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    ztracené heslo?
    TUHOKlimaticka zmena / Destroying the Future Is the Most Cost-Effective
    SUMAC --- ---
    PAD: samozrejme ze nesouhlasim se sypanim trilionu dollaru do burzy za ucelem zachrany aktiv par bilionaru. proc to rikam je, ze free market hujeri jako je ten blb dole se neustale ohaneji tim, ze aby se vsechny krize vyresily, musi se prestat s kontrolou volneho trhu a jakyhkoliv socialne zamerenych regulaci, ktery ochranujou zajem stredni vrstvy, ale musi se nechat vsechno nezdrave vyhnit at uz za jakoukoliv cenu. no a co se pokazde stane, ze prvni co se zachranuje jsou banky a burza, at to stoji co to stoji.

    rika: "Za tuto honbu za „zeleností“ a za efektivitou a za neustálý tisk peněz v režii centrálních bank, který tuto honbu umožňoval, teď miliony lidí po celém světě zaplatí ztrátou zaměstnání a dramaticky sníženou životní úrovní."

    totalni nesmysl a skoro az kriminalni neznalost situace. za spatna rozhodnuti bankeru a nepripravenost politiku s tim cokoliv delat platime "dramaticky sníženou životní úrovní", nikoliv za to, ze nekdo reguluje volny trh za ucelem zeleneho dealu.
    PAD --- ---
    PAD: sorry, deflacni->inflacni
    PAD --- ---
    TUHO: IMHO vychazi ze spravnych tezi, ale prekvapive pak vlastne popre sam sebe: to, ze deflacni menova politika, vede jen k zvetseni a odsunuti problemu do budoucna je evidentni. Staci se podivat na to, jak rostou ceny nemovitosti, jak se dale stimuluje moralni hazard, jak penize konci v kapsach majitelu too-big-to-fail korporaci atp. Ovsem nereseni klimaticke krize je take jen pujcovani si z budoucnosti, na ukor nasich deti.
    SUMAC: Tobe ta politika FEDu prijde spravna? Ve svetle argumentu vyse by me zajimalo, zda tedy i souhlasis s tim, ze vlastne timto bohati bohatnou a chudi chudnou? Ze se socializuji ztraty a privatizuji zisky?
    XCHAOS --- ---
    TUHO: spíš nemožná. bav se spíš s náma technikama :) bez technických řešení to stejně nepůjde, leda by se lidi vrátili k otevřeným ohništím...
    TADEAS --- ---
    Critical Zones. The Science and Politics of Landing on Earth
    Date: May 2020
    Publisher: MIT Press
    Editors: Bruno Latour & Peter Weibel

    Critical Zones. The Science and Politics of Landing on Earth | bruno-latour.fr

    As everybody learned at school, when the position of the Earth in the cosmos is modified, a revolution in social order might ensue. Remember Galileo: when astronomers made the Earth move around the sun, the whole fabric of society felt under attack. Today, again, four centuries later, the role and the position of the Earth is being revolutionized by new disciplines: it appears that human behavior has pushed the Earth to react in unexpected ways. And once again, the whole organization of society is being subverted. Shake the cosmic order and the order of politics will be shaken as well. Except that, this time, the question is not to make the Earth move around the sun, but to move it somewhere else altogether! As if we had to learn anew how to land on it.
    — “Landing on Earth? Why would anyone attempt to land there? Are we not already on Earth?”
    Well, not quite! And that’s the circumstance this book tries to present to the inquiring reader: it seems that there has been in the past some misinterpretation over what it means to be earthly. If you believe it means “practical”, “mundane”, “secular”, “material” or even “materialist”, you’re in for a surprise
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