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    ztracené heslo?
    TOXICMANElon Musk
    BUBBLE --- ---
    YMLADRIS: Realita se stava transparentnejsi kdyz si k tomu najdes vic zdroju. Jedna se o zalobu od Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine. Vetsina tech pokusu na zviratech kterych se tyka se nedelala v Neuralink facilities, ale v UC Davis, coz bylo nasmlouvany pracoviste ktery si zamestnanci Neuralinku platili a vyuzivali.

    zakladni info zde:

    Tady mas primo jejich vyjadreni a detailni rozbor toho co jim vadi, vcetne reakci na to co pise Neuralink:

    Doctors Sue UC Davis Over Neuralink Monkey Experiments

    Physicians Committee’s Response to “Neuralink’s Commitment to Animal Welfare”

    The Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine—a national nonprofit with more than 17,000 doctor members—has filed a lawsuit against the University of California, Davis, today for withholding information concerning animal experiments conducted in association with the company Neuralink. In response to a public records request by the doctors’ group, UC Davis withheld almost all documents, claiming it was in the “public interest” to do so.

    UC Davis, which receives hundreds of millions of dollars in taxpayer money each year, is performing invasive, deadly brain experiments on monkeys under a contract with Neuralink. The Physicians Committee points out that public employees working in publicly funded buildings cut open the animals’ skulls, implant electrodes in their brains, and eventually kill them. Yet UC Davis has suppressed information regarding the scientific justification, how the animals may suffer and die during the experiments, and even basic information about their veterinary care and housing.

    dalsi info zde...
    Search | Physicians Committee
    CROME --- ---
    YMLADRIS: Jako sorry tohle je uz za hranou fanboyismu
    SATAI --- ---
    E2E4: no vidíš, neumřely. Byly zabité. YMLADRIS si konstruuje vlastní realitu ;-)
    E2E4 --- ---
    YMLADRIS: ?? sám neuralink píše, že Elon lže, když tvrdí, že žádné opice neumřely..

    six animals were euthanized at the medical advice of the veterinary staff at UC Davis. These reasons included one surgical complication involving the use of the FDA-approved product (BioGlue), one implant's connecting hardware became loose, and four suspected infections, a risk inherent with any percutaneous medical device.

    Neuralink’s Commitment to Animal Welfare | Blog | Neuralink
    YMLADRIS --- ---
    TADEAS: nevím jak to zjistit, realita není transparentní, lidi si ji konstruují :)

    Tady tvrdí že inspektoři byli impressed

    The USDA inspector who came by Neuralink facilities literally said that in her entire career she has never seen a better animal care facility — we are the nicest to the animals you could possibly be,

    Musk said that the company had used terminally ill monkeys for some of its early implants, reflecting comments he made in a post on X earlier this year, but insisted that no monkeys had died as a direct result of the Neuralink brain implant.

    "Neuralink has never caused the death of a monkey … In fact, we now have monkeys who have had Neuralink implants for two to three years, and they're doing great," he said.

    Elon Musk Says Neuralink Monkeys Live in Paradise
    KAERO --- ---
    PATISLAV: mozna je konzistentni, ale je manipulativni. Jestli chtel hodnotit automobilove a naftarske lobby, tak to u elektroauta nedava smysl. A jestli hodnoti car-centric design, tak mel to video nazvat "Cybertruck from EU city view - A tragedy", a zvolit jiny obrazek. (A kompletne zmenit styl mluveni, zahodit vsechny manipulace atd. atd.)
    KAERO --- ---
    NANUQ: a to ze je Musk zid ma s hodnocenim cybertrucku co presne? hodnoceni se snad da udelat nezavisle na tom jestli je zid nebo ne. Ale tech blbych argumentu tam bylo cele hafo.

    Uz jen ten zacatek - "Before Elon Musk was busy spreading Nazi conspiracy theories on Twitter...."
    To je proste manipulace jak stehno. Tak bud ten cybertruck je spatny, a nepotrebuje kvuli tomu manipulovat, nebo to nestoji za shlednuti.

    A ten argument ze v manualu je napsane ze se maji odstranovat ptaci hovna co nejdriv - sorry, ale to mam u sveho Renault Trafic v manualu taky, ze ho mam udrzovat cisty. Opet blby argument. Myslel jsem ze tam bude zaber konkretnich fleku nebo rzi, ale nic...

    Ano, cybertruck je hnusne velka krabice na kolech pro americany s velkymi ulicemi, ale opet to neni hodnoceni cybertrucku ale teto kategorie aut.

    Jak se vysmiva ze do cybertrucku se nevejde ani kolo - do toho raptora od fordu taky ne. To je proste vlastnost tehle kategorie aut.

    To ze na zacatku vyroby odhadovali cenu 40 k$, a ted je to 61 k$, protoze celosvetove inflace tlacila vsechny ceny nahoru, tam chytre radeji zmineno vubec neni.

    Je toho v tom videu spousta. Hnusne, tendencni, nevyvazene, predem zamerene nakydat co nejvetsi spinu, zamlcuji informace kde se hodi a vytahuji nesouvisejici veci.
    SATAI --- ---
    DZODZO: nejsi ty Patrik Nacher? #DvojíMetr
    DZODZO --- ---
    PATISLAV: konzistentna pozice proti automobilovej lobby a car-centric cities sa da robit aj bez manipulativneho wordingu https://www.youtube.com/@NotJustBikes
    PATISLAV --- ---
    DZODZO: ne, opravdu to není pro views, je to konzistentní pozice proti automobilový a naftařský lobby a car-centric designu městský infrastruktury.
    TOXICMAN --- ---
    Ship 29 is rolling back to the launch site for its Static Fire test ahead of flying on IFT-4.
    DZODZO --- ---
    KAERO: ked si pozries kanal toho youtubera, tak zistis, ze to je jeho typ contentu, ze pohejti nejaky projekt pre views, lebo kontroverzia predava :)
    VON_GILOTINE --- ---
    Sry ja to video nekoukal. Takze dekuji za tldr
    NANUQ --- ---
    VON_GILOTINE: Ale houby, říká tam že je Elon "billionaire, genius, vibranium, neuralink, Tesla, Mars, 420, jewish question Rocket man". Vztahuje se to myslím k těm jeho protižidovským tweetům.
    VON_GILOTINE --- ---
    Lol fakt mu vycita ze je Zid? Tak to je dobry zpusob jak se vyradit z debaty o cemkoliv
    KAERO --- ---
    PEJR: sorry, ale to je fakt hloupe video. vycitat cybertrucku ze to je velky pickup a ze elon je zid... skoda tech 7 minut co jsem tomu venoval
    VON_GILOTINE --- ---
    Tak v americe jede ketak uz od druhy pulky 90s, jestli resite tohle..
    VON_GILOTINE --- ---
    Tak hlavne elon ma zjevne toho doktora typu michael jackson nebo prince kterej mu zjevne predepise uplne cpkoliv so elon rekne. Tak.doktor fungovat nema..

    TADEAS: mi na tom spis znepokojilo to jak jsou pacienti s paralyzou jen cestou jak obejit pravidla na zkouseni veci na lidech.. bejval takovej film o typkovi co temer vynalezl lek na rakovinu jen na to pouzival bezdomovce co nikomu nechybi aby se nemusel ptat zda je to ok.. no pointa byla v tom.ze ucel fakt nesveti prostredky
    YMLADRIS --- ---
    Ketamine is in the spotlight thanks to Elon Musk — but is it the right treatment for depression?

    Nature komentuje ten ketamin

    Jinak v ČR se tím zabýva psyon a Horáček, ale spíš dávají lidem psychedelický dávky v naději že to restartuje priors v těžké depresi
    TADEAS --- ---
    VON_GILOTINE: “The question is, does a clash emerge between the short-term goal of patient-oriented clinical health outcomes and the long-term goal of AI symbiosis?” “I think the answer is probably yes.”
    Starship Reached Space. What Now?
    VON_GILOTINE --- ---
    Trochu zodpovednejsi nahled na "ucel ospravedlnuje prostredky"

    Elon Musk’s Neuralink implants a brain chip in its first human — at what cost? - Vox
    PEJR --- ---
    Trocha hejtu..

    Tesla Cybertruck: A Tragedy On Four Wheels
    TADEAS --- ---
    NYIBELUNGER: pro me jako zdravyho cloveka je z toho zdravotniho hlediska obtizne prekousnutelny to naruseni integrity lebky. :)
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