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    ztracené heslo?
    TOXICMANElon Musk
    SPIKE411 --- ---
    OMNIHASH --- ---
    VYHULENY_UFO: nemělo to nějak fungovat přímo na telefon aspoň na SMSky?
    THAIGRR --- ---

    kam až se dostane B12

    95 hlasy od 27 respondentů

    DZODZO --- ---
    7:00 PM, Oct 10 Pacific Daylight Time (PDT)
    4:00 AM, Oct 11 Central European Summer Time (CEST)

    tak to asi pozriem az zajtra zo zaznamu :)
    TOXICMAN --- ---
    B12 cryo:✅
    S30 cryo:✅
    B12 SF:✅
    S30 SF:✅
    Partial WDR:✅
    SpaceX tweet:✅
    Road closures: ✅
    Final stacking:🟡
    FAA licence:🟡
    XCHAOS --- ---
    SATAI --- ---
    Zkušenosti s koupí Tesly z českých interwebů

    YMLADRIS --- ---
    k tomu potencialnimu kriminalu se nazory znacne ruzni. zde jeden podrobnejsi pohled typu "jasna vec" (nejaky nahodny redditor)

    Answer: it’s white collar crime. I’m disappointed in these other comments saying he hasn’t done anything wrong and/or won’t go to prison. It’s white collar crime guys, you’re thinking too narrowly about politics and forgetting his misdeeds in business. The man has already been charged with fraud by the SEC and allegedly isn’t adhering to the settlement rules.

    He tried to take it to the Supreme Court, they declined. https://www.reuters.com/legal/us-supreme-court-wont-hear-elon-musk-dispute-over-sec-settlement-2024-04-29/

    He was supposed to testify two weeks ago aaand didn’t show up: https://www.cnn.com/2024/09/20/tech/sec-sanctions-elon-musk-testimony-twitter-probe/index.html

    He doesn’t seem to want to admit publicly about whether he did the deposition earlier this week: https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/c0e1xgw4dqdo

    This is speculation, but I also suspect that the wealthiest early TSLA backers are gearing up to send him to prison for funneling money (and apparently engineering resources) from the publicly traded equity they invested in away to his private company (Twitter). That is beyond illegal in every sense of the rules of Wall Street. Especially as he’s on record lying about it.

    Could it be made-up self-victimizing? I guess so. But Elon Musk has allegedly committed fraud and seems to be reluctant to show a good faith effort to follow the rules, and could very well face criminal consequences for not adhering to the settlement or being found in contempt of court. There’s a popular narrative that everyone on Wall Street is committing crimes, but the SEC does what it can to keep it a level playing field and they’re the one agency that people generally don’t want to fuck with. Why Elon Musk keeps picking a fight with them is anyone’s guess but it’s not going to be pretty.
    TOXICMAN --- ---
    Work on installing Booster 12 FTS explosives has begun! A major pre-launch milestone.

    PALEONTOLOG --- ---
    PALEONTOLOG: factchecks bez paywall

    FEMA isn't running out of money for hurricane relief because of migrants : NPR
    PALEONTOLOG --- ---
    FEMA blocked help, vime kdo to tu siri

    Elon Musk is piling onto all the hurricane disinformation, hampering relief efforts - E&E News by POLITICO
    PALEONTOLOG --- ---
    spis teda spis new customer promotion nez zdarma

    Elon Musk's 'Free' Starlink for Hurricane Helene Victims Will Cost at Least $400
    MAWERICK --- ---
    BRETA: jdes od zdi ke zdi uplne zbytecne...

    tyhle "korporatni" emergency response teamy jsou nakonec celkem dobra vec... nejde o to ze umozni "poslat par sms zdarma", ale o to ze nahodi zpatky kriticke casti infrastruktury... DHL napr ma podobnej team kterej resi zasobovani v zaszenych opblastech. A dost casto jsou tam proto ze to proste udelaji rychleji a efektivneji nez kdokoliv jinej. primarne proto ze "nedelaji nic jineho" a delalli to Xkrat predtim takze maji hromadu zkusenosti.

    a staty s nima vetsinou rady spolupracuji protoze to znamena ze tam daji do poradku ty zakladni veci mnohem rychleji.
    BRETA --- ---
    ufff, blahorecit korporaci za to, ze obetem hurikanu dovoli poslat par smsek zdarma a stat stavet do role otravneho hmyzu uz je uplne moc

    nechcete se z toho anarchokapitalizmu uz probrat?
    QWWERTY --- ---
    YMLADRIS: myslis ten stat, ktery kdyz se nahodou rozhodne udelat neco rychle bez 3 slozek papiru, tak ho pak nudici se pravnik spolecnosti ktera nevyhrala bude tahat po soudech, ze neudelali dostatecny vyberovy reseni a jejich chudacek korporace tak byla diskriminovana?
    DZODZO --- ---
    PES: tak to ti mozem povedat ze nie, technicky samotna migracia je zalezitost par dni, ale to planovanie a koordinacia vsetkych timov v korporatu zaberie nejaky ten cas
    KAERO --- ---
    YMLADRIS: ale no tak. rychle pomoct obetem hurikanu je ve vrcholnem zajmu politika. kdyz to zvore tak ho priste nezvoli. proto se vsichni politici jezdili fotit jak pomahaji po tornadu.
    PES --- ---
    DZODZO: to je ale také dost problém toho molochu SAPu ( #humor )
    DZODZO --- ---
    ARAON: statna byrokracie vie mat na firmy dost velky vliv, aspon v energetickom sektore, staci aby sa rozhodlo, ze firma nemoze mat monopol na predaj plynu aj vlastnictvo plynovodov a mas z toho migracny projekt SAPu na 3 roky
    YMLADRIS --- ---
    XCHAOS: problem je, ze stat je monopolizovana korporace, ktera nema duvod byt inovativni, rychle reagujici atd. Odpojuje se to od reality. Politika je vyhradne jen o udrzeni se u moci atd. Nejaky "rychle pomoct obetem hurikanu" to statnimi strukturami nema sanci protect.

    takze je super, ze vubec existuji nejake jine tak velke struktury, ktere maji kapacitu nejak reagovat, ktere ale maji v povaze byt inovativni a flexibilni. Tem lidem na Floride to zachranuje zivoty, i kdyz tobe to teda neprijde dost filosoficky dokonale
    Kliknutím sem můžete změnit nastavení reklam