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    ztracené heslo?
    TOXICMANElon Musk
    OMNIHASH --- ---
    JONAS3: jasný, páč EU nemá armádu dalších úředníků a politiků, co budou tlačit tu agendu némlich stejně dál. Tahleta iluze, že si jakejkoliv byrokrat ten souboj s Muskem bere osobně, a že ho stačí vyměit, a všechno už bude sluníčkový...
    PALEONTOLOG --- ---
    JONAS3: tys upad, vid

    Po českých stopách v EU: Věra Jourová mezi nejvlivnějšími | Radio Prague International
    JONAS3 --- ---
    VYHULENY_UFO: Jourová, Jourová... to je kdo? Za půl roku po ní neštěkne ani pes.
    OTAVA --- ---
    KAERO: ten cinky student ktery vychodi v US dve vysoky skoly v technickem zamereni se necha zamestnat v tesle, stahne vsecko na co ma i nema pristup v praci na flesku a posle to domu, jednoduche, elelgantni a pak muze zmenit praci treba a it to vse opakovat treba do General Electric.
    KAERO --- ---
    A tuhle kopii jste uz videli? By me zajimalo jak tohle kopirovani funguje. Nekdo sezene teslu, premeri vsechny dily, a nastavi vyrobni proces aby to jelo 1:1? Anebo obslehnou primo vyrobni proces? By me zajimalo jak se v Tesle a ve SpaceX brani prumyslove spionazi.

    Tesla Semi se ještě pořádně nevyrábí a už má čínskou kopii. Jmenuje se Větrná růžice a byla i v ČR
    KOUDY --- ---
    TOXICMAN --- ---
    z mexické strany

    TOXICMAN --- ---
    top floor of Mega Bay 2 !

    PER2 --- ---
    Everyday Astronaut
    Just wait till you see all the shots from our cameras! This one shot is 2 and a half hours long 👀 hopefully able to get it out tomorrow or Friday 🤞
    KOUDY --- ---
    Jensen Huang řekl, že je Musk superčlověk. Superpočítač, co jiní staví 4 roky, zvládl za 19 dní | Svět hardware
    PER2 --- ---
    ah yes, konecne video od cosmic prespective
    dokonce moment, kdy z boosteru odlitaji plechy :)

    Landing burn startup! 🎥 Look at the incredible force required to slow Starship's booster in the final moments before tower catch. Filmed at 420fps, we'll be sharing highlights of the entire track soon with @Erdayastronaut

    BLACKHEAD --- ---
    PER2: O KURWA! Tak tohle je hodne velka porce fyziky v jednom videu! 8-o
    JIMIQ --- ---
    LEGI: ty pruzkumy asi delali na xitteru, ne? :D
    MAKROUSEK --- ---
    YMLADRIS: Ja bych to tak cerne nevidel, vypada to, ze letos to bez Pennsylvanie vyhrat nepujde a tam porad vede Kamala.

    CROME --- ---
    YMLADRIS: Az vyhraje Trump bude pro nej Elmo digitalizovat koncentracni tabory…
    LEGI --- ---
    YMLADRIS: myslim, že podstata swing states spočívá v tom, že tam nikdo z kandidátů nevede o podobný parníky jako ve 3 až 4 tebou uváděných.
    YMLADRIS --- ---
    no takže trump vede ve všech swings states :-| pokud by se verilo Polymarketu

    pokud Musk teda udělá tu government efficiency commision (urad, ktery by verejne sprave kontroloval jak vynaklada prostredky, kecal by agenturam a urednikum do toho a menil veci. Trump tvrdi ze to usetri trilliony (v anglictine) dolaru.)

    co se podle vas pak stane?

    1. neumi se pohybovat v politice. bude to jeho konec, vyrobi se nejaky skandal kolem neho
    2. dopadne jak bartos s digitalizaci stavebniho rizeni - vladni agentury nelze reformovat a musk to zjisti hard way a zabali to
    3. nic zvlastniho se nestane, proste udela se nejaky audit, no big deal
    4. neco jineho

    PER2 --- ---
    YMLADRIS --- ---
    WaitButWhy Tim Urban pise tak mile o tom, proc vzal dceru na launch

    Imagine if every commercial airplane flight ended with the passengers parachuting to the ground and the plane crashing into the ocean. With every plane flying exactly once, a brand-new plane would be needed for every flight. Tickets would cost millions of dollars, limiting air travel to billionaires and governments. ..

    In late 2015 a SpaceX rocket launched, sent its payload into orbit, and for the first time in human history, came back down and landed. I watched from SpaceX headquarters. The cheer was so deafening you could feel the vibration move through your body. In the face of a million doubts, SpaceX showed that a private company could not only launch rockets but do it better than any government ever had. Soon, the U.S. government was using SpaceX, not Russia, to launch its astronauts.


    I can say with confidence: Watching a skyscraper falling from the sky is one of the most surreal things I have ever seen. Noticing my daughter still fixated on the cloud, I redirected her attention to the falling rocket. Near the ground, with a new streak of fire shooting out of its engines, it slowly hovered its way over to the tower and into the gentle embrace of the robot arms. The crowd roared. My wife, who gives one percent as much of a shit as I do about space, was in tears.

    It’s hard to wrap your head around SpaceX’s mission. If they actually succeed in putting a single human on Mars, let alone their goal of a million people, it will be one of the major milestones in not just human history but life history—on par with the moment animals first began to walk on land. Whether or not they end up pulling it off, space is officially exciting again.

    But the reason rocket launches make people emotional isn’t about that. It’s the feeling of swelling pride that comes from being in awe of your own species. It’s the feeling of hope that comes from being reminded of our insane potential when thousands of people work together toward a goal. It’s the happy version of the post-9/11 feeling of wanting to hug every stranger you see.

    These emotions are especially refreshing at a time when we’re surrounded by their polar opposite: the pessimism and petty cynicism that pervade our age of suffocating tribalism.

    As the father to a smiley little gnome, I desperately want to shield her from the negativity that will swirl around her as she grows up. I won’t be able to do that. But what I can do is continually redirect her attention to the rocket, showing her all the ways our species is incredible. I can use “rocket launch emotion” as a parenting compass and try, as many times as I can, to give her experiences that fill her with that particular magical, high-minded feeling.

    If along the way I also train her to be my little space nerd friend, all the better.

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