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    TUHOKlimaticka zmena / Destroying the Future Is the Most Cost-Effective
    TADEAS --- ---
    XCHAOS: v pozadi je tohle latourovo schema

    kde tyhle extra-terrestrial plany jsou reprezentovany tim atraktorem 4... nejde ani tak o to, jetli na mars dojede 0 lidi, jeden nebo pet milionu, jde o to, ze je to specifickej smer gradace moderni civilizace, kterej uplne neresi, nestavi se celem k tomu klimaticko-ekosystemovymu problemu, je to proste trochu mimobeznej pohyb.

    co se tyce elektromobility, proti tomu asi nelze mnoho namitnou az na to, ze neni jasny, jestli to nebude treba spis nejaka varianta autonomnich podu, cili vysoce dostupne autonomni verejna dorpava, spis nez soukromy vozidla, ale uvidime. kazdopadne to je hledisko civilizace/logistiky, jehoz jedinym ukolem ve vztahuk ke klimatu je prestat ho destabilizovat spalovanim a zaroven omezit na maximalni miru destrukci ekosystemu (regenerovat se musi s nasi asistenci sam, ale to neni techno-logisticka otazka, to je otazka managementu ekosystemu, ktery vyuzival logistiku v pozadi, ale neni to logisticka otazka, je to jiny atraktor).
    TADEAS --- ---
    Geotherapy: Innovative Methods of Soil Fertility Restoration, Carbon Sequestration, and Reversing CO2 Increase - CRC Press Book

    Global climate change, increasing pollution, and continued rapid population growth is wreaking havoc on the planet. Stabilizing the environment at safe levels requires a large-scale restoration of damaged ecosystems. Geotherapy: Innovative Methods of Soil Fertility Restoration, Carbon Sequestration, and Reversing CO2 Increase outlines the basic concepts of geotherapy and highlights the importance of healing the biosphere’s ability to store soil carbon to prevent climate change impacts. Facing challenges head on, it addresses how and why policymakers have underestimated the long-term impacts of climate change and how we can correct the flawed carbon management mechanisms today. The book also factors in where carbon can be most effectively stored, how quickly that can be done, and the practical and policy actions needed to get there.

    This text presents innovative new technologies for restoring the most productive ecosystems on land while maintaining high biodiversity. It addresses processes and techniques of soil carbon restoration through biogeochemical cycling, biochar, slow-release fertilizers, weathering of minerals (olivine) and rock (basalt) powders, amendments and bio-fertilizers, and the establishment of vetiver and other perennials.

    dl: http://gen.lib.rus.ec/book/index.php?md5=BBC16B536E63EDA2170EB0E043D3731B
    TADEAS --- ---
    #V4deal #inspirace

    Jaderná energetika pomůže podle maďarského ministra oživit ekonomiku
    TUHO --- ---
    Americký prezident Donald Trump uvedl, že pokud by to bylo nutné pro ochranu domácího ropného průmyslu, uvalil by na dovoz ropy do USA cla. Obává se totiž, že ceny ropy, které jsou nyní nejnižší za posledních 18 let, tvrdě dopadnou na americký průmysl. Řekl to v sobotu na tiskové konferenci týkající se koronaviru. Tam také uvedl, že Spojené státy teď čeká nejtěžší týden, během nějž zemře mnoho lidí.

    Trump zvažuje uvalení cla na dovoz ropy, bojí se dopadů její nízké ceny na průmysl USA — ČT24 — Česká televize
    XCHAOS --- ---
    TADEAS: no, Rusové (a nejen oni) používají při prvních testech raket nějaké nudné kovové ingoty. Fakt mi přijde blbost vyčítat Elonovi zrovna tohle. Navíc pro elektromobilitu udělal za posledních 100 let zdaleka nejvíc...

    Elon Musk zdůrazňuje masovost svých plánů, chce aby si letenku na Mars mohl dovolit každý, kdo se rozhodne. To popravdě není klasické pojetí elitářství a eskapismu.

    Jak se ty plány ukáží ufinancovatelné během nadcházející krize, to je jiná věc.
    SHEFIK --- ---
    GlobalData: Coronavirus threatens China’s battery sector dominance; 26 GWh hit in 2020 - Green Car Congress
    LINKOS --- ---
    KEB: tak pochopitelně, co by to mělo dělat jiného?
    KEB --- ---
    Většina uhlíku z poražených stromů skončí opět v atmosféře, zjistila studie - Euro.cz
    SHEFIK --- ---
    Deep-sea worms and bacteria team up to harvest methane
    SHEFIK --- ---
    Restoring Marine Life Can Happen Quickly & Will Pay Enormous Dividends | CleanTechnica

    Researchers at King Abdullah University of Science and Technology in Saudi Arabia have published a report in the journal Nature that claims the ability of the oceans to support an abundance of plant and animal life could be greatly increased in as little as 30 years.
    SHEFIK --- ---
    Climate disasters up armed conflict risk in vulnerable countries - Futurity
    TADEAS --- ---
    CT scan of sediment core - Antarctic rainforest

    The sediment core revealed that during the mid-Cretaceous, West Antarctica had a mild climate, with an annual mean air temperature of about 54 F (12 C), similar to that of Seattle. Summer temperatures were warmer, with an average of 66 F (19 C). In rivers and swamps, the water would have reached up to 68 F (20 C).

    In addition, the rainfall back then was comparable to the rainfall of Wales, England, today, the researchers found.

    These temperatures are impressively warm, given that Antarctica had a four-month polar night, meaning that a third of every year had no life-giving sunlight. However, the world was warmer back then, in part, because the carbon dioxide concentration in the atmosphere was high — even higher than previously thought, according to the analysis of the sediment core, the researchers said.

    "Before our study, the general assumption was that the global carbon dioxide concentration in the Cretaceous was roughly 1,000 ppm [parts per million]," study co-researcher Gerrit Lohmann, a climate modeler at Alfred Wegener Institute, said in the statement. "But in our model-based experiments, it took concentration levels of 1,120 to 1,680 ppm to reach the average temperatures back then in the Antarctic."

    These findings show how potent greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide can cause temperatures to skyrocket, so much so that today's freezing West Antarctica once hosted a rainforest. Moreover, it shows how important the cooling effects of today's ice sheets are, the researchers said
    TADEAS --- ---
    TADEAS: ad "ecologically powerful" - jsem zvedavej jestli v ty novy publikaci TADEAS konecne budou teoretizovat vzhledem k ty critical zone / ekosystemu taky jeho management a manazery, aka hyperpredatorskou roli, aka (vymirajiciho) farmare ... ne pouze vedu o tomto, soil scientists a podobne.
    TADEAS --- ---
    Who’s ’The Elite’ in the Anthropocene? - Nikolaj Schultz (2017)

    The Elite should focus on a minority of politically powerful (officials, politicians), a minority of economically powerful (business leaders, the rich) or a minority of culturally powerful (artists, intellectuals, media).
    But, what about the ecologically powerful? These are left out of the discussion. And thus,
    the elite debate unfortunately ends up as a rather dull and unimaginative affair, since
    nobody seemingly tries to rethink the elite question in the light of our times’ most
    paramount challenge: the ecological mutation.


    Of course our generation has a power over the lives of future generations! Of course our
    and previous generations dominate future generations possibilities to breathe, to not see
    their territories erode and become inhabitable. It does not take much metaphysical
    imagination to realize so. Unfortunately, it takes a lot more imagination to imagine the

    And hence, we might also have to understand that we, the Modern, Western capitalist
    civilisation is, will be and was a ’Geo-Historical Elite’, while future generation – both rich
    and poor, Western and non-Western – will be the ’Geo-Historical Non-Elites’, living in
    our ruins.
    TADEAS --- ---
    Life as Exodus - Nikolaj SCHULTZ
    2020, Bruno Latour (ed) (2020) Critical Zones - The Sciences and Politics of Landing on Earth

    Tech-libertarian billionaires try to colonize Mars, they create sea-steads to avoid the juridical, physical and economical constraints of the nationstate and they build climate secured luxury bunkers in New Zealand to escape a coming ecological apocalypse. In short, the ultra-rich escapists are abandoning modern ideals of progress for all and are explicitly planning to leave us behind as crumbles on a plate. In a tonality that tries to capture both the utter seriousness and the humour of the situation, this draft (of a chapter) seeks to describe these psycho-spatial strategies and their ideological source.

    “Surely, Mr. Musk, you must be joking!”
    Even the most religious modernist must have been a bit astonished when realizing that a Tesla Roadster was now circulating around in space.
    “Well, of course it is a joke!” he responded, seemingly surprised that anybody would think anything else. Sure, there was indeed a Tesla gazing at planet Earth from outer space, destined to orbit the sun for the next ten years, but obviously it was all arranged as a joke. What other reason could there possibly be, he asked, than it being“silly and fun”?
    TADEAS --- ---

    Geo-Social Classes - Nikolaj SCHULTZ
    Krogh, Marianne (ed.) Connectedness – An Incomplete Encyclopedia of the Anthropocene, Copenhagen: Strandberg Publishing (Forthcoming), 2020

    geo-social classes - These are classes not defined by their ownership over the means of production in the production process, but by their access to a broader range of material conditions of reproduction in the engendering process. While social classes were collectives defined by economic position, geo-social classes are collectives defined by territorial position, by their position in the reproduction processes of the soil. It is the distribution of these conditions of reproduction in the engendering process that define the stratifications of societies in our New Climatic Regime
    TADEAS --- ---
    Forum 4: the environmental privilege of borders in the anthropocene

    dl: https://dacemirror.sci-hub.tw/journal-article/b8c0e4623aa877a7c8b7bb5881faa501/sun-heepark2019.pdf

    This essay focuses on the significance of borders in creating environmental privilege in the Anthropocene. Environmental privilege is accrued through the exercise of economic, political, and cultural power that enables the construction of exclusive environmental amenities such as clean air and water, open space, and safe neighborhoods. For years, environmental justice scholars have revealed the burdens and oppressive conditions associated with environmental inequality, but few studies consider the flipside of that reality. We argue that environmental privileges enjoyed by some rest upon the manipulation of the mobility of others – human and nonhuman. We believe border making will come under greater pressure as the effects of climate change increase, and the volume of resources required to maintain exclusive spaces intensifies. Continued mass migration will bring heightened anxieties about national identity and calls for greater border enforcement, despite the reality that borders – both literal and figurative – consistently fail to alleviate migratory pressures while exacerbating the effects of climate change and environmental injustice. Our research shows that greater ecological instability increases efforts to create privatized places as pristine spaces untouched by global turmoil, thereby reinforcing those social forces that produce environmental injustices in the first place.
    TADEAS --- ---
    TUHO: hehe, no trochu situace dohnala jeho mysleni. ale stejne zaspava v teoretizaci stacku/hyperkortextu/hyperdermu, a misto aby tu hypermodernitu ala musk bral vazna, tak si z toho akorat delaj soufky... pritom je to validni a dulezita linie vyvoje, i kdyz se musi sjednotit s tim terrestrial/ekosystemovym rozmerem. ... a skrze tu nyni mozna nekde nalezanou solidaritu zrodit planetaritu .) ... oni si z tech uniku elit na zeland (ve skutecnosti jich tam pramalo realne zije) delaj srandu, ale ty vlny jeste prijdou, protoze ted si z toho srandu delat jeste muzem.
    TUHO --- ---
    TADEAS: Jak me driv Latour sral svym intousskym lavirovanim, tak cim je starsi, tak tim ho mam radsi :)
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