdyby to ve skutečnosti skončilo jako další "virtuální město duchů" a-la G+ apod.)
    E2E4 --- ---
    VAGABUND: zjevně Elon není jediný tech billionaire který je za zenitem. :)
    VAGABUND --- ---
    PES: geniální :)

    But the highly-anticipated new service, which requires an Instagram account for onboarding, features an intriguing stipulation: Deleting a Threads account terminates the linked Instagram account.

    Meta will delete your Instagram account if you delete Threads profile | TechCrunch
    KOUDY --- ---
    Neni to spatny, ale zatim dost strohy.

    QWWERTY --- ---
    btw Tesla reseni UK marketu

    Tesla announces it won't produce Model S and Model X in right-hand-drive | Electrek

    Tesla gives new owners in the UK a grabbing stick after forcing them to get left-hand-drive | Electrek
    The Reacher is a grabbing stick meant for drivers to be able to reach the passenger window, presumably to grab things like parking receipts and drive-thru items

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