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    ztracené heslo?
    TOXICMANElon Musk
    SEJDA --- ---
    SEJDA: "Tesla’s strong earnings were driven in large part by revenue from sources other than vehicle sales.

    Revenue from charging services, sales of storage batteries, and sales of carbon emissions credits to other carmakers all registered double-digit growth."
    SEJDA --- ---
    KOUDY: to je jenom jeden ekonomicky ukazovatel, vzhledem k tomu jaky je Musk podvodnik a spekulant, je mozne, ze auta ani nebyly zaregistrovane a jenom preprodane.
    A navic, Tesla nejsou jenom auta, ale ..
    Tesla reports better than expected profit, sending shares higher | Business and Economy | Al Jazeera
    KOUDY --- ---
    No fakt ze jo. Elon tweetuje blbosti jak divej a nyxaky to stve, ale Teslicka pekne roste..o 17% oproti predchozimu roku...akcie plus 12%..Slusnej uspech.

    DZODZO: Je to tak. Viz ten clanek.

    DZODZO --- ---
    - Preparations for new vehicles remain underway (including more affordable models), which we'll begin launching in the first half of 2025

    k tym affordable models sa vyjadrili, ze $25k auto nema zmysel pokial to nebude autonomne auto, spominali skor znizovanie nakladov a tym znizovanie ceny aktualnych modelov, vyrozumel som z toho ze cielia na cenu pod $30k
    KOUDY --- ---
    Teslicka docela jede. Elonovy tweety nemaj na vykonnost firmy zadnej negativni vliv. Spis se zda ze naopak.

    Q3 2024 Shareholder Update → https://ir.tesla.com/

    — Highlights

    - Produced our 7 millionth vehicle at Fremont factory!
    - Preparations for new vehicles remain underway (including more affordable models), which we'll begin launching in the first half of 2025
    - Record gross margin for @teslaenergy

    - COGS (cost of goods sold) per vehicle came down to lowest level ever – key to enabling affordability
    VehicleUS @tesla_na
    - Refreshed Model 3 ramp continued successfully
    - @cybertruck
    production increased sequentially & achieved a positive gross margin for the first time (congrats @cybertruck🫡)

    - Preparation of the Semi factory continues and remains on track with builds scheduled to start by the end of 2025

    China @Tesla_Asia
    - Giga Shanghai produced its 3 millionth car & exported its 1 millionth car
    Europe @teslaeurope
    - As of Q3, Model Y is the bestselling vehicle of any type in 2024 in Sweden 🇸🇪, Netherlands 🇳🇱, Denmark 🇩🇰 & Switzerland 🇨🇭
    Thank you to our owners!


    - In Q3, we released FSD Supervised 12.5, bringing improved safety & comfort thanks to a 5x increase in the number of parameters, data & training compute (will continue to scale in Q4)

    - We also released Actually Smart Summon & deployed FSD Supervised to
    , including end-to-end driving on highways for the first time

    - Compute rules everything around us: We're already training on a 29k H100 cluster at Giga Texas – expecting to have 50k H100 capacity by end of October

    Vehicle & other software
    - Summer Release shipped with features like Parental Controls, YouTube & Amazon Music as native apps, Hands-Free Frunk, added weather forecast & other improvements

    Powertrain, Battery & Manufacturing
    - Unveiled Cybercab & Robovan at our We, Robot event in October – both purpose-built for autonomy from the ground up

    - Cybercab will be built on our next-gen platform, which includes a new powertrain with an estimated 5.5 mi/kWh – our most efficient one yet

    - Produced our 100 millionth 4680 cell & continue to progress our dry cathode manufacturing lines


    - Megafactory in Lathrop demonstrated 200 Megapacks/week (40 Gwh run rate)

    - Powerwall deployments reached a record for the 2nd quarter in a row

    - As of Q3, over 100k Powerwalls were enrolled in VPP programs!

    KOUDY --- ---
    SEJDA: Panove ja rozumim tomu ze mate potrebu chatovat, ale tohle neni klub o Trumpovi a jste tu OT. Dragona dost sere, ze tenhle klub zasirate podobnejma chatama. Vratme se prosim k diskuzi o raketkach a teslach.
    DZODZO --- ---
    sa inspirovali u kadyrova :)

    DZODZO --- ---
    nejake cisla pre akcionarov (to naspodu je million, nie billion, tiez som na to najprv hladel, ze co je to za nesmysl)

    Tesla’s third quarter revenue:

    2024: $25.2 billion
    2023: $23.4 billion
    2022: $21.5 billion
    2021: $13.8 billion
    2020: $8.8 billion
    2019: $6.3 billion
    2018: $6.8 billion
    2017: $2.9 billion
    2016: $2.3 billion
    2015: $936.8 million
    2014: $851.8 million
    2013: $431.3 million
    2012: $50.1 million
    2011: $57.7 million
    2010: $31.2 million
    KOUDY --- ---
    Cekaj nas zajimavy casy :)

    KOUDY --- ---
    More views of Falcon’s 100th successful flight so far this year

    SEJDA --- ---
    QWWERTY: USA neni Cesko, predne jsou USA federace.

    LEGI: mluvis o amnestii v "posledni den Trumpa ve funkci"? Ja mam pamet jenom o neco lepsi nez slepice, takze si jenom mlhave pamatuji, ze vyvoj vztahu tech lidi s Trumpem byl komplikovany a dost mu lezli do zadku temer cele Trumpovo volebni obdobi. Nedostali tedy milost za "pomoc v kampani" ale za "nekonecnou loayalitu".
    Cekat 4 roky na milost je podle mne peklo a vubec to neni levne.
    LEGI --- ---
    SEJDA: eee, pán trolí, ne?
    Trump omilostnil: Bannona, Manaforta, Flynna a další svině, který měl v nejužším týmu (takže mu nepochybně "pomáhali se zvolením")

    tak třeba Ford omilostnil Nixona, Bush Libbyho a tak by se dalo nepochybně při důslednějších rešerších pokračovat.

    Trump si prostě udělal z prezidentských pardonů klasickou komoditu. asi jako Klaus.
    QWWERTY --- ---
    SEJDA: nemusime chodit ani daleko
    Proč by detektivové s vyšetřováním dění na Hradě čekali až na konec mandátu současného prezidenta, je nasnadě.
    Že je Miloš Zeman ochoten nad svými lidmi držet ochrannou ruku, totiž ukázala už kauza kolem Lesní správy Lány, jejíhož šéfa Miloše Baláka poslal soud za manipulaci jedné ze zakázek na tři roky do vězení.
    Zeman mu loni v březnu udělil milost.
    SEJDA --- ---
    PER2: mas nejaky priklad, kdy zvoleny prezident zastavil stihani svojich kamaradu, kteri mu pomahali volebnimi podvodmi?
    TOXICMAN --- ---
    A very busy afternoon at the SpaceX test site at Mcgregor, Tx, with two multiple firings tests of the Raptor engine, the first consisting of 5 consecutive firings, Followed by a test consisting of a record of 34 consecutive firings!!!

    PES --- ---
    PER2: a až jim bude Musk (zcela hypoteticky a imaginárně) šéfovat, tak neudělají už lautr nic (aneb dějiny píší vítězové, jak praví klasik)
    PER2 --- ---
    SUMAC: zalezi jak dopadnou volby... do ty doby s tim imho nic delat nebudou
    SEJDA --- ---
    PES: Muska muze za to jeho plane slibovani, machrovani dostat akorat soud za manipulace s akciemi.
    Tady si urady pockaji, az to udela, a nekdo to dosvedci .. asi za to dostane pokutu. Takze toto varovani jenom znamena, ze ho to muze stat mnohem vice, nez jim planovany 1 mil USD. Takze bud Musk navysi rozpocet, anebo snizi pocet oslovenych lidi.
    PES --- ---
    SUMAC: warned + may = nejsme si jistí, že bychom to u soudu vyhráli (navíc v čase, kdy to už prakticky bude jedno)
    SUMAC --- ---
    PER2: may violate federal law - no a budou s tim neco delat? tyto volby budou stat za to... soudne uznany podvodnik co se vidi jako druhej Hitler a nejbotasi clovek na planete si chteji koupit volby a ovladnout stat s nejvetsi armadou na svete, what can go possibly wrong?
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