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    TUHOKlimaticka zmena / Thank you so much for ruining my day
    TUHO --- ---
    As well as divesting its endowment from fossil fuel companies, the University has also asked its endowment office, Oxford University Endowment Management (OUem) to engage with fund managers to request evidence of net zero carbon business plans across their portfolios. There will also be a new member of the Investment Committee, with experience of both endowment management, but with an additional focus on climate-conscious investment.

    Oxford announces historic commitment to fossil fuel divestment | University of Oxford
    TUHO --- ---
    TUHO --- ---
    TUHO --- ---
    Further cost reductions in both large scale solar PV and onshore wind projects mean that these two technologies are now the cheapest form of new build energy generation in areas that count for two thirds of the world’s population, and 85 per cent of the globe’s electricity generation.
    The latest benchmark report from research company BloombergNEF show that in just the last six months the levellised cost of electricity (LCOE) for onshore wind has fallen a further nine per cent, its most significant drop in five year.

    Solar, wind and battery storage now cheapest energy options just about everywhere | RenewEconomy
    TUHO --- ---
    Great Britain has run for a new record of 18 days, six hours and 15 minutes without burning coal to generate electricity – and counting – as the coronavirus lockdown cuts demand by nearly 20%.
    This combination means CO2 emissions from the country’s electricity system have been cut by a third during the coal-free stretch relative to the same period last year, Carbon Brief analysis shows.
    During the record-breaking period, demand has been 18% lower than last year, as businesses around the country are closed due to the coronavirus response.
    Renewables have been the largest source of electricity, supplying 37%, with another 32% from gas and 22% from nuclear. The remaining 9% has been imported from France, Belgium and the Netherlands.
    The figures are in stark contrast to 2012 – the earliest available detailed data – when coal supplied some 43% of the total for Great Britain, another 26% was from gas and just 7% was from renewables.

    Analysis: Great Britain hits coal-free electricity record amid coronavirus lockdown
    KEB --- ---
    Jak bude Česko bojovat proti suchu - Novinky.cz

    Tak to jsem zvědavý
    PER2 --- ---
    trosku spamu k tematu :)
    Woodkid - Goliath (Official Video)

    SLL_QUY --- ---
    Mapa konverzace o klimatu od Facebooku je zajímavý pohled na data o tom, o co se lidé zajímají. Česko v ní ale nehledejte, stejně jako řadu dalších zemí, které mají jazyky pro Facebook obtížně uchopitelné.

    Climate Conversation Map provides insight to help global organizations
    TUHO --- ---
    Yet policymakers and investors have not fully absorbed the ramifications. The COVID-19 pandemic will probably keep demand very low for at least 18 months — the time needed to develop and roll out a vaccine — and most likely several years. That’s too long for the global oil industry as we know it to survive.
    Prior to the pandemic, the oil industry was already on the brink. Although there is plenty of oil left, it is “increasingly expensive to access,” as the Geological Survey of Finland — a Finnish government agency overseeing the EU’s mineral resource modelling — noted in February. Since 2005, when production of conventional crude oil began to plateau, 71 percent of the growth in the global oil supply has come from US shale deposits, which are accessed by hydrofracturing, or fracking. Ramping up that production became so costly that most shale oil companies had negative cash flow. They compensated for it by drawing down debt that was rapidly becoming impossible to repay.

    This is hastening the end of the oil era - The Boston Globe
    TADEAS --- ---
    TUHO: lidi ktery jsou vysoko v rozhodovacich strukturach civilizace zijou vesmes v tech non-brittle, prijemnejch vlhkejch prostredich. konecne to prichazi i sem, kde civilizace v momentalni inkarnaci zacala. ucme se od ohne :)
    TUHO --- ---
    After an exceptionally dry April, a forest fire has already had to be put out near the town of Gummersbach this week

    Merkel bemoans lack of rain as Germany fears for its forests
    GOJATLA --- ---
    Deník Referendum se opět účastní akce světových médií za klima
    „Ačkoli bychom mohli být potěšení, že tu máme exkluzivitu, radost z toho nemám. Myslím, že v situaci, kdy se mohou projektu účastnit média jako Al Jazeera, agentury jako Reuters nebo AFP, deníky jako Gazeta Wyborcza, Libération nebo El País, měla by být účast českých médií, která se pokládají za solidní, úplnou samozřejmostí. Klima patří k tématům, v nichž je česká debata zoufale zaostalá. A média, včetně těch lepších, za to nesou bohužel lví díl odpovědnosti,“ komentoval osamocenou účast Deníku Referendum šéfredaktor Jakub Patočka.
    TUHO --- ---
    Costa Rica generated 99.15% of its electricity with renewable energy sources in 2019, according to the latest report by the National Centre for Energy Control (CENCE).
    Gross power production in the Central American country totalled 11,312.85 GWh, of which only 95.64 GWh were generated by thermal power plants.
    The renewables share rose from 98.6% registered in 2018, while the total production from these technologies increased by 0.18% year-on-year.

    Costa Rica generated 99.15% of its electricity with renewable energy sources in 2019
    TUHO --- ---
    Robert Walker
    24. dubna v 15:46 ·
    I am collecting materials for a post on effects of COVID-19 on renewables. This is one of the sources. The EU has seen a 20% drop in CO2 emissions and an increase in the power from renewables by 8% from 35% to 43% of the power generation across the whole of the EU + the UK (while Coal-based power generation has fallen by 25.5%). They didn't expect this to happen until the end of this decade. Of course it is not a permanent chnge, but it lets them test drive our power grids with a much higher mix of renewables and it is working fine.

    Covid-19 response accelerates the renewable transition, according to Wärtsilä
    TUHO --- ---

    The extreme oldness of this documentary stands out. In one instance, he tours a solar farm in Lansing, Michigan, in which a bemused official states that a large farm can only power ten homes in a year.
    It is the Cedar Street Solar Array, a 150 kilowatt 824 (that’s small) panel farm in downtown Lansing. Guess when that bad boy was built? 2008. Twelve years ago – an absolute eternity, in solar development years.
    As PV Magazine writes, “The film reports on a solar installation in Michigan with PV panels rated at “just under 8 percent” conversion efficiency. It’s difficult to identify the brand of panel in the film (Abound?) — but that efficiency is from another solar era”. Efficiency gains in solar have been so rapid that by leaving the dates off his footage he is very actively deceiving the audience. The site generates 64-64 MWh a year, according to the owner – a more recent installation in the same area generates around 436. The footage really is from another era. It’s like doing a documentary on the uselessness of mobile phones but only examining the Motorola Ultrasleek.
    Later, they visit the Solar Energy Generating System (SEGS) solar farm, only to feign sadness and shock when they discover it’s been removed, leaving a dusty field of sand. In the desert. “Then Ozzie and I discovered that the giant solar arrays had been razed to the ground”, he moans. “It suddenly dawned on me what we were looking at. A solar dead zone”.
    Which is a weird one, because the latest 2020 satellite imagery shows a site full of solar arrays, and a total absence of any “dead zones”. The damn thing is generating electricity.

    Planet of the humans: A reheated mess of lazy, old myths – Ketan Joshi
    TUHO --- ---
    "“I think the main issue is that people focus way, way too much on people’s personal footprints, and whether they fly or not, without really dealing with the structural things that really cause carbon dioxide levels to go up,” said Gavin Schmidt, a climatologist and the director of the NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies in New York City."

    The world is on lockdown. So where are all the carbon emissions coming from? | Grist
    TADEAS --- ---

    To, že současná epizoda sucha od 2015 je nejhorší za posledních 500 let víme, ale tento dopočet vodní bilance (srážky-výpar)stejně vyrazil dech. Změny jsou největší v oblastech s lesy a to je hlavní důvod útoku kůrovce. V nížinách už to špatné bylo, moc zhoršit se to ani nemohlo.


    TADEAS --- ---

    Současná epizoda sucha v Česku je podle vědců nejhorší za 500 let — ČT24 — Česká televize
    TADEAS --- ---

    Nejnovější analýza paleoklimatologických dat potvrzuje závěry původního tzv. "hokejkového" grafu z roku 1998 Michaela Manna. Ten byl předměnem mnohaletých kontroverzí a sporů nejenom u laické, ale i odborné veřejnosti. Mann byl označován za podvodníka, alarmistu, šarlatána, a mnoho dalšího - to je již spíš otázka pro historiky vědy.

    Nejpodrobnější analýza globální teploty za posledních 12 000 let, s využitím stovek stovek lokalit a mnoha metod, jakou máme dnes k dispozici, potvrzuje jednoznačný trend prudkého oteplování za posledních 150 let.

    Současná globální teplota je s nejvyšší pravděpodobností již vyšší, než kdykoliv v Holocénu, a nadále rychle roste.

    A global database of Holocene paleotemperature records
    AIM_FREEMAN --- ---
    Běžne v indickém oceánu je jeden nebo žádný cyklón ročně, letos jich bylo 9.

    Billions Of Locusts Are Swarming East Africa
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