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    TUHOKlimaticka zmena / Destroying the Future Is the Most Cost-Effective
    TADEAS --- ---
    TUHO --- ---
    Global depletion of soil organic carbon stock by historic land use and soil degradation is estimated at 133 Pg C. Estimated to 2-m depth, C stock is 2047 Pg for soil organic carbon and 1558 Pg for soil inorganic carbon, with a total of 3605 Pg. Thus, even a small change in soil organic carbon stock can have a strong impact on atmospheric CO2 concentration. Soil C sink capacity, between 2020 and 2100, with the global adoption of best management practice which creates a positive soil/ecosystem C budget, is estimated at 178 Pg C for soil, 155 Pg C for biomass, and 333 Pg C for the terrestrial biosphere with a total CO2 drawdown potential of 157 ppm. Important among techniques of soil organic C sequestration are adoption of a system-based conservation agriculture, agroforestry, biochar, and integration of crops with trees and livestock. There is growing interest among policymakers and the private sector regarding the importance of soil C sequestration for adaptation and mitigation of climate change, harnessing of numerous co-benefits, and strengthening of ecosystem services.

    TUHO --- ---
    “Nepal is ground zero for the impacts of climate change. As a country with one of the most fragile ecosystems — the Himalayas — and an economy that is heavily reliant on favorable climate conditions, Nepal is probably one of the most exposed.”
    Pushed out of their village by a drought and lack of food, a group of Nepalis are fighting to amplify the voices of those forced to relocate by the planet’s warming.

    TUHO --- ---
    TUHO: Metan

    “Here we are. It’s 2020, and it’s not only not dropping. It’s not level. In fact, it’s one of the fastest growth rates we’ve seen in the last 20 years,” Drew Shindell, a climate scientist at Duke University, told Scientific American.
    TUHO --- ---
    Global methane levels have hit an all-time high after what appears to be a near-record yearly atmospheric increase in the potent greenhouse gas.
    The concentration of methane in the Earth’s atmosphere reached nearly 1,875 parts per billion in 2019, up from the previous year’s 1,866 parts per billion, according to preliminary data collected by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA).

    Methane levels at all-time high after near-record increase in gas 28 times more potent than carbon dioxide | The Independent
    TUHO --- ---
    Největší evropská fotovoltaická elektrárna s instalovaným špičkovým výkonem 500 MWp začala vyrábět elektřinu. Elektrárna Núñez de Balboa, skládající se z více než 1,4 milionu kusů solárních panelů, se nachází ve slunném Španělsku. Provozovatel elektrárny, společnost Iberdrola, ji postavila během jediného roku za necelých 300 milionů EUR.

    Španělský energetický gigant Iberdrola uvedl v minulém týdnu do provozu zatím největší evropskou fotovoltaickou elektrárnu. Elektrárna Núñez de Balboa na jihu Španělska má instalovaný špičkový výkon 500 MWp, do sítě pak může dodávat až 391 MW. Elektrárnu tvoří celkem 1 430 000 solárních panelů, 115 střídačů a 2 rozvodny a rozprostírá se na území čítajícím téměř 1000 hekatrů.

    Největší fotovoltaická elektrárna v Evropě začala dodávat elektřinu do sítě
    TUHO --- ---
    Europe’s green energy companies are emerging as shelter for investors in market fallout from the coronavirus.
    Utilities in the region are holding up better than other industries in the health crisis. While the Stoxx 600 Index of European shares fell 21% since the start of the year, the utilities component of that measure has declined only 14%. Within that, renewable power producers are outperforming their less green rivals.

    SHEFIK --- ---
    A jeste jeden eko koncept, kterej ma okurkama zabranit hladu po brexitu


    SHEFIK --- ---
    Minimalne zajmavy, i kdyz klima to nezachrani

    Biomass - Breakthrough Renewable Energy Development from VGrid Energy Systems - Renewable Energy Magazine, at the heart of clean energy journalism
    TUHO --- ---

    Stop Adani
    4 hod ·
    Adani's finances are in serious trouble. This week the Adani Group has been forced to repay $100M in debt on Abbot Point port, with another $1B due by 2022. Plus, their chairman, Gautam Adani, has lost more than $9B in personal wealth during the COVID-19 crisis.

    And here's the kicker. Literally no bank will touch Adani, leaving the family to fund their $2B Carmichael mega mine and rail project themselves. When you do the maths, the Adani family would be wise to walk away from this financial disaster. But we can't sit back and count on Adani to make good financial decisions. People power has stopped Adani getting finance and it can still #StopAdani!
    TUHO --- ---
    "Hope offers us clarity that, amid the uncertainty ahead, there will be conflicts worth joining and the possibility of winning some of them. And one of the things most dangerous to this hope is the lapse into believing that everything was fine before disaster struck, and that all we need to do is return to things as they were. Ordinary life before the pandemic was already a catastrophe of desperation and exclusion for too many human beings, an environmental and climate catastrophe, an obscenity of inequality. It is too soon to know what will emerge from this emergency, but not too soon to start looking for chances to help decide it. It is, I believe, what many of us are preparing to do."

    'The impossible has already happened': what coronavirus can teach us about hope | World news | The Guardian
    TUHO --- ---
    NEW | The finances of the oil and gas industry are so dismal that the major banks that have funded the money-losing fracking boom are now exploring taking the unusual step of taking over the oil companies that cannot afford to pay back the banks' loans.

    Big Banks Pull Financing, Prepare To Seize Assets From Collapsing Oil and Gas Industry | DeSmog
    TUHO --- ---
    TUHO --- ---
    World Meteorological Organization
    NOAA confirms that Earth had its 2nd-hottest March on record
    The year to date also ranked 2nd-warmest for the globe, whilst Europe and Asia had their warmest January-March ever recorded.

    TUHO --- ---
    Jamestown o cenovy valce mezi ropnymi staty

    News about a new deal on oil production cuts, agreed between Russia and the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) and then augmented by the communique of the G20 energy minsters last Friday (April 10), had been expected; as such, the developments made little if any discernible impression on global energy markets. The benchmark Brent Crude price has continued to hover around $30 per barrel, a long way from the $60–65 level in January. Some price decline was certainly inevitable considering the unprecedented contraction in demand as a result of the unfolding world-wide recession caused by the COVID-19 pandemic; but the spectacular price collapse in February can be directly attributed to Russia’s self-defeating behavior. The decision to break the OPEC+ cartel arrangement was taken personally by President Vladimir Putin and turned out to be a bad blunder, which he has, thus far, refused to acknowledge, attributing the blame to Saudi Arabia. Riyadh, in turn, was bitterly offended by Moscow’s brusque demarche (RBC, April 10).

    Russian Oil Bluff Is Called, and Economic Losses Keep Mounting - Jamestown
    TUHO --- ---
    Jamestown o cenovy valce mezi ropnymi staty

    News about a new deal on oil production cuts, agreed between Russia and the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) and then augmented by the communique of the G20 energy minsters last Friday (April 10), had been expected; as such, the developments made little if any discernible impression on global energy markets. The benchmark Brent Crude price has continued to hover around $30 per barrel, a long way from the $60–65 level in January. Some price decline was certainly inevitable considering the unprecedented contraction in demand as a result of the unfolding world-wide recession caused by the COVID-19 pandemic; but the spectacular price collapse in February can be directly attributed to Russia’s self-defeating behavior. The decision to break the OPEC+ cartel arrangement was taken personally by President Vladimir Putin and turned out to be a bad blunder, which he has, thus far, refused to acknowledge, attributing the blame to Saudi Arabia. Riyadh, in turn, was bitterly offended by Moscow’s brusque demarche (RBC, April 10).

    DZODZO --- ---
    PASTAFARIANKA: nemam uz ten mail, to bolo niekedy minuly rok, ale v zasade ze konaju opatrenia v spolupraci s ministerstvom a krajom atd., jedine take trochu uzitocne a k teme co som nasiel na ich strankach je informacia ohladne napustania bazenov :) http://vodarenska.cz/napousteni-bazenu/
    TUHO --- ---
    MARSHUS --- ---
    The Normal Economy Was Broken by the Coronavirus Pandemic and Is Never Coming Back
    JINDRICH --- ---
    Crowdfunding campaign launched for financing of solar park construction | News | ERR
    #comunity owned power plant
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