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    ztracené heslo?
    TOXICMANElon Musk respektive jeho firmy SpaceX (Falcon / Heavy / Dragon / Starship), Tesla, Starlink, Neuralink, Boring, xAI
    Oběžník pana ředitele:
    Existuje tu klub [Twitter - rychloblogy] ... kdo chce každodenně debatovat o této síti, postovat třeskutě vtipná meme, doporučuju se přesunout tam, tady nechám fakt minimum.
    rozbalit záhlaví
    PES --- ---
    PER2: za šílené peníze zjevně jen 1.6GWh kapacity po blíže neuvedenou dobu, ale dále v článku se zmiňuje rozšiřování ze 2 na 4 hodiny, takže ve finále se počítá se zatižitelností až 400MW (pro porovnání je to necelá polovina ~ cca 43% kapacity a cca ⅔ výkonu přečerpávačky Dlouhé Stráně, která je ekvivalentem 3,7GWh kapacity schopná dodávat 650MW po až 5¾ hodiny - samo bez postupné degradace kapacity v každém cyklu)

    Once complete the Hub will deliver 1.6 gigawatt hours of energy storage...
    ...It has also enabled one of the project’s components to be upscaled from two to four-hour storage.
    PER2 --- ---
    The SEC is accelerating the renewable energy transition by investing in one of the world’s biggest battery projects – the Melbourne Renewable Energy Hub (MREH).

    The Hub will be comprised of three battery components totalling 600 megawatts in size and is being developed in partnership with renewable energy investor Equis Australia. Tesla will supply the batteries and Samsung will supply the remaining components of the storage system.

    Once complete the Hub will deliver 1.6 gigawatt hours of energy storage, with potential to expand. That’s enough to power around 200,000 homes during peak evening consumption.

    PER2 --- ---
    Since a lot of people have been asking, the Starship propellant transfer demonstration will most likely be between the internal tanks of the vehicle.

    TOXICMAN --- ---
    TOXICMAN: lepší rozlišení

    TOXICMAN --- ---
    At the Natl Acad cmte meeting, NASA's Lakiesha Hawkins shows a slide that says SpaceX will do a propellant transfer demo on their next Starship test.

    It'll be Ship 28 transferring prop internally (i.e between header tank and main tank)

    MRAKY --- ---
    KOUDY: hm, tohle vypada sakra dobre :)
    PER2 --- ---
    Elon Musk and Sandy Munro discuss the Cybertruck!
    KOUDY --- ---
    TOXICMAN --- ---
    TOXICMAN --- ---
    Superheavy’s Massive Fire Suppression System Dramatically Increases Performance
    TOXICMAN --- ---
    STATIC FIRE! Falcon Heavy fires up at 39A ahead of USSF-52.
    SATAI --- ---
    JIMIQ: clovek by pomalu rekl, ze ty uroky tomu moc nepomahaji, ale ja nejsem stabilni supergenius...
    JIMIQ --- ---
    JARMIK: i s těma tržbama 4,4 by byl půl miliardy v mínusu (ty předchozí hosp výsledky, kterýma se ohání Koudy), plus 1,2 mld roční úroky. Takže těch platících uživatelů by potřeboval 2,5+0,5+1,2 = 42 milionů aby byl na nule
    QWWERTY --- ---
    E2E4: popr. se da plny vetsinou otevrit pres archive.is
    E2E4 --- ---
    Elon a AI

    Mr. Musk explained that his plan was to colonize Mars to escape overpopulation and other dangers on Earth. Dr. Hassabis replied that the plan would work — so long as superintelligent machines didn’t follow and destroy humanity on Mars, too.

    Mr. Musk was speechless. He hadn’t thought about that particular danger. Mr. Musk soon invested in DeepMind alongside Mr. Thiel so he could be closer to the creation of this technology.


    Initially, Mr. Musk wanted to operate OpenAI as a nonprofit, free from the economic incentives that were driving Google and other corporations. But by the time Google wowed the tech community with its Go stunt, Mr. Musk was changing his mind about how it should be run. He desperately wanted OpenAI to invent something that would capture the world’s imagination and close the gap with Google, but it wasn’t getting the job done as a nonprofit.

    In late 2017, he hatched a plan to wrest control of the lab from Mr. Altman and the other founders and transform it into a commercial operation that would join forces with Tesla and rely on supercomputers the car company was developing, according to four people familiar with the matter.

    When Mr. Altman and others pushed back, Mr. Musk quit and said he would focus on his own A.I. work at Tesla. In February 2018, he announced his departure to OpenAI’s staff on the top floor of the start-up’s offices in a converted truck factory, three people who attended the meeting said. When he said that OpenAI needed to move faster, one researcher retorted at the meeting that Mr. Musk was being reckless.

    Mr. Musk called the researcher a “jackass” and stormed out, taking his deep pockets with him.


    (přes paywall se dá dostat zapnutím airplane módu hned jak se článek načte)
    TADEAS --- ---
    Jeff Bezos Hires Elon Musk For Rocket Launches  | ZeroHedge

    In a press release on Friday, Amazon announced that it had "signed a contract with SpaceX for three Falcon 9 launches to support deployment plans for Project Kuiper, Amazon's low Earth orbit (LEO) satellite broadband network."
    KAERO --- ---
    JARDABEREZA: jo, pardon.
    JARDABEREZA --- ---
    BUBBLE --- ---
    CHAOS_RK: Kurtzgesagt souhlasi

    The Internet is Worse Than Ever – Now What?
    KAERO --- ---
    JARDABEREZA: abych to mohl videt tak bych se musel zaregistrovat? Puvodni twitter mel vyhodu, ze kdyz tam politik/firma neco napsali, tak to mohli videt uplne vsichni.
    Kliknutím sem můžete změnit nastavení reklam