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    ztracené heslo?
    TOXICMANElon Musk
    PES --- ---
    XARGH: Akorát druhá část otázek by měla být - kde a jak by tyhle firmy bez EM skončily... (a to fakt nejsem žádný nekritický fanda EM)
    AVATAR --- ---
    And he is also Putin's anal plug :)
    XCHAOS --- ---
    CROME: a navíc afroameričan!
    CROME --- ---
    XARGH: He is also illegal imigrant
    XARGH --- ---

    JIMIQ --- ---
    !remindme 2032 :)
    KOUDY --- ---
    SATAI --- ---

    A ještě rereport bez pw

    Elon Musk — who rails against 'illegals in America' — worked illegally in U.S.: report - Raw Story
    SUMAC --- ---
    NASA chief calls for investigation into report about Musk-Putin talks

    “If the story’s true, that there have been multiple conversations between Elon Musk and the president of Russia, then I think that would be concerning, particularly for NASA, the Department of Defense, for some of the intelligence agencies,” he continued.
    PES --- ---
    Patrick Zandl píše...
    KOMENTÁŘ: Důvod přestřelky Muska a Jourové? Nejde jen o boj s dezinformacemi | Názory | Lidovky.cz
    SATAI --- ---
    X Payments delayed after Musk’s X weirdly withdrew application for NY license - Ars Technica
    DZODZO --- ---
    dobre zhrnutie pre toho, komu sa nechce citat cely zivotopis, skoda ze tam nie je viac tych slubovanych rozhovorov s byvalymi zamestnancami

    The Problem With Elon Musk
    DZODZO --- ---
    VOYTEX: potvrdene aj samotnym spacexom

    VOYTEX --- ---
    btw Taiwan neni blbej a pred rokem podepsal smlouvu s Eutelsat, pac Starlink odmitl mit jen 49% v joint venture se statni firmou.

    Takze Elon chtel mit kontrolu i nad vojenskou komunikaci Taiwanu, zajimave...

    Chunghwa Telecom selects Eutelsat OneWeb for Low Earth Orbit (LEO) satellite services

    Why Taiwan is looking beyond Elon Musk’s Starlink – to Britain
    Taipei’s rules state that any telecoms joint venture in the country should have 51pc local ownership. Li Huairen, a spokesman for Taiwan’s digital ministry, confirmed foreign ownership was limited to 49pc.

    “In national security we want total autonomy,” says Jason Hsu, a former Taiwan MP and a technology entrepreneur, “terms and conditions that our government can control”.

    There is a risk that “Taiwan could be compromised” if it relies on Musk alone, says Hsu, “or used as a chip on the table”.

    Musk traditionally has refused to hand over any control of his ventures
    PES --- ---
    KOUDY: a to byly ještě minulý týden kecy... tedy "zprávy"... že Boeing chce do Starlineru narvat další milióny (na ty původní miliardy)... no asi ti nespokojení stávkující způsobují příliš škod ;-)

    Boeing do vývoje Starlineru hodlá investovat dalších 250 milionů dolarů. Celkem ho program stál už téměř 2 miliardy – VTM.cz
    KOUDY --- ---
    Sach mat.

    TOXICMAN --- ---
    NASA Statement on the Crew-8 Astronauts:

    “After safely splashing down on Earth as part of NASA’s SpaceX Crew-8 mission Friday, a NASA astronaut experienced a medical issue. NASA astronauts Matthew Dominick, Michael Barratt, and Jeanette Epps, and Roscosmos cosmonaut Alexander Grebenkin were flown together to Ascension Sacred Heart Pensacola in Florida.

    After medical evaluation at the hospital, three of the crew members departed Pensacola and have arrived at NASA’s Johnson Space Center in Houston.

    The one astronaut who remains at Ascension is in stable condition under observation as a precautionary measure. To protect the crew member’s medical privacy, specific details on the individual’s condition or identity will not be shared.

    During its return to Earth, the SpaceX Dragon executed a normal entry and splashdown. Recovery of the crew and the spacecraft was without incident. During routine medical assessments on the recovery ship, the additional evaluation of the crew members was requested out of an abundance of caution.

    We’re grateful to Ascension Sacred Heart for its support during this time, and we are proud of our team for its quick action to ensure the safety of our crew members.
    The Crew-8 crew members splashed down aboard their Dragon spacecraft near Pensacola, Florida, to complete a 235-day mission, 232 days of which were spent aboard the International Space Station conducting scientific research.

    NASA will provide additional information as it becomes available.”
    SEJDA --- ---
    OMNIHASH: FH nema reusable ani stredni stupen. Mam za to, ze uz SpaceX upustila od jeho zachranovani. Tim ze ho obetuji, se asi muzou mnohem casteji vracet s boostery na pevninivu. Coz je mozna celkove levnejsi reseni.
    XCHAOS --- ---
    VOYTEX: Takhle, ačkoliv osobně z toho mám husí kůži, tak uznávám, že existuje hodně zdravotně postižených, kterým by ta technologie mohla hodně pomoct. Ovšem existovalo to i před neuralinkem, ty pokusy, a neuralink se naštěstí ukázal jako zbytečná slepá ulička, protože jiná firma demonstrovala zhruba stejnou úroveň odečtu nervových signálu i pomocí neinvazivní techniky.
    Kliknutím sem můžete změnit nastavení reklam