KRUTAS: Jinak podle Wiki (já ještě ani neuvažuju, že bych cadmium drive použil) cadmium drive nevyžaduje palivo. Takže pokud ho postavíš z chrom. metalu, tak seš doma.
Game description
Hyperdrive shield matrix is updated, preventing temporal anomolies when attempting to reach red stellar bodies.
How to acquire
Can be bought for nanites at the stations.
Cadmium Drive can be built using a blueprint and the following resources:
SUBSTANCE.STELLAR.2.png Chromatic Metal x250
PRODUCT.TECHMODULE.png Technology Module x1
Cadmium Drive can be dismantled after construction, returning the following resources:
SUBSTANCE.STELLAR.2.png Chromatic Metal x125
Additional information
Operates automatically when located in a player's Starship inventory.
Does not require fuel or recharging
Required to warp to Red Star Systems