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    TUHOKlimaticka zmena / Thank you so much for ruining my day
    TADEAS --- ---
    Jak mluvit s dětmi o klimatické změně? Řekněte jim pravdu, ale drastické detaily vynechte, radí psycholog - Rodiče vítáni
    KEB --- ---
    TADEAS: pásek stromů a keřů je remízek nebo mez :-)
    DZODZO --- ---
    mozno by stalo za hriech rozdrobit to nejakymi pasmi vegetacie, kvoli odfukovaniu svrchnej vrstvy pody, tuto u nas ked vidim tie nekonecne lany poli tak pri tych vetroch ake tu su tak toho musi odfukat celkom hodne, sice tu davaju aspon na zimu vetrolamy, ale teraz boli take fukoty, ze aj tie vetrolamy im poodfukovalo a polamalo
    TADEAS --- ---
    DZODZO: polni cesta
    DZODZO --- ---
    TADEAS: polnacka sa mysli polna cesta, alebo nejaky uzky pas vegetacie tvoreny stromami a krikmi?
    TADEAS --- ---
    PASTAFARIANKA: 400 z 1600, muzou tam bejt taky nejaky zavazky, nevim.

    starostove obnovujou polnacky a tim rozdrobujou ty lany. taky dobry, lepsi nez dratem do oka ,)
    PALEONTOLOG: 400ha z 14 000. Jako pěknej pokus. Asi jako když jeden člověk v paneláku začne používat ekologickej prací prášek :)

    "Je to sucho opravdu tak špatné? - Je, tentokrát vědci nepřehánějí..."
    Jsme na suchu. Není to ani nadsázka, ani literární obrat, upozorňuje novinář sledující situaci v Česku | iROZHLAS - spolehlivé zprávy
    PALEONTOLOG --- ---
    AIM_FREEMAN --- ---
    Pro mě velmi lokální news :) Ačkoli počítám, že zásady ekologického zem. jsou v rozporu s regenerativním využitím půdy, stejně mám docela radost.

    Praha loni rozhodla o rozdělení svých polí na maximálně pět hektarů velká, zakázala anorganická hnojiva a nájemci musí hospodařit podle zásad ekologického hospodářství. Důvodem je boj se suchem a erozí půdy. Z asi 14.000 hektarů zemědělské půdy v hlavním městě vlastní Praha 1650 hektarů.


    Zemědělci, kteří začnou půdu obhospodařovat, budou muset změnit osevní postupy, tedy sled pěstovaných plodin. Nebude tak možné dva roky po sobě vysadit stejnou plodinu. Do osevního postupu bude zařazena také tzv. zlepšující plodina. Zakázáno bude použití pesticidů a upřednostněna organická hnojiva. Změny neznamenají, že si jeden zemědělec může pronajmout pouze pětihektarové pole, ale nesmí je scelit.

    Praha nabídne zájemcům o ekologické hospodaření 400 ha svých polí - Ekolist.cz
    KEB --- ---
    úplně to sem nepatří, ale kdyby někdo nevěděl, co s penězma...

    Ochránci vykoupili pozemky v přírodní rezervaci u Žítkové - Seznam Zprávy
    TUHO --- ---
    On April 30th, Mayor Sylvester Turner announced that the City of Houston is going to commit to purchasing renewable energy in a plan that aims to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and power municipal operations with 100% renewable energy by 2025. The agreement is through a renewed partnership with NRG Energy, which over the next seven years will provide Houston with 1,034,399 MWh of renewable energy annually from a third-party solar facility in Texas.
    Houston will start purchasing 100% renewable energy on July 1, 2020. Mauricio Gutierrez, the President and CEO of NPG Energy, said “We are proud to support the City of Houston with renewable power. Our sustainable and more resilient future depends on collaborative action and partnerships like this, and the city is making a meaningful impact.”

    Houston renewable energy will power 100% of grid by 2025 - Front Page Live
    TUHO --- ---
    In the aftermath of the global coronavirus pandemic, governments are likely to mobilise significant spending to reinvigorate their economies.
    Our new research, based on surveys of more than 200 of the world’s most senior economists and economic officials, suggests that spending this money on climate-friendly “green” policy initiatives could not only help shift the world closer to a net-zero emissions pathway, but could also offer the best economic returns for government spending.
    The economic and human costs of the pandemic have been tragically high. It has also had huge short-term climate impacts, with the IEA predicting an 8% drop in CO2 emissions this year. If this were repeated every year this decade it would be roughly in line with a pathway to 1.5C.

    Leading economists: Green coronavirus recovery also better for economy
    TUHO --- ---
    Analysis shared by the Institute for Energy Economics and Financial Analysis (IEFA), based on data from the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA), said the finding marks a major "milestone" in an energy transition that is now underway.
    The move away from coal for electricity generation in the U.S. accelerated in 2020 due to lower gas prices, warmer weather and a "significant amount" of new renewable capacity being connected to the grid late last year, the report suggested.
    It acknowledged that lower power demands resulting from economic slowdown sparked by the COVID-19 pandemic has also played a role in coal's decline.

    America's Renewable Energy Sources Have Produced More Electricity Than Coal Every Day for 40 Days Straight
    TUHO --- ---
    Dalsi recenze na Planet of Humans

    There is some truth to this film, hidden behind a multitude of glaring falsehoods. It is important to explore what the film gets right. As climate activists in the era of climate disruption, we must be clear about what our carbon reduction polices are actually going to achieve, as we push local communities around the world to implement Green New Deal programs, Paris Agreement targets, climate mobilizations, and renewable energy initiatives. Let us not get caught up, after all, in lies created not by environmentalists, but by utilities and governments that have propagated them. They are not our lies, and therefore we need not keep them, but renounce them when clearer, bolder, more concerted actions are required to meet the United Nations ten year horizon for “worldwide energy transformation to avert irreversible ecological damage to the planet.”

    Paul Fenn's Local Power Blog - localpower.com: Review of Planet of the Humans: What They Get Right and the Environmentalists Get Wrong
    XCHAOS --- ---
    One billion people will live in insufferable heat within 50 years – study | Environment | The Guardian
    TUHO --- ---
    Abu Dhabi has set a global record-low solar price as authorities confirmed the winning bid in a 2-gigawatt tender. Upon its expected completion in mid-2022, it is slated to be the largest single-site solar energy project in the world.
    The Al Dhafra project had five bidders, with the lowest offer coming in at 1.35 U.S. cents per kilowatt-hour.

    World’s Largest Solar Energy Project Will Also Be Its Cheapest | Greentech Media
    TADEAS --- ---
    Rich nations must make pandemic recovery plans green: global investors - Reuters

    The groups said private capital would play a key role in the recovery, but investors needed long-term policies to be put in place that reflected the agreed move to a low-carbon economy.

    “Recovery plans that exacerbate climate change would expose investors and national economies to escalating financial, health and social risks in the coming years,” they said in a statement said on Monday.

    “Governments should avoid the prioritisation of risky, short-term emissions-intensive projects,” added the groups, which include the Institutional Investor Group on Climate Change, members of which include BlackRock (BLK.N).

    Also signing the statement, under the collective group known as the Investor Agenda, were the United Nations-backed Principles for Responsible Investment, Ceres, CDP, Investor Group on Climate Change, Asia Investor Group on Climate Change and the UNEP Finance Initiative.

    The statement follows similar calls for a green recovery in recent days from International Monetary Fund Managing Director Kristalina Georgieva and German Chancellor Angela Merkel, among others

    Recovery money would be best spent on creating jobs and sustainable infrastructure that helped meet the goal of net zero carbon emissions across sectors including energy, industrials, building and transport, they said
    TUHO --- ---
    The coronavirus lockdown will cause the biggest drop in energy demand in history, with only renewables managing to increase output through the crisis.
    As people around the world consume less oil, gas and coal, electricity generated from the wind and sun will keep flowing, resulting in an unprecedented 8% decline in global carbon dioxide emissions this year, according to a report from the International Energy Agency.
    “The energy industry that emerges from this crisis will be significantly different from the one that came before,” Fatih Birol, the IEA’s executive director, said in a statement released from the organization’s headquarters in Paris on Thursday.

    TADEAS --- ---
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