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    TOXICMANElon Musk respektive jeho firmy SpaceX (Falcon / Heavy / Dragon / Starship), Tesla, Starlink, Neuralink, Boring, xAI
    KAERO --- ---
    AVATAR: ok, ja hlavne chtel reagovat na ty fakta mimo ohledne starship a bush/obama/trump. jestli ma nekdo chory mozek nebo ne je mi ukradene.
    AVATAR --- ---
    (A byli oznacovani za neverici tomase)
    AVATAR --- ---
    KAERO: and whatabout...

    Ja neresil zpozdenej vesmirnej program, resil jsem koudyho chorej mozek a ze si z toho odnesl, ze je yemi (kterej s tim zpozdenim nemel zbla spolecnyho) naivka a vysmal se mu.

    Pritom jestli je nekdo naivka, tak je to elon co slibil nerealny a miliardar, co mu na to skocil. Ale fakt ne nakej Yemi :)

    Ze to neklapne jsme tu vestili asi vsichni uz pri oznameni.
    KOUDY --- ---
    KAERO: Je zbytecny to nekterejm nevericim tomaskum furt dokola jak ve skolce vysvetlovat. Uz na to taky seru.
    KAERO --- ---
    Ech, resit ze vesmirny program je zpozdeny je jako resit ze v anglii prsi. Ale nez nekdo zacne nadavat na zpozdeni starship, doporucil bych kouknout na zpozdeni Starlineru od Boeing, dyt to tu hernajs ted bylo...

    Starship mela uspesne lety. Jenze uspesnost neznamena ze vystartovala a pristala, ale ze spilnila/nesplnila primarni cile mise.

    Let k mesici si "vyblouznil" uz Bush, Obama a Trump v tom pokracovali. Napsat ze let k mesici si vyblouznil Trump je uplny nesmysl, viz:
    Space policy of the George W. Bush administration - Wikipedia
    TOXICMAN --- ---
    Starship Flight 4, with many improvements, aiming to launch on Thursday!

    The main goal of this mission is to get much deeper into the atmosphere during reentry, ideally through max heating.
    PES --- ---
    Koupili jsme si X a vyzkoušeli chatbota Grok. Elon bude muset ještě hodně zabrat, zatím je to totiž slabota – Živě.cz
    SATAI --- ---
    AVATAR: to je přece to geniální, ne? Nebo tak něco.
    KOUDY --- ---
    As big space projects do—and to the surprise of no one—Starship ran behind in its development. The first test flight did not occur until April 2023, and that was just the beginning. The dearMoon mission lay at the very end of a long line of tests that the vehicle must complete: safe launch, controlled flight in space, safe landing of the Starship upper stage, in-space refueling, habitability in space, and much more.

    With the fourth test flight of Starship coming in a few days, as early as June 5, SpaceX has so far demonstrated the ability to safely launch Starship. So it remains at the beginning of a challenging technical journey.

    One of the biggest impacts to the dearMoon project came in April 2021, when NASA selected the Starship vehicle as the lunar lander for its Artemis Program. This put the large vehicle on the critical path for NASA's ambitious program to land humans on the surface of the Moon. It also offered an order of magnitude more funding, $2.9 billion, and the promise of more if SpaceX could deliver a vehicle to take humans down to the Moon's surface from lunar orbit, and back.

    Since then SpaceX has had two clear priorities for its Starship program. The first of these is to become operational, and begin deploying larger Starlink satellites. And the second is to use these flights to test technologies needed for NASA's Artemis Program, such as in-space propellant storage and refueling.

    As a result other aspects of the program, including dearMoon, were deprioritized. In recent months it became clear that if Maezawa's mission happened, it would not occur until at least the early 2030s—at least a decade after the original plan.

    In the meantime, Maezawa's priorities also likely changed. According to Forbes, when the plan was announced in 2018, the entrepreneur had a net worth of about $3 billion. Today he is estimated to be worth only half of that. Additionally, he scratched his itch to go to space in 2021, flying aboard a Russian Soyuz vehicle for a 12-day trip to the International Space Station.

    This all leaves a clearer road ahead for Starship: Become operational, start flying Starlink satellites, and begin ticking off the technical challenges for Artemis. Then, several years from now, the company will turn its attention toward the challenging prospect of launching humans inside Starship from Earth, and then landing back on the planet. The first of these people will be another billionaire, Jared Isaacman, who has already flown on Crew Dragon and plans at least two more such flights before the pioneering Starship mission.
    TOXICMAN --- ---
    Flight 4 of Starship is now targeted to launch as early as June 6, pending regulatory approval

    TOXICMAN --- ---
    AVATAR --- ---
    KOUDY: no, tak to si nemel elon slibovat, ne?
    KOUDY --- ---
    AVATAR: To jen abych tvy mozkovy kapacite jako zakovi na zakladce vysvetlil, ze vyvoj rakety, ktera obleti mesic nebo na nem dokonce pristane neprobehne za ctyri roky, ale potrva trochu dele a je uplne jedno, jestli na ni dela Elon a SpaceX, nebo Bezos, jeho blue Origin a Nasa, nebo rusaci ci cinani atp..a i asijsti miliardari s tou prodlevou a zdlouhavym vyvojem urcite musi pocitat. Ostatne Maezawa to dobre vi. Par let zpatky byl se svym asistentem Hiranem asi tyden na ISS.
    AVATAR --- ---
    KOUDY: ja s whatabout nasa nezacal, tenhle dementni argument jsi prinesl ty.
    KOUDY --- ---
    VON_GILOTINE: Ja s anglictinou narozdil od tebe problem nemam..stejne jako s holkama :)
    AVATAR: Jeste nam tu prosim rekni neco o rozpoctu Nasa, co tu jeste nikdo z nas dvacet let nevi. Dekujem.
    AVATAR --- ---
    Ale v ramci debaty teda...

    V sedmdesatych letech platil kazdej jeden american 5% z toho, co vydelal na let k vesmiru.

    Let k mesici od nasa vyblouznil Trump a rok 2024 byl zvolen z politickych duvodu (znovu zvoleni trumpa). Uvolnil na to necelych 8 miliard dolaru. Ne rocne, celkem. Z 6.5 trillionu dolaru. Dokazes spocitat, kolik procent to je? Asi ne, tak ti pomuzu. Je to 0.12%. Ffs Nasa musi pouzivat motory z raketoplanu, aby to vubec bylo uskutecnitelny.

    Navic nepodepsali smlouvu, ze 2024 odleti. Pouze to byl cil.

    Mrkni na to video, budes zas o neco chytrejsi. Not.
    KOUDY --- ---
    AVATAR: Ja zase z tvy naivity, ze od vyvoje starshipu k obletu mesice staci pet let, zvlast kdyz americkej leteckej urad vydava povoleni jednou za pul roku, takze se i testovani zpozduje.

    tady se kdyztak tvoje mozkova kapacita muze dovzdelat :)

    SATAI --- ---
    AVATAR: ti k zábavě stačí málo.

    Dadum tssss.
    AVATAR --- ---
    KOUDY: ja s tebou nedebatuju, ja mam prdel z tvy mozkovy kapacity :)
    KOUDY --- ---
    AVATAR: Prosimte zachvilku mi tu budes tvrdit ze jsme tam nikdy nepristali..Radsi jdu delat neco uzitecnyho nez vest dalsi zbytecnou debatu s nevericim avatarem :)
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