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    ztracené heslo?
    FORELLISilniční cyklistika - "špatným dnem šetříte síly"
    PAN_SPRCHA --- ---
    D1RABBIT: jj, jako Froome na Giru....
    BATY --- ---
    ATOMIKS --- ---
    zajímavé je, že Porte ztratil na Pogačara nejvíce na rovině
    Analysis: Where Tadej Pogacar won the Tour de France time trial | Cyclingnews
    ROMI --- ---
    PAN_SPRCHA: o to vetsi respekt pro mladase
    BURKHAR --- ---
    PAN_SPRCHA: Tak to bohužel bývá.
    ATOMIKS --- ---
    PAN_SPRCHA: jako ano, ale i ne. kdo mohl čekat, že tu časovku zvládne tak skvěle.

    Let's have a little look at where that yellow jersey was won and lost.

    On the flat first 14.5km, Pogacar clocked 17:14, and Roglic 17:27, so a difference of 13 seconds. It was swinging right from the start, although at that point question marks over pacing strategies made it possible Roglic was holding back for the climb.

    At the second checkpoint, after 30.3km and a long drag of a climb plus a short downhill, Pogacar was on 39.44, and Roglic 40:20, so a difference of 36 seconds. The trend was continuing. Still, Roglic was fourth fastest there, so wasn't riding terribly.

    On the Planche des Belles Fills, things really changed. Pogacar climbed it in 16:10, some 22 seconds quicker than anyone else (Porte and Van Aert were next best). Roglic climbed it in 17:30, 11th fastest, so a difference of 1:20. That's where he was visibly struggling and some way short of his best, and that's where he lost the Tour.

    Was it a Roglic implosion or a Pogacar madness?

    A bit of both. Roglic still finished 5th on the stage, so it wasn't a complete implosion, but it was still some way short of the performance he'd be expected to produce. But then it has to be said Pogacar produced one of the greatest time trials in Tour history. To beat second place by 1:21 is astonishing. Even if Roglic had finished 23 seconds ahead of Dumoulin and Porte, he'd have still lost the Tour.
    PAN_SPRCHA --- ---
    Fakt mi je líto wva, dumoulina,kusse.... celý Jumbo dělalo neskutečnou práci pro Roglice i když by individuálně dosáhli docela dost....a pak jim to vyfoukne někdo z týmu co na to celou tour Pek, nikdy nezatahli a byli tam max ve dvou.....
    BURKHAR --- ---
    Drsný. Tour jak má být!
    PAN_SPRCHA --- ---
    Tohle tdf Jumbo neskutečně prokoucovalo, vždyť tadeje nechali se vrátit do hry jen tak že ho podcenili
    NAKASHI --- ---
    neuveritelny, smekam
    ONASYS --- ---
    rozdíl 1:20 na dalšího, to je rozdíl třídy... wtf
    JONAS3 --- ---
    A Roglič dostane pentli za výměnu a za tu helmu a bude 3. :(
    ATOMIKS --- ---
    a Porte třetí, mám radost, že se mu to povedlo
    ROMI --- ---
    ATOMIKS --- ---
    Pogačar děsný master
    JONAS3 --- ---
    Tak tohle tohle bylo jako co?
    COCOBRYCE --- ---
    kdo tu říkal, že v časovce se budou nadělovat max vteřiny?:DDD

    jako to je mazec!!!
    ROMI --- ---
    Ci voe pojd Pogacar
    JONAS3 --- ---
    FORELLI --- ---
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