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    ztracené heslo?
    TOXICMANElon Musk
    TOXICMAN --- ---
    hatch open prep
    ARAON --- ---
    KOUDY: Je to Ai. Natrénované na tomhle. Reálnou není o moc lepší.

    THRAWN --- ---
    uz jsou tam zabery z kabiny
    THRAWN --- ---
    First Commercial Spacewalk - Polaris Dawn Performs EVA with SpaceX Dragon
    THRAWN --- ---
    TOXICMAN: nevis, jestli bude primej prenos?
    KOUDY --- ---
    VYHULENY_UFO: Ted se marne snazis obhajit svoje fake news a lez?
    KOUDY --- ---
    Uz tu probehlo nekolikrat, ze ten obrazek je fake.
    KOUDY --- ---
    VYHULENY_UFO: Ted jeste lzes?

    KOUDY --- ---
    VYHULENY_UFO: Ted siris fake news obrazkem upravenem pres AI?
    DZODZO --- ---
    OMNIHASH: tak vlasy vypadavaju aj ludom ostrihanym na jezka, nie su tolko vidiet, ale do roznych zariadeni ako napr. moja klavesnica sa vedia dostat, to by museli nosit celu dobu kupacie ciapky, aby tam nepoletoval ziadny vlas
    OMNIHASH --- ---
    DZODZO: na to existuje geniální vynález, jmenuje se gumička
    XARGH --- ---
    DZODZO: A jak to souvisi v tim, ze MUSK je regulerni psychopat?

    BTW "tvari se jako dobry samaritan" je srandovni formulace kamo. A cena za prednasku hraje nejakou roli? mame zavidet a dotycneho zavrhnout?
    DZODZO --- ---
    TOXICMAN: riesi sa nejako vo vesmire vypadavanie vlasov? zvlast ak su tam astronautky s dlhymi vlasmi, tak to musi po chvili lietat vsade po priestore, mne staci vidiet tu spust vo vani, ked si zena umyva vlasy
    DZODZO --- ---
    XARGH: clanok od Reicha, ktory sa tvari ako dobry samaritan pracujuci pre chudobnych ludi, zatial co si berie $30k-$50k za prednasku nie je prilis doveryhodny
    XARGH --- ---

    The European Union commissioner Thierry Breton sent Musk an open letter reminding him of EU laws against amplifying harmful content “that promotes hatred, disorder, incitement to violence, or certain instances of disinformation” and warning that the EU “will be extremely vigilant” about protecting “EU citizens from serious harm”.

    Musk’s response was a meme that said: “TAKE A BIG STEP BACK AND LITERALLY, F*CK YOUR OWN FACE!”

    Elon Musk calls himself a “free speech absolutist” but has accepted over 80% of censorship requests from authoritarian governments. Two days before the Turkish elections, he blocked accounts critical of the president, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan.

    And his friendly relations with authoritarians often seem to coincide with beneficial treatment of his businesses; shortly after Musk suggested handing Taiwan over to the Chinese government, Tesla got a tax break from the Chinese government.

    Elon Musk is out of control. Here is how to rein him in | Robert Reich | The Guardian
    TOXICMAN --- ---
    All systems are looking good for the Polaris Dawn crew to perform the first spacewalk from Dragon today. The EVA webcast begins at 4:55 a.m. ET → https://www.spacex.com/launches/mission/?missionId=polarisdawn
    TOXICMAN --- ---
    THRAWN: pravda!
    Polaris Dawn crew to make first commercial spacewalk - NASASpaceFlight.com

    he spacewalk, which marks another milestone in the development of the commercial space industry, is due to begin at approximately 09:58 UTC.
    THRAWN --- ---
    TOXICMAN: neměli by se už teďka někdy "procházet"?
    TOXICMAN --- ---
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