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    ztracené heslo?
    TOXICMANElon Musk
    KAERO --- ---
    PES: ma tim na mysli, ze kdyz mas superoptimalni podminky, tak se na tech 95 % ucinnosti dostanes. Jenze uz nerika, ze mobil nikdy nepolozis na nabijecku uplne presne, a auto nikdy nezaparkuje dokonale presne, takze ti ta ucinnost pak za beznych podminek casto pada i hluboko pod 70 %. Videl jsem system na nabijeni autobusu, ktery tou civkou v silnici pohyboval trosicku dopredu-dozadu a doleva-doprava, aby byla co nejvic souosa s civkou v autobusu a tak zvysil ucinnost. Ale nakonec se to do provozu nedostalo (pokud vim).
    QWWERTY --- ---
    PES: z toho co jsem hledal
    Wired vs wireless charging efficiency for EVs: A comparison
    uvadi 88-93% grid to battery efficiency

    The coils charged the vehicle with 100kW of power at 96% efficiency, bringing the level of charge up 50% in just 20 minutes.
    (a zrovna Oak Ridge bych asi veril) :)

    patented coil design in 2018. In that experiment, the team saw even better results—120kW of power with 97% efficiency over a 6-inch [15 cm] airgap

    tzn. to vypada, ze by to fakt mohlo byt brzo pouzitelne na consumer levelu :)
    PES --- ---
    KOUDY: Co tím chce říct? Že tam někde je vždy cívka (i kdyby jako trafo)? Akorát konvenční transformátor anebo airgap indukční nabíjení je ve ztrátách rozdíl nebe a dudy... :-/
    KOUDY --- ---
    KOUDY --- ---
    MAKROUSEK: to nezalezi na tom kdo je u moci. Ty kontrakty schvalila bidenova vlada, protoze je elon proste nejlevnejsi a nejefektivnejsi.
    MAKROUSEK --- ---
    ARAON: Tak to jo, to za par desitek milionu volicum rozhodne stoji.
    ARAON --- ---
    U.S. Agencies Fund, and Fight With, Elon Musk. A Trump Presidency Could Give Him Power Over Them.

    Elon Musk’s influence over the federal government is extraordinary, and extraordinarily lucrative.

    Mr. Musk’s rocket company, SpaceX, effectively dictates NASA’s rocket launch schedule. The Defense Department relies on him to get most of its satellites to orbit. His companies were promised $3 billion across nearly 100 different contracts last year with 17 federal agencies.

    ERVIN --- ---
    ROGERD: Robotizovat stát jako fabriku.
    ROGERD --- ---
    BUBBLE: Řídit stát jako firmu?
    BUBBLE --- ---
    SUMAC: Nevim jestli Viktoriansky pionyr, mozna spis pozdejsi "pionyr" ...

    „Hitler saw “two principles starkly opposed: the principle of democracy which, wherever its practical results are evident, is the principle of destruction. And the principle of the authority of the individual, which I would like to call the principle of achievement.”17 He warned that a democratic political sphere and an authoritarian economic sphere make for an unstable mix because the state has the tendency to encroach on business with democratically imposed regulations. Hitler emphasized that industrialists should support the Nazi movement, since business already operates according to “the leader principle,” the Führer Principle. In private enterprise, when a CEO gives the orders, the employees must comply; there is no room for democratic governance. Just so, in politics, Hitler urges, the leader should function like the CEO of a company.“

    Citace z knihy
    How Fascism Works
    Jason Stanley
    YMLADRIS --- ---
    SUMAC: to by se dalo zařadit do kategorie "nechápe že musí věci dělat normálně". Autista dělá věci legálně, ne normálně

    Uvidíme jak se to vyvine. Zatím zaměstnanci pracují
    YMLADRIS --- ---
    TADEAS: asi je ten démon v něm fakt něco, když ani ten ketamin to nepovolil
    TADEAS --- ---
    SUMAC: EM nejde o zisk, ten je jen prostredek pro realizaci pristi veci, ktera je co nejvic MEGA . poslání
    SUMAC --- ---
    YMLADRIS: no a tím to asi bude: průmysl se tak nějak postupem času změnil z viktorianskeho "prumyslnik všechno a zaměstnanci nic" díky odborum na to, že nejde o zisk ale hlavně o spokojenou pracovní sílu. Emu tak nějak pořád vidí sebe jako nějakého viktorianskeho pionyra ale nedochází mu, že se jak populace, tak politika změnily.
    TADEAS --- ---
    MAKROUSEK: je to spekulace, o dulezitosti space mex tymu moc nevim ,)

    51.6% of SpaceX Employees are Spanish Speakers
    25.6% of SpaceX workers are Hispanic/Latino
    - https://techreport.com/statistics/business-workplace/spacex-statistics/
    MAKROUSEK --- ---
    TADEAS: V tom je nevinne, to je fyzika - cim bliz k rovniku, tim snadnejc rakety litaj.
    TADEAS --- ---
    najal jsem si lidi, ale chteli dustojne pracovni podminky. , takovou chybu uz nezopakuju. fabriku na rakety jsem tedy postavil primo na mexicke hranici, kde se neremca a maka
    YMLADRIS --- ---
    SUMAC: on se cítí v pasti už jen z toho že je Tesla public company. "Takovou chybu už nezopakuju" atd
    CROME --- ---
    YMLADRIS: Ne protoze je to toxickej rasistickej zmrd co podporuje kriminalnika a diktatora.
    TADEAS --- ---
    SUMAC: limitovalo by to jeho Misi. unacceptable
    SUMAC --- ---
    YMLADRIS: spekulace. btw co konkretne brani Muskovi aby ve svych firman ty odbory povolil a nemusel knucet, ze ho levicove syrany na svete nemaji rady?
    YMLADRIS --- ---
    OMNIHASH: spíš je to jedna z těch akci co muska preklopily z podpory most kind party kterou volil do té doby. V 2021

    Yes, in 2021, the White House held an electric vehicle (EV) event in August where Tesla was notably not invited. The event aimed to set a target for 50% of all new vehicles sold by 2030 to be zero-emission vehicles, including battery-electric, plug-in hybrids, and fuel cell vehicles. This gathering featured the three largest employers of the United Auto Workers (UAW)—Ford, GM, and Stellantis—alongside UAW representatives. The exclusion of Tesla, which is not a unionized company, raised questions, as Tesla is a significant player in the EV market.

    When asked about Tesla's absence, the White House press secretary explained that the event was intended to recognize UAW employers, hinting that the focus was on unionized companies. This led to speculation that the decision was politically motivated, given the administration's ties with unions
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