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    ztracené heslo?
    TOXICMANElon Musk
    PALEONTOLOG --- ---
    PER2: no jo, ale jak tam ten beton dostanes a z ceho vyrobis plnivo v nejakym efektivnim mnozstvi? to uz spis nejaky extruzivni geopolymery, ale fakt nevim
    SATAI --- ---
    Elon Musk's "Charity" Is Hoarding Money Instead of Giving It to the Needy
    PER2 --- ---
    PALEONTOLOG: zakopes se a vsechno vylejes betonem :p
    YMLADRIS --- ---
    DOGE - pani z Dems, co se pokousela o vladni reformu za Obamy: "bringing Elon into knife fight"

    TLDR Stat jako korporace, ktera jede mnoho absurdnich setrvacnosti a neni v lidskych silach to ovlivnit

    I am struck by how different the tone of the DOGE conversation is between political leaders on the left and the people who’ve been fighting in the implementation trenches. One group is terrified they’ll succeed. The other is starting to ask a surprising question (or at least I am): What if even billionaires can’t disrupt the system we have built?


    If you’ve spent the past ten years trying to make, say, better online services for veterans, or clearer ways to understand your Medicare benefits, or even better ways to support warfighters, you’ve sat in countless -– and I mean countless — meetings where you’ve been told that something you were trying to do was illegal. Was it? Now, instead of launching your new web form or doing the user research your team needed to do, you spend weeks researching why you are now branded as dangerously lawless, only to find that either a) it was absolutely not illegal but 25 years ago someone wrote a memo that has since been interpreted as advising against this thing, b) no one had heard of the thing you were trying to do (the cloud, user research, A/B testing) and didn’t understand what you were talking about so had simply asserted it was illegal out of fear, c) there was an actual provision in law somewhere that did seem to address this and interpreting it required understanding both the actual intent of the law and the operational mechanics of the thing you were trying to do, which actually matched up pretty well or d) (and this one is uncommon) that the basic, common sense thing you were trying to do was actually illegal, which was clearly the result of a misunderstanding by policymakers or the people who draft legislation and policy on their behalf, and if they understood how their words had been operationalized, they’d be horrified.


    Yes, I have spent fifteen years studying roughly the same problem DOGE is now attacking (framed differently, but even I have framed it differently over the years.) But a wish for someone like me to be in charge misunderstands the nature of the problem. Diagnosis we have. The power to change we do not. Billionaires are in charge now because they have power. Elon in particular has what Ezra Klein correctly ascribed to Trump, which is lack of inhibition. Normal people like me get scared and ashamed when we’re told we’re doing something illegal. Elon does not. I wish it were different, but perhaps the job of breaking the wall has ended up with someone who is suited to doing it. The norms that constrain even people with far more power than I have make it very difficult to break through that wall.

    Bringing Elon to a knife fight - by Jennifer Pahlka
    PALEONTOLOG --- ---
    KOUDY: jasne, pacienti v hotelu muzou pozorovat nazivo, jak je elon kazdym dnem o polovinu bliz k vysnenymu cili.
    no jako jsem zvedavej, jestli se doziju reseni, jak vyzrat na regolit. zatim byl nejdelsi pobyt na mesici 22h, prave kvuli tehle sracce
    KOUDY --- ---
    PALEONTOLOG: Tak je to vyzva ne? Stejne to nejdriv zacne nejakou dalsi stanici na nasi orbite kvuli doplneni paliva, testovani, hotelem kvuli tomu aby se investice vratila apod :)
    PALEONTOLOG --- ---
    PES: podle zkusenosti bych rekl ze budou problemy od mechaniky pres elektroniku az po biologickej iritant uplne vsude, ale mame elona, tak je to v suchu :))
    PES --- ---
    PALEONTOLOG: nejdřív se musí vyvinout a vyladit celý mechanický strojový park pro vakuum, i když jsou již nějaké zkušenosti, tak to bude i tak spousta práce...
    PALEONTOLOG --- ---
    KOUDY: to jsem moc zvedavej jak si spacex poradi s regolitem, hadam ze na dalsich par x dekad vubec nijak
    KOUDY --- ---
    Kazdy tri dny jeden start. Masakr. Hotel na orbite a zakladna na mesici cmon cmon!

    Falcon 9 lifts off from pad 4E in California completing our 125th mission of 2024

    KOUDY --- ---
    Tyve 11 let zpatky. Fakt jede podle planu kluka usatej.

    Here's Elon Musk in 2013, explaining SpaceX's plan to build a commercial spaceport in Texas, which would later become Starbase.

    “Cape Canaveral is good for eastward launches. Vandenberg for southerly launches. And we figure we need a third launch site that's a commercial launch…

    ARAON --- ---
    KOUDY: Fuck that shit. Kdyz uz, tak takhle.

    KOUDY --- ---
    Výprodano za pet minut. Kam se hrabou iphony.

    Tesla has launched a Levitating Cybertruck for $250.

    “Collector’s edition 1:24 scale model of Cybertruck that floats above its base. Leave it motionless or make it rotate with a gentle tap. Features silver-coated detailing across the body, as well as functional headlights and taillights.”

    PES --- ---
    Čekat až do ledna??? :-/

    Další testovací let prototypu kosmické lodi Starship je naplánovaný na leden – VTM.cz
    ALMAD --- ---
    PES: Myslis ty odbory co v Tesle nejsou? :D

    Prece jenom u ty samospravy volby jsou a kandidovat muzes, CEO se zodpovida maximalne spravni rade a i to ne vzdycky (napr. kdyz rekneme jako SpaceX neni na burze a CEO ma vetsinu)…ja bych to furt moc neporovnaval, i kdyz vysledny dysfunkce muzou bejt podobny (ale jsme tu asi OT).
    PES --- ---
    ALMAD: Nadávat lze v obou případech a vliv jedince je také v obou případech prakticky zanedbatelný (funguje to až od kvalitního "networkingu" buď u voleb anebo u odborů ;-)))
    ALMAD --- ---
    PES: Jo, ale furt je trochu rozdil v tom jak moc muze delny lid picovat a jakej ma vliv na volbu hlavounu :)
    PES --- ---
    ALMAD: Korporát a Stát se od určité velikosti prakticky z hlediska (ne)fungování procesů nedá téměř rozlišit ;-)))
    PER2 --- ---
    QWWERTY: raccoon city is real :p
    DZODZO --- ---
    XCHAOS: tak na rocket road maju tiez falcona na ozdobu, tu maju viac priestoru na vystavku

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