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    ztracené heslo?
    TOXICMANElon Musk
    SATAI --- ---
    PES: mně stačila i doména druhého řádu ;-)
    OMNIHASH --- ---
    PES: tyvole, dyť je to nadpis/první věta toho článku... vřítit se do diskuze urážkama a pak se divit, že se tomu lidi smějou, to je co? Trumpova diplomatická škola?
    PES --- ---
    OMNIHASH: jo, dalo by se i vsadit, že ty se chytneš a nastartuješ na téhle konkrétní větě ;-)))
    OMNIHASH --- ---
    PES: to je epesní článek, kam se na to hrabe půlka nasranejch postů na nyxu:

    Už jsme si nemysleli, že si Brusel budeme moci ještě někdy spojit s čímkoli rozumným, i v pekle ale občas mrzne. „Pachatelé dobra” tak pro jednou nevolají po nesmyslu...
    SEJDA --- ---
    Vcera/dneska odstartovaly 2 Falcony se starlinky, teda alespon mely startovat.
    DZODZO --- ---
    PES: zas dalsia poklopcova reklama na skodovku :)
    PES --- ---
    Btw. až bude Tesla (ale férově nejen Tesla) problém se sníženým hodnocením bezpečnosti provozu, pokud nebudou fyzická tlačítka (alespoň nějaká definovaná minimální sada), to bude mrzeníčko...

    Fyzická tlačítka v interiérech aut byla označena za bezpečnostní prvek, výrobci budou nuceni je zachovat | Autoforum.cz
    TOXICMAN --- ---
    Water deluge test!
    VON_GILOTINE --- ---

    Tesla Cybertruck Auction Prices Are Already Falling
    PER2 --- ---
    TOXICMAN: meli by jim dat cerveny uniformy jako ve stratreku :)
    SEJDA --- ---
    JARDABEREZA: flight busters ;)
    JARDABEREZA --- ---
    TOXICMAN: Ghostbusters? :-D
    TOXICMAN --- ---
    Objednal si někdo trinitro...todleto? :)
    TOXICMAN --- ---
    SpaceX employees are getting rebar souvenirs of the launchpad that was destroyed during the Starship IFT-1 from 4.20.2023.
    Only 3,500 were made. This one was given to Ruben Stewart.

    SEJDA --- ---
    JARDABEREZA: to je jedno, stary les (60+ let) ma svoji hodnotu i kdyby byl vysazen jako 100 % monokultura a jednou za 20 let probran/procisten/prosvetlen
    DZODZO --- ---
    JARDABEREZA: ano, vidno to aj zvrchu, pripadne na streetview tu to vyzeraju byt borovice https://maps.app.goo.gl/zBFtKyUEsmuqtFFG7
    JARDABEREZA --- ---
    TOXICMAN: Nejsou ty lesy co chtějí pokácet monokultury? Podobně jako u nás ty smrkové lesy?
    TOXICMAN --- ---
    Our Giga Berlin-Brandenburg team sent me a long list of public facts, so I thought I’d share a few of them.

    The entire point of @Tesla is to create innovative zero emissions products and accelerate sustainable energy/transport. But in order to do that well, we also focus on creating the most sustainable factories along with a culture to do the right thing in our community.

    • Giga’s per vehicle production only takes 2.28 m3 of water – 33% less than industry average (3.68 m3).

    • We recycle up to 100% of our industrial water.

    • We have over 8 MW of installed solar capacity and source renewable electricity.

    • Afforestation for Gigafactory Berlin-Brandenburg’s current site is even faster than construction - 300 hectares of high-quality forest (> 60 % of hardwood) have been planted.

    • In the nearby area the team has helped ecologically improve 340 hectares of existing forest through underplanting hardwood, making Grünheide, Spreenhagen & Gosen-Neu Zittau forests more diverse and therefore more resilient.

    • We incentivize a sustainable lifestyle - 45% of our employees commute by public transport.

    • Our shuttle train has a daily passenger volume of over 3000 and is free of charge.

    • @TeslaCharging
    has installed over 500 wall connectors - we think it’s the world’s largest charging park.

    • More than 12,000 people work at Giga. -1,500 of them were unemployed and another ~700 were long-term unemployed.

    • We partner with 13 different schools, and we are the biggest apprenticeship employer in Brandenburg.

    • Grünheide is only to beginning to benefit from Gigafactory Berlin-Brandenburg – in 2022, the year the factory started production, €6 Million EUR in trade taxes were paid to the

    • @staatskanzleibb
    achieved the highest GDP growth rate of all non-city states in Germany in the first half year 2023 - in large part due to Tesla's direct and indirect economic impact.

    • The Giga team is supporting a long list of community impact projects through volunteer efforts and partnerships with local youth clubs and associations.
    HONZA09 --- ---
    Tesla suddenly steering left into oncoming traffic during autonomous driving.
    Tesla users have been eagerly anticipating updates to address Autopilot errors, such as the car steering into the opposite lane, highlighting the need for continuous improvement in the system's safety features.

    @evolving.ai • Tesla suddenly steering left into oncoming traffic during autonomous driving. Tesla users have b... • Threads
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