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    ztracené heslo?
    TUHOKlimaticka zmena / Thank you so much for ruining my day
    CORDESCU --- ---
    DRSH: jj, mam pres ne svuj plyn a elektriku. uz treti rok a zatim dost spokojenost. na tu zelenou variantu jsem taky koukal - jen doufam, ze to nebude standardni ucetni svindl :D
    DRSH --- ---
    kolega mi před chvílí přeposlal tento odkaz na Skautskou energii, kde od příštího roku nabízí odběr energie kpl. 100% ze zelených, obnovitelných zdrojů:
    Naše nové ceny energií na 2021 - 2022 | Skautská energie

    má s tím někdo zkušenost? nabízí to i jiní dodavatelé?
    SHEFIK --- ---
    corporate war on climate .)

    Google pledges not to make custom software for oil and gas extraction | Ars Technica

    Google, Microsoft, and Amazon cloud divisions have sought oil and gas business.

    Google says that it will not "build custom AI/ML algorithms to facilitate upstream extraction in the oil and gas industry," the company announced on Tuesday. This represents a small but significant win for climate activists.

    Google's comment coincided with the release of a new Greenpeace report highlighting the role of the three leading cloud-computing services—Google Cloud, Amazon Web Services, and Microsoft Azure—in helping companies find and extract oil and gas. Greenpeace notes that extracting known fossil fuel reserves would already be sufficient to push the world over 2 degrees of warming. Uncovering additional reserves will ultimately lead to even more warming.

    In short, none of the companies are ready to go as far as Greenpeace would like. But Google seems to be signaling a desire to reduce ties to the oil and gas sector over time, while Microsoft and Amazon show no inclination to do so.
    DZODZO --- ---
    SHINIGAMI: na rozdelovanie zataze sa da dost rychlo zvyknut, t.j. celkom rychlo sa vies naucit ze ked zapnes pracku tak nebudes zapinat hned trubu na pecenie alebo plotnu, telka je dost marginalna spotreba nejakych 150W, herny pocitac v zatazi je tiez tak 150-300W podla toho aku mas grafarnu, ten priebeh spotreby tiez nie je konstantny, u pracky je to na zaciatku 2000W nez nahreje vodu ale pak uz nejakych 400-500W na roztacanie bubnu atd. atd., podobne sa da napr. zvyknut na bezobalove nakupovanie, ja uz som z toho tak zmagoreny, ze ked si mam v obchode brat nejaky pytlik na ovocie, lebo som si zabudol svoje platenne pytliky, tak sa citim ako kriminalnik :D
    OMNIHASH --- ---
    PAD: průměrná spotřeba dvoučlenný domácnosti v ČR je 2,500 kwh ročně, tedy 300w okamžitej odběr.
    SHINIGAMI --- ---
    SHEFIK: to nevim, zato vim, ze kdyz prijde vikend, zapnu plotnu a k tomu se pere a decka parej a bezi telka, tak budem asi dost nadprumerny. A nejspis nejen my.
    PAD --- ---
    SHINIGAMI: My jsme celkem prumerna domacnost s 2 detmi a beznymi spotrebici + el. ohrev vody obcas. Celkova rocni spotreba ~3MWh. Kdyby jim ta turbinka davala realne 40% vykonu, tak to +- sedi. Nevim, jestli je 40% realisticke, nebo jestli je to na mori v praxi vice.
    SHEFIK --- ---
    SHINIGAMI: jak se to u vetrniku pocita? ten vykon 15MW je za den/hodinu/minutu?
    NESCIUS --- ---
    Global Warming, as Depicted by 30 Years of Strategy Games
    SHINIGAMI --- ---
    SHEFIK: to maj hodne usporny prumerny domacnosti ;)
    NOIK --- ---
    TADEAS --- ---
    destabilizovat klima, degenerovat ekosystem. accelerate!

    Bolsonaro uvolnil ruce těžařům. Amazonský prales mizí zase o něco rychleji

    Brazilský prezident předminulý týden slíbil, že do boje proti nelegálnímu kácení vyšle armádu. Ekologové však upozorňují, že má Bolsonaro ve skutečnosti zcela opačné plány. Mimo jiné tlačí na brazilský Národní kongres, aby schválil jím navržený zákon, který by zlegalizoval vlastnictví půdy zabrané protizákonně či násilím.

    Carolina Marçalová z brazilské pobočky Greenpeace uvedla, že by tím Bolsonaro přestal jen potichu tolerovat odlesňování a začal mu aktivně napomáhat. „Bolsonarovy kroky jsou kriminální a musí okamžitě přestat. Všem domorodým komunitám, které se nemají jak bránit proti koronaviru, hrozí vinou prezidenta zánik. Ať už zavlečením viru anebo zničením jejich domova,“ obává se Marçalová.

    Lesní expert Daniel Brindis, který pracuje pro Greenpeace ve Spojených státech, pak kromě Bolsonara z rychlého ničení pralesa viní také fungování celosvětového obchodu. „Banky investují do rozšiřování nebezpečné infrastruktury v pralese, korporace ve velkém skupují dřevo, nerostné suroviny či hovězí maso. Ačkoliv se o krizi amazonského pralesa mluví dlouho, korporace kvůli vlastnímu profitu tolerují porušování lidských práva a prohlubování klimatické krize,“ vysvětlil Brindis.
    TADEAS --- ---
    In a new post, @Ken_Medlock, senior director of @CES_Baker_Inst, and his coauthors explore new processes for steel and iron production that could reduce #emissions and potentially provide both environmental and economic benefits.

    Steel, Hydrogen and Renewables: Strange Bedfellows? Maybe Not… – Baker Institute Blog

    Hydrogen-based DRI has received increasing attention as an enabler for renewable energy use and CO2 emission mitigation with pilot projects in Germany and Sweden, among others. A DRI enabled EAF route that uses hydrogen from renewable power reduces CO2 emissions by 80-95%, compared to the blast furnace. However, significant investment is required to realize such scalable reductions in CO2 emissions across the steel industry. Based on forecasts for steel production and considering an increase of 15-29% in the DRI route for primary iron production, 350 Mt of new DRI capacity would be needed by 2050, a six-fold increase from today. This translates to roughly 200 GW of electrolyser capacity to produce 5 EJ of green hydrogen, if all DRI routes were to use hydrogen. In a country context, Germany would need 100 terawatt-hours (TWh) of renewable power (20% of today’s national electricity consumption) to fully decarbonise the steel sector alone with DRI from green hydrogen.

    Under certain conditions, renewable hydrogen-based iron production can become the least-cost supply option at a CO2 price of around US$67 per tonne, assuming the availability of low-cost renewable electricity. Of course, future projects will drive learning and innovation and tend to reduce this, which highlights the role that continued research and development can play. Indeed, hydrogen-based iron making is technically feasible, and various producers are working to develop this option further. A core step is direct reduction based on pure hydrogen rather than on natural gas. Projects in the pipeline include a facility to be deployed by Thyssenkrupp (electrolysis) and MIDREX (DRI plant) with Arcelor-Mittal in Hamburg to produce 100,000 tonnes per year of DRI using green hydrogen from electrolysis. The plant will initially operate on natural gas; hydrogen will be considered once low-cost offshore wind has ramped up. Four pilot-plants in Europe will come in operation over the coming years to produce green hydrogen-based steel. In the US, flash ironmaking is being explored
    TADEAS --- ---
    According to @Gazprom CEO Alexey Miller, the company has just started front&engineering design study for Power of Siberia 2, a new gas pipeline from Russia to China via Mongolia with a capacity up to 50 bcm/year. https://t.co/A7tdpG6LD0
    DZODZO --- ---
    taka kuriozita

    Aktivisté vylezli na střechy tří pump v Praze. Majiteli nevadí, nechá je tam - iDNES.cz
    SHEFIK --- ---
    Study finds emissions from road construction could be halved using today’s technology - Green Car Congress

    The results indicate that it is technically possible to halve road construction CO2 emissions with today's best available technologies and practices, to abate more than three-quarters of the emissions by 2030 and achieve close to net zero emissions by 2045. 
    URZA --- ---

    Ha! Tak mi právě zavolal člověk z CHMU.. asi se mu nechtělo psát mail, psal jsem mu nějaký dotazy k tomu. Oni mají daleko víc dat k dispozici. tak mě zajímal jeho názor. Říkal že:

    1. Byť je tato epizoda úbytku podzemních vod už neobvykle delší (5 let, v 2018 prej v hodně místech naměřili absolutní minimum), tak to ještě nemusí znamenat nutně trend, může se to otočit. Mluvil i o jiných víceletých suchých obdobích, např. prej ve 40 letech po válce byo nějaké větší sucho. Štěžoval si, že data za 80 let, který máme je prý málo :)

    2. Důvod proč ta podzemní voda teď ubývá je že je málo sněhu a na jaře málo prší. Prší sice v souhrnu za rok podobně jako dřív, ale prší víc v létě a hodně naráz, takže voda se rychleji odpaří, víc ji zadrží vegetace (která na jaře ještě není) a nedostane se do hloubky.
    TADEAS --- ---
    Encountering an Essential Lesson in the Church Forests of Ethiopia – Gaianism

    Somehow, the Ethiopian Church evolved to see forests as sacred and, through the design of their institutions and teachings, embedded this directly into their system code. Church services, weddings, baptisms, community meetings—the church is at the center of all of these, and thus so is the forest. Even one’s final moment differentiated from the Gaian whole takes place here: all Ethiopian Orthodox worshippers are entitled to be buried in the church forest.

    As the articles describe, people cross themselves as they enter into the forest, as they cross the inner courtyard wall, as they enter the church and the communion circle, recognizing that with every step toward the center they enter a more holy reality. The forests, where humidity and air temperature change markedly, add to this numinous experience, so it’s not hard to imagine why now, when church forests are literal oases in the midst of a desertified agricultural system, these feel sacred. They are now both Edenic gardens and Noah’s arks.

    But 1600 years ago, when far more of Ethiopia was forested, and the forests’ permanence surely seemed unquestioned, why did this unique Christian mutation take root? That is a question I don’t have an answer for, but the more important point is that whatever the reason, it is this religious system that has essentially prevented the entire country from becoming a desert. The church forests are like the country’s appendix, holding a small reserve of healthy organisms, until the infection—in this case modern civilization—ceases and life can once again recolonize the intestines, or in this case, the land. (And if you didn’t know that about the appendix’s role in the human body, now you do!)

    This is why cultivating not just personal ecocentric spiritualities or philosophies but actual living religious systems is essential. There is far less power or longevity in a personal spirituality that is not shared, that doesn’t have a community around it, that doesn’t cultivate shared rituals, that doesn’t build institutions.

    So what does that mean for us? It means: Gaians need to build a Gaian Mission. A Gaian Church. A Gaian Guild. A religious system that will grow and endure and help get humanity through the dark age that’s most likely just over the horizon. That will preserve and spread again biodiversity and essential human knowledge like permaculture, midwifery, and basic medicine so that Gaians one day can help bring about a new flourishing of culture—but this time in a way that sustains the Earth rather than comes at the cost of the Earth. But that requires a religious system, one that nurtures congregants and nudges them: to be their best and most eco-sacred selves; to share this system with others; and above all to continually recognize our dependence on and our being part of Gaia. If we do that, perhaps one day, a millennium from now, people will write about how Gaians’ sacred preserves and stores of wisdom helped to both rewild and recivilize the world.
    TADEAS --- ---
    aww, zemedelci zacinaj neco vnimat? asi agromeratum nevychazej tabulky nebo co

    Katastrofální sucho: Řežeme si pod sebou větev, místy už je poušť, varuje pedolog Vopravil | Hospodářské noviny (iHNed.cz)

    Na jihu Moravy mnohde zmizela ornice a hospodaří se na podloží. Chemii do půdy dostat umíme, ale vodu ne. Za to, jak krajina vypadá, si můžeme sami, říká pedolog Jan Vopravil.

    Přehrady nemůžeme oddělit od krajiny, vodu potřebujeme i v půdě. Spousta zemědělců už začíná tenhle stav vnímat. Donedávna jsme měli největší půdní bloky z celé EU, nové opatření ale určuje maximální výměr na 30 hektarů.
    Kliknutím sem můžete změnit nastavení reklam