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    ztracené heslo?
    TOXICMANElon Musk
    MRAKY --- ---
    YMLADRIS: to je docela zajimave. v UNECE je hromada statu i mimo evropu. Nejen EU.
    VON_GILOTINE --- ---
    "Muskonomy" si chlapec nak nevsim ze ten twitter nak moc nerozjel

    Elon Musk's AI Startup Courting Investors With Access to 'Muskonomy'
    VON_GILOTINE --- ---
    Aha takze spise dusledek nevratnych zmen zpusobenych drivejsim hobby, ok. Gud lak v boji za eradikaci nevizionaru kteri jsou jen cannon fodder pro jejich vize budoucnosti
    YMLADRIS --- ---
    VON_GILOTINE: fotka se starlinkem u bazénu? To jsem nařídila rodinnou dovolenou protože se snažím vyhrabat z post trauma poruchy a chladno v Česku násobí mou depresi. Jsem si poměrně jistá, že bys mou životní situaci za svou neměnil, kdybys znal detaily, tak buď v klidu, hobby jsou furt stejný a že musk je cost/benefit přínos to si stabilně myslím určitě tak deset let
    VON_GILOTINE --- ---
    Ne ja se snazim prijit na to kde nekdo s tvymi hobby v minulosti skoncil v chranene dilme fanbois psychopatu.
    Tak jsem si domyslel variantu ze se nudite pac nemusite pracovat pac ste si koupili tri byty napric svetem diky bitcoinu a ted se vlastne cejtite ze ste soucasti tech frontier inovatoru sveta co jedini rozumi vizionarum a jak moc ucel sveti prostredky.
    YMLADRIS --- ---
    VON_GILOTINE: ty nechceš FSD v EU nebo oč jde?
    VON_GILOTINE --- ---
    YMLADRIS: chapu spravne ze ste s rodinou vydelali na bitcoinech a proto ste se stali muskovymi apologety?
    CROME --- ---
    VAGABUND: V Moskve se raduji, uzitecny idiot s dosahem a nezaplatili za nej ani kopejku. Strange days…
    YMLADRIS --- ---
    Bratr je těžký optimista a kocha se vyhlídkou na FSD v EU od září

    SEJDA --- ---
    ARAON: a taky dostal strach, co by se mohlo stat, kdyby Ukrajinci zacali branit sve hranice a ne jenom frontovou linii.
    ARAON --- ---
    VAGABUND: Neměl on tuhle nějaké popotahovačky, protože měl v Gigafactory zaměstnaných několik set ilegálů?
    SEJDA --- ---
    PALEONTOLOG: to o nem rikala ex :)
    PALEONTOLOG --- ---
    SITH: always has been
    SITH --- ---
    VAGABUND: to je už čisté dezinfo :-)
    VAGABUND --- ---
    full retard mode

    DZODZO --- ---
    Take to ked nemas peniaze, aby si si kupila twitter :)

    Taylor Swift threatens legal action against student tracking her private jet | Taylor Swift | The Guardian
    PETER_PAN --- ---
    KOUDY: Nymand no. Vsechno tohle je jen proto ze se narodil bohatejm rodicum, to neni umeni neco dokazat kdyz nemusis mejt nadobi v mekaci. :-)
    TOXICMAN --- ---
    SEJDA --- ---
    PES: tak je to jako zalozni ptogram, kdyz se jako zazrakem podarilo Starlink rozjet .. a podrzte si cepice, bude jednou Starlink zadarmo? ;)
    PES --- ---
    Jen pár info o projektu LOON, který byl Googlem terminován v roce 2021 (zřejmě se nevyplnila předpověď návratnosti jako dle studie uvedené na konci):

    How do Loon balloons work?

    The balloons were maneuvered by adjusting their altitude in the stratosphere to float to a wind layer after identifying the wind layer with the desired speed and direction using wind data from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA).

    What happened to Google Loon balloons?

    See our ethics statement. Alphabet's Loon project, which aimed to provide internet via a series of balloons, was shut down last year (2021) — but the tech associated with it has been spun off into a startup that ditches the floating platforms and aims to use lasers and the cloud to provide internet to remote places.

    How much does a Loon balloon cost?

    Using a systems engineering approach, an analysis was performed to determine the viability of
    Google’s ‘Project Loon’; a system of high altitude balloons creating a moveable and adaptable
    internet network. The scope of the project was determined based on its mission statement: “to provide
    internet access to rural and poor areas” (Google, n.d.). Australia and India were selected to be case
    study locations when discussing the feasibility of Project Loon. The material makeup of each balloon
    was assessed and an energy audit found each balloon had 70225MJ of embodied energy and an
    estimated initial cost of $17870. Over a five year period the total cost per balloon was determined to
    be $40318. To run at no cost to Google each customer would have to pay between $833.19 and
    $1.86 for the two considered scenarios assuming a 5% take-up rate by users. Due to the relationship
    between internet access and wealth it is recommended that Google implement Project Loon at no
    cost to users as the company would indirectly profit from more users due to advertisement revenue.
    At 5% take-up rate Australia is not a viable location for this project as only 13.5% of the ongoing cost
    would be covered. India however, would result in Project Loon generating $96.1 million in
    advertisement revenue, covering its total cost by 6046.1%. Furthermore Project Loon would provide
    valuable infrastructure to the company ensuring a larger customer base for future projects. (James Burr's study)
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