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    ztracené heslo?
    TOXICMANElon Musk
    PER2 --- ---
    Tesla (TSLA) accounting raises red flags as report shows $1.4 billion missing | Electrek
    KARADUM --- ---
    DZODZO: Tady to vypinani rozebiraji i s ohledem na to video. Podle toho NHTSA jeste nedodelala zkoumani, ale zatim nemaji dukaz ze by Tesla aktivne vypinala FSD/Autopilota pred narazem.

    V tom videu s objizdenim a tim Marcovym byl vsak videl rozdil v rychlosti s jakou se na prekazku zenes.
    DZODZO --- ---
    PES: ten moj link ukazuje testovanie FSD, kde auto vzdy domnelu zed obchadza, tak zato neviem ci v tom povodnom testuju autopilot alebo FSD, je mozne ze autopilot spracuva tie informacie z kamier menej kvalitne, inak by si za FSD nepytali taky majlant
    E2E4 --- ---
    5D sachy.

    (homepage cisa.gov, agentury pro ochranu kriticke infrastruktury proti kyberutokum: prosimvas koho jsme ted s Elonem vyhodili, prihlaste se, zas vas nabereme)

    XCHAOS --- ---
    Tesla investor Ross Gerber calls for Elon to step down, saying he’s “destroyed” the EV maker’s reputation. With falling sales, stock declines & DOGE, Musk’s ties to far-right figures & Nazi-linked controversies have only made things worse. Is it time for new leadership?
    PES --- ---
    DZODZO: souvislost? třeba že na té fotce mohl být stav, kdy se FSD/autopilot alibisticky vypnul těsně před nárazem, aby se pak dalo zpochybňovat, že si do toho řidič narazil sám...
    DZODZO --- ---
    PATISLAV: hm, neviem aku to ma suvislost s tym linkom, samocinne rizeni teda myslis fsd alebo autopilot?
    PATISLAV --- ---
    DZODZO: jen jsem si vzpomněl na tu kauzu, když se zjistilo, že se tak trochu možná v tom samočinném řízení těsně před kolizí něco vypíná :). Právě kvůli přehození zodpovědnosti.
    KOUDY --- ---
    ALMAD: To nemam tuseni vubec..:)
    PES --- ---
    ALMAD --- ---
    KOUDY: Nestezoval si nahodou uz davno jak je burza nahovno, ze po nem furt nekdo chce nejakou transparenci a zodpovednost (sorry chci rict “byrokracii”), jit s Teslou na burzu byla chyba a se zbytkem to rozhodne neplanuje? :)
    JONY --- ---
    imho je jen otázka času, kdy po něm někdo vystřelí
    CRAZY_IVAN --- ---
    Musk Donates to G.O.P. Members of Congress Who Support Impeaching Judges

    Amid a controversy over whether President Trump will abide by court rulings, Elon Musk gave the maximum to the campaigns of Republicans who back ousting judges who impede the administration.


    ten si nic než hate nezaslouží

    KOUDY --- ---
    Elon Musk's X reportedly bounces back to $44B valuation | TechCrunch
    KOUDY --- ---
    As Tesla Tanks, SpaceX Is Musk’s Most Valuable Asset By Record Margin

    While SpaceX and Tesla still make up more than 80% of Musk’s estimated $329 billion net worth, he also owns smaller stakes in xAI, X Corp (formerly Twitter), tunnelling startup Boring Company and brain implant firm Neuralink. Together those holdings add another $45 billion to Musk’s fortune.

    Musk has acknowledged the “great difficulty” of juggling DOGE and his roles overseeing six different companies. Still, he hasn’t given up on his EV maker just yet, declaring in an X post last Monday that Tesla will “be fine long-term.” After all, despite its recent slump, the company’s stock is still up 46% over the last year, and Musk is still the world’s richest person.
    KOUDY --- ---
    SADY: Ja tu z niceho neplesam. Prestan zase dojmologovat po dragonovsku. Ja rikam ze je to husty a cituju z toho clanku kterej si muzes sam precist. Prestan si domyslet neco co lidi nerikaj pls. Pak je diskuze dost kontraproduktivni...O ikonku bych tu ted mohl ja omlatit sataiovi jeho prispevky ze za tri roky tu sit Elon proda microsoftu za 3 miliardy apod.
    SADY --- ---
    KOUDY: jasne, takze ty tady plesas z toho, ze se snazi za pomoci DOGE dokurvit US bankovni zakony a tocit tocit cash bez poplatku narodni bance ku prospechu svemu a svym akciim... a jeste se to tady snazis prodat jaky uspech... enjoy, doufam ze jeste bude prilezitost ti to omlatit o ikonku
    KOUDY --- ---
    Husty. Takze Amazon uz tam inzeruje zase. Grok pridal valuaci, vyhozeni zbytecnejch lidi umoznilo snizit naklady a maka se na everything app aka peeer to peer paymentu s visou apod...No za me je to nicmene furt overvalued stejne jako za minuleho vedeni ta sit..Jsem zvedavej kdy ji Elonek vrati na burzu.

    Social media site X’s valuation has soared back to $44bn, underscoring the sharp turnaround in the company’s fortunes since its owner Elon Musk assumed the role of staunch ally to President Donald Trump.

    Investors valued the platform at $44bn in a so-called secondary deal earlier this month, in which they exchange existing stakes in the company, according to two people with knowledge of the matter.

    X was also working on raising fresh capital in a primary round, which would aim to raise about $2bn through selling new equity and be used to pay off more than $1bn of junior debt that Musk agreed to take on to finance his buyout of the company, then known as Twitter, in 2022, several people briefed on the situation said.

    The new $44bn valuation represents a rebound for Musk and the group’s investors, including Andreessen Horowitz, Sequoia Capital, 8VC, Goanna Capital and Fidelity Investments. The deal would help set a price for the upcoming primary round.

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    KOUDY --- ---
    Sach mat :)

    SADY --- ---
    KOUDY: "urcite" bych nerikal, to se ti vymsti
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