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    ztracené heslo?
    TOXICMANElon Musk
    DZODZO --- ---
    VAGABUND: takych bubliniek vypustaju aj ostatni kvanta, ale pre media to nie je zaujimave, musk je ten spravny clickbait :)

    Why So Many EV Companies Fail
    PALEONTOLOG --- ---
    VAGABUND: mas dobrou pamet, ja nedavno videl dokument o tom thajsku a nakonec bylo bezpecnejsi ty deti uspat a svazany protahnout jeskyni, nez vyuzit podivnej vynalez pana vizionare
    VAGABUND --- ---
    DZODZO: par bublinek od boku z hlavy
    - hyperloop
    - výprava na mars
    - boring company
    - solární cihly
    - přejezd z jednoho pobřeží na druhý károu bez zásahu řidiče
    - neprůstřelnej plavací cybertruck
    - vesmírnej turismus - výlety kolem měsíce
    - thai jeskyne a super ponorka (+ obvineni potapece z pedofilie)
    - twitter - valka proti botum / freedom of speech
    - ty jeho roboti (ktery se ukazaly, ze sou na dalkovy ovladani)
    - 1000 covidovejch ventilatorů
    - funkční neuralink před x lety
    - tesla semi
    - tesla roadster
    - space x timeline
    - twitter jako all-in-one app (wechat stajla)
    DZODZO --- ---
    VAGABUND: "jako dycky" - tak si retrospektivne pozri nejake hype bubliny z roku 2018:


    "Musk: “The Reuters report is based on nothing. Like I don’t know where that came from. We will not be starting production on Model Y at the end of next year. I would say it’s probably closer to 24 months from now. So 2020 is a more likely prospect for Model Y, early 2020." - model y sa zacal predavat early 2020

    Musk: “Well, I think – let’s save that for another time. Like, we’ll talk about that when we unveiled the Model Y. But it’s really going to be dramatically better. The design and production system, I think, really will be next level.” - model y sa zacal vyrabat metodou gigacastingu co dost zjednodusilo vyrobny proces
    VAGABUND --- ---
    DZODZO: jestli dobre pamatuju, tak ohledne robotaxis tesla jeste ani nekontaktovala us urady, ktery to maj v gesci..imo bude zas jedna z musk hype bublin, ktera dopadne jako dycky
    DZODZO --- ---
    steer by wire aj s ukazkou ako moc treba tocit volantom (a preco teda yoke nie je nebezpecnejsi nez obyc volant)

    Tesla Cybertruck Steer-by-Wire System
    DZODZO --- ---
    OMNIHASH: vsak robotaxi CaaS ne?
    OMNIHASH --- ---
    DZODZO: cožeco???
    DZODZO --- ---
    VAGABUND: v BI niekto nedaval poslednych par rokov pozor a stale ma pocit ze tesla je "electric-car maker", ale uz nevidi, ze zachvilu im po fabrike bude miesto ludi pobehovat optimus a ze gro profitov nebude predaj aut, ale licencii na pouzivanie auta (nieco jak boli take tie memecka na bmw subskripci na vyhrievane fotele :)

    ked si clovek pomysli, ze to zacalo nevinnym vydavanim datadiskov ku pocitacovym hram a skonci to tym, ze budeme platit za nieco co nebudeme vlastnit a budeme stastni, tak je to trochu creepy :)
    VAGABUND --- ---
    Elon Musk is right. The electric-car maker needs a radical shake-up, and it should start with a new CEO.

    There's only one person to blame for the company's shambolic state and only one person whose exit could save Tesla: Elon Musk. For the past few years, Tesla has looked unstoppable, but during those high times, Musk failed to implement any strategy that would insulate the company from what has become a violent global electric-vehicle price war. The company is incinerating cash, losing market share, and holding more aging inventory than ever before.

    Tesla Needs to Fire Elon Musk As CEO If It Wants to Save Itself
    TOXICMAN --- ---
    Jak to nazvou je mě osobně uplně jedno, pokud pravdivě sdělují co to aktuálně umí.
    Cíl je samozřejmě autonomní provoz, můžeme spekulovat jak je to daleko, ale točit se na nějakém názvu u firmy jako je Tesla, kde jsou modely pojmenovány S 3 X Y :D
    TOXICMAN --- ---
    MAKROUSEK: ne, FSD (Beta) je název sw produktu a před nákupem, aktivací, používáním atd je uživateli sděleno, že:
    Like other Autopilot features, Full Self-Driving (Beta) requires a fully attentive driver and will display a series of escalating warnings requiring driver response. You must keep your hands on the steering wheel while Full Self-Driving (Beta) is engaged.
    PES --- ---
    E2E4: no FSD je jen špatně pochopená zkratka - prostě si plně sám řídíš ;-)
    E2E4 --- ---
    TOXICMAN: rozumím tomu teda dobře, že to, čemu se u Tesly říká "full self driving" není full self driving, tedy SAE level 5 ?
    MAKROUSEK --- ---
    TOXICMAN: Tak FSD = level 5.
    TOXICMAN --- ---
    MAKROUSEK: tak asi neznáš 6 úrovní SAE Levels of Driving Automation
    SAE Levels of Driving Automation™ Refined for Clarity and International Audience
    THAIGRR --- ---
    MAKROUSEK: buď ho nechám řídit samo a budu tomu říkat Full SD, nebo ho nechám dělat většinu a budu dělat supervizi a případně přeberu řízení, ale pak to není FSD
    MAKROUSEK --- ---
    TOXICMAN: Nejvtipnejsi je FSD (Supervised). Ja teda nevim, skoly nemam, ale budto necham auto ridit samo a nebo ho ridit samo nenecham. Nic mezi tim.
    KOUDY --- ---
    MrBeast je s výdělky na X nakonec spokojen, získal tu už přes 1.000.000 USD | Svět hardware
    TOXICMAN --- ---

    Q1 2024 Shareholder Update → https://ir.tesla.com/

    — Highlights

    While many are pulling back on their investments in EVs, we are investing in future growth. This includes our AI programs, production capacity, Supercharger & service networks as well as new products infrastructure.

    To maximize the impact of our products, we design & manufacture a fully integrated ecosystem.

    Cybertruck production ramp is progressing, with a sequential cost improvement in Q1 & a production rate of over 1k units/week in April.

    Additionally, 4680 ramp continued successfully in Q1 & remains ahead of Cybertruck ramp.

    The future is not only electric, but also autonomous.

    Since the launch of FSD V12 earlier this year, it has become clear that a vision-only architecture with end-to-end neural networks, trained on billions of miles of real-world data, is the right solution for scalable autonomy.

    We also completed the transition to Hardware 4.0 in Q1, our latest in-vehicle computer with increased inference processing power & improved cameras.

    To make FSD Supervised more accessible, we reduced the subscription price to $99/month & purchase price to $8k in the US.

    We're also building ride-hailing functionality that will seamlessly integrate into the Tesla app & become available in the future.

    TOXICMAN --- ---
    Falcon 9’s first stage has landed on the Just Read the Instructions droneship, completing Falcon’s 300th landing!
    CRAZY_IVAN --- ---
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