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    ztracené heslo?
    TOXICMANElon Musk
    E2E4 --- ---
    BINARY_PARANOIC: Tak on Jobs/Raskin/Atkinson nebyli prvni kdo mel pocitac s GUI, Jobs nemel prvni smartphone s touchscreenem, Musk nevymyslel elektromobil s AC motorem atd.

    Jen meli vic hype / marketingu / byli ve spravny cas na spravnem miste a diky tomu meli i obchodni uspech.

    (Jo, pokud mate pocit ze hejtuju Muska, muze vas uklidnit, ze uplne stejne hejtuju vsechny tyhle "vizionare", jsou overrated. :) )

    Mozky moc nesleduju - videl jsem serial Dollhouse a vic radsi nepotrebuju :) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dollhouse_(TV_series)

    .. ale treba Synchron je zjevne dal:

    Synchron brain-computer interface implanted in first 6 US patients | MedTech Dive

    Co se tyce Neuralinku, ono je fakt asi potreba si od toho odecist Elonovo prehaneni:

    Musk has a long history of bold promises but a spottier record of fulfilling them. In 2016, he wrongly predicted that within two years it would be possible for a Tesla to drive autonomously from New York to Los Angeles. That year he said his SpaceX rocket company would fly to Mars in 2018 – it still has not.

    In 2017, Musk suggested Neuralink’s first product would be on the market “in about four years”. However, Tuesday’s news was a “significant milestone” towards that goal, said Anne Vanhoestenberghe, a professor of active implantable medical devices at King’s College London.

    “For the brain-computer interface community, we must place this news in the context that while there are many companies working on exciting products, there are only a few other companies who have implanted their devices in humans, so Neuralink has joined a rather small group,” she added.

    “I expect Neuralink will want to give the participant time to recover before they start training their system with the participant. We know Elon Musk is very adept at generating publicity for his company, so we may expect announcements as soon as they begin testing, although true success in my mind should be evaluated in the long-term, by how stable the interface is over time, and how much it benefits the participant.”

    The startup’s study, Prime, is a trial for its wireless brain-computer interface to evaluate the safety of the implant and surgical robot. Researchers will assess the functionality of the interface, which enables people with quadriplegia to control devices with their thoughts, according to the company’s website. Neuralink and Musk did not immediately respond to a request for further details.

    Elon Musk says Neuralink has implanted its first brain chip in human | Elon Musk | The Guardian
    XCHAOS --- ---
    YMLADRIS: https://ohai.social/@Garwboy/111845135661065218

    Dean Burnett:

    Elon Musk says Neuralink implanted wireless brain chip
https://bbc.co.uk/news/technology-68137046%E2%80%A9Been asked to comment on this A LOT already. So, here's my thoughts on the matter
TL:DR 90% hype, 10% borrowed substance.

    Issue 1
This entire story seems to be based on a single tweet from Musk
I mean, come on guys. If this were a genuine breakthrough, you should be hearing about it in all the credible outlets. One known BS merchant doing a tweet shouldn't be seen as confirmation of anything

    Even then, the story seems to focus on the 'successful implantation'? So, the chip hasn't done anything, it's just the recipient... isn't dead? Or heavily injured?
Great, but shouldn't that be the absolute bare minimum? Not something you triumphantly declare to millions?

    I mean the iPhone was revolutionary technology, but if Steve Jobs held a press conference to say "The first iPhone has been shipped to the store, the packaging is completely intact", that would have been a bit suspect

    There also seems to be confusion as to what *this* chip intends to do, and what Musk's 'plans' are
As in, *this* chip seems intended to restore movement to a paraplegic person? Details aren't exactly abundant (another reason to raise a sceptical eyebrow)

    Don't get me wrong, it's great if anyone with Musk's clout wants to tackle disabilities and the like. But you'll forgive me if I find such altruism a bit out of character.
Aside from that... this isn't something he's invented. This has been going on for ages.

    E.g. Swiss company used brain/tech interface approach to help a paralysed man walk again just last year
Not that I'm accusing Musk of seeing other people's achievements and saying "ACTUALLY, I DID THAT!" Perish the thought...

    Brain implants help paralysed man to walk again - BBC News

    Oh, then there's this “‘Initial results show promising neuron spike detection’, Musk added”.
Absolute corporate speak for 'nothing has happened yet'.
Like if your editor asks for an update on how your book is going and you reply with "The document is active on the desktop and all the formatting options are in place"

    You can tell how little detail there is to this 'story' by how much of the articles about it are filled in with other announcement and related studies by someone else. Always a good sign that the main issue has a lot of substance, definitely.

    Inevitably, the reports also include Musk's 'plans' for these brain chips. He wants to make it so everyone can 'control their devices with their thoughts'.
This is one of those things that sounds cool in principle. But in practice... why would you bother?
    PES --- ---
    DZODZO: no to je o tom jak moc se ty firmy "rozežraly" (ssmo, něco jde na vrub neustálému zpřísňování ad-absurdum), že jim to prochází...
    ... proč např. jihokorejci staví v termínech i dohodnutých cenách?
    DZODZO --- ---
    PES: jadro by bez ucasti statu tiez nebolo realne konkurencieschopne a stale sa pouziva a stale sa stavaju nove elektrarne kde sa nedodrzi ani termin ani budget
    CYBERHIPPY --- ---
    LFP 2.0: NEW Tesla Battery by CATL Changes Everything in 2024!
    OMNIHASH --- ---
    PES: to není bug, ale featura. Némlich stejně stoprocentně remcali ty babylonský farmáři taky, když je donutil pěstovat místo jednozrný čtyřzrnou pšenici...
    PES --- ---
    OMNIHASH: blbý je, že se to vždy zvrhne to dotování nesmyslů popř. v moderní době dotování uvádění nevyzrálých věcí do plného nasazení namísto dotování vývoje k reálné konkurenceschopnosti
    OMNIHASH --- ---
    PES: tohleto toužení po konceptu, kterej nikdy nefungoval... daně a pobídky pro podporu strategických odvětví dělal už Hamurapi.
    KAERO --- ---
    PES: problem je, ze rovny trh nedokaze vyresit tragedii obecni pastviny.
    PES --- ---
    CYBERHIPPY: není nad rovný trh...
    CYBERHIPPY --- ---
    MAKROUSEK: ....v indii udělali minulý rok to samé ...zvýhodnili dovoz elektromobilov a na spalováky dali vysoké clo...
    MRAKY --- ---
    YMLADRIS: cas se blizi ! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VozHU2KaVSY :) //sory za offtopic :)
    ALCATOR --- ---
    Fucking Ted Faro. Kill him with fire before he dooms the planet!
    YMLADRIS --- ---
    Je to tu

    MAKROUSEK --- ---
    SEJDA: Ja byl ted v Dansku. Tam je clo na spalovaky uz leta 180% a na elektricka auta 0%. Takze elektricka jsou levnejsi, nez klasicka.
    SEJDA --- ---
    JONY: clo je myslim, uz 6 let 25 % a uz 6 let se diskutuje (v USA), ze clo zvysi na 40 %. Ale ne kazdy americka automobilka ma v Cine vlastni tovarnu jako Tesla, a Cina cla uvaluje reciprocne.
    JONY --- ---
    Elon Musk said Chinese electric car makers will find “significant” success outside of China, even as his auto firm, Tesla, faces intense competition from these same companies.

    “Frankly, I think, if there are not trade barriers established, they will pretty much demolish most other companies in the world,” Musk said.

    JARDABEREZA --- ---
    SEJDA: Myslím, že minule jsme se bavili, že povolenky jsou pod "Regulatory credits"
    JIMIQ --- ---
    ještě mě napadá že to můžou bejt vrácený daně kvůli ztrátě z předešlých let. Nevím jak dlouho je to možné v USA, u nás tuším tři roky zpětně (čili za 2023 si můžete odepsat ztrátu z roku 2020)
    JIMIQ --- ---
    SEJDA: to by bylo imo v tržbách úplně vlevo, bude to jako říká PES
    SEJDA --- ---
    KAERO: asi to je prodwj emisnich povolenek
    Kliknutím sem můžete změnit nastavení reklam