AVATAR: Ja to jen fact checkuju ze to rozhodnuti koupit Twitter nebyl nejakej impulz bez premysleni, ale dlouhodoba strategie
Late January – Musk begins investing in Twitter, according to information filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission in April.
March 14 – Musk's stake in Twitter reaches 9.2%, making him the largest shareholder in the company, according to a securities filing.
April 4 – In a securities filing, Musk discloses his stake in Twitter. Based on the price of Twitter shares at close of the previous trading day, his stake was worth $2.89 billion. Twitter shares rise more than 27% on the announcement.
April 5 – Twitter announces Musk will join the company's board of directors.
pak z toho chtel vycouvat kvuli vetsimu poctu fake accounts, ale spocital si, ze dlouhodobej vliv kterej mu ta socialni sit da a hlavne ze ho nebude moct nikdo vypnout (jako vypli Trumpa) za tu cenu i tak stoji, takze to vzal..a jak se ted ukazuje..byl to dobrej deal.