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    TUHOKlimaticka zmena / Destroying the Future Is the Most Cost-Effective
    TADEAS --- ---
    TADEAS: updated verze

    Peer-Reviewed Publications on Grazing as a Means of Improving Rangeland Ecology, Building Soil Carbon, and Mitigating Global Warming
    Prepared by Soil4Climate Inc., April 2020
    TADEAS --- ---
    The role of soil carbon in natural climate solutions
    Bossio D, Cook-Patton S, Ellis P, et al., Nature Sustainability (2020)


    Mitigating climate change requires clean energy and the removal of atmospheric carbon. Building soil carbon is an appealing way to increase carbon sinks and reduce emissions owing to the associated benefits to agriculture. However, the practical implementation of soil carbon climate strategies lags behind the potential, partly because we lack clarity around the magnitude of opportunity and how to capitalize on it. Here we quantify the role of soil carbon in natural (land-based) climate solutions and review some of the project design mechanisms available to tap into the potential. We show that soil carbon represents 25% of the potential of natural climate solutions (total potential, 23.8 Gt of CO2-equivalent per year), of which 40% is protection of existing soil carbon and 60% is rebuilding depleted stocks. Soil carbon comprises 9% of the mitigation potential of forests, 72% for wetlands and 47% for agriculture and grasslands. Soil carbon is important to land-based efforts to prevent carbon emissions, remove atmospheric carbon dioxide and deliver ecosystem services in addition to climate mitigation.
    TADEAS --- ---
    The Ocean Planet

    China’s exploitation of the world’s fish stocks is far greater than previously thought, with research showing the country has more than 12,000 vessels fishing beyond its waters, three times more than previous estimates.

    The Chinese fleet is the biggest contributor to the “global fisheries crisis”, which has resulted in two thirds of the world’s commercial stocks being overfished or fished to the limit, according to a report by the Overseas Development Institute, a think tank.

    China consumes more than a third of fish caught globally and is targeting the high seas or waters belonging to other countries after depleting its own stocks, the report says. At least 183 of the Chinese “distant water” vessels — those that fish outside national waters — have been found to be involved in illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing, it adds.

    The study identified 1,821 of the Chinese vessels as trawlers, many of which are suspected of carrying out bottom trawling, a particularly destructive fishing technique.
    Almost 1,000 of the vessels were found to be registered overseas, with 518 flying the flags of African nations. The report suggests that China is taking advantage of poor governance in developing countries by getting them to sign fisheries agreements that allow unsustainable levels of fishing in their waters.
    #TheOceanPlanet #SaveOurOceans #StopTrawlers #Fishing #SuperTrawlers #China #Japan #OverFishing #IllegalFishing
    TADEAS --- ---
    Michaela Pixova

    No řekněte, kdo z vás to má? Titulku na Haló novinách, hlavní interview a navíc rozhovor vedený slavným soudruhem Jaroslavem Kojzarem. Odteď jsem nejspíš pro pravicový tisk nadobro ztracena. Naštěstí mou roli ve vysvětlování klimatické krize pravičákům odteď zastane Jiří X. Doležal :)

    TADEAS --- ---
    Mangroves – Valuable Coastal Ecosystems – Won’t Survive Sea-Level Rise by 2050 if Emissions Aren’t Cut

    Mangrove forests store large amounts of carbon, help protect coastlines and provide habitat for fish and other species. Using sediment data from the last 10,000 years, an international team led by Macquarie University in Australia estimated the chances of mangrove survival based on rates of sea-level rise.

    When rates exceeded 6 millimeters per year, similar to estimates under high-emissions scenarios for 2050, scientists found that mangroves were very likely to stop keeping pace with the rising water levels. Mangroves are more likely to survive when sea-level rise is less than 5 millimeters (about 0.2 inches) per year, which is projected for low-emissions scenarios this century.

    “Under high-emissions scenarios, rates of sea-level rise on many tropical coastlines will exceed 7 millimeters per year, the rate at which we concluded there’s a 6.2 percent probability mangroves can sustain growth,” said co-author Erica Ashe, a post-doctoral scientist in the Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences in the School of Arts and Sciences at Rutgers University–New Brunswick. “The loss of these mangrove ecosystems could result in increased carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and fewer vital buffers against storm surges in the long run.
    TADEAS --- ---
    "Magnetic sponge" MOF captures carbon with record energy efficiency

    As porous materials with incredibly high surface areas, metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) offer a huge degree of versatility that could see them used in alternative rocket fuels, advanced batteries and devices that quickly detect dangerous gases. Another area where they have real potential is in the field of carbon capture, which a team of researchers in Australia has demonstrated with a sponge-like device that adsorbs CO2 using just a third of the energy of other methods.

    MOFs are made from metal ions fashioned into a crystalline structure to offer the largest surface area of any known material. It is said that the porous nature of MOFs would allow one the size of a teaspoon to accommodate the whole surface of a football field, a unique characteristic that offers incredible potential


    The latest comes from researchers at Australia’s Monash University and the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO), whose MOF, called M-74 CPT@PTMSP, features magnetic nanoparticles that make it function like a “magnetic sponge.” This combination enables it to adsorb CO2 from atmospheric sources using just one-third of the energy of any other reported method, according to the research team.

    “Our research shows the lowest reported regeneration energy calculated for any solid porous adsorbent, including monoethanolamine, piperazine and other amines,” says Associate Professor Matthew Hill from the CSIRO. “This makes it a cheap method that can be paired with renewable solar energy to capture excess carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. Essentially, we can capture CO2 from anywhere. Our current focus is for capture directly from the air in what are known as negative emissions technologies.”

    The energy cost of of the material is 1.29 MJ kg-1CO2, which the researchers claim is 45 percent lower than commercially available materials, and is the highest energy efficiency carbon capture and storage on record. The researchers were also able to demonstrate its stability over 20 consecutive capture and release cycles.
    XCHAOS --- ---
    TUHO: to podle mě souvisí s poklesem ceny panelů. Fakticky je to ale podle mě perverzní, protože to vychází z myšlenky vytěžení maxima z té dané rozlohy zabrané solární elektrárnou.. která by ale v krajině výhledově vůbec neměla existovat. Vždycky by se daly najít nějaké nevyužité rovné střechy, na supermarketech a logistických centrech a přístřešcích MHD a vlaků a vůbec kde všude, kde by ty panely vyrobily víc, než když se dají takhle z druhé strany.

    ale tak samozřejmě to celostní uvažování jde s ekonomikou dohromady stěží, tady se berou v úvahu samozřejmě věci, že kvůli stávající rozvodné síti je potřeba naprat elektřiny co nejvíc na jednom místě, kde je k dispozici tlusý drát, zatímco všechny ty střechy jsou k síti připojené jako místa konzumu, ne produkce elektřiny. S tím právě souvisí ta zmínka o chytré síti - [ TADEAS @ Klimaticka zmena // The young people are starting to understand your betrayal. ] - chytrá síť by umožnila solární instalace i na osluněných plochách kde dnes fotovoltaiku instalovat nejde a tím by nevznikal ekonomický tlak na její instalaci na neosluněné plochy (zaprvé tomu tvrzení o 35% víc nevěřím z toho bude polovina připadat na ten tracking, zadruhé, umístěním stejných panelů na normální osluněnou plochu se zská o 100% víc...)
    TADEAS --- ---
    Ceska piratska strana

    Nebuďme energetický skanzen, uhlí není budoucnost.

    Věříme tomu, že koronavirová krize je příležitostí transformovat energetický průmysl tak, aby se z Česka do budoucna nestal pouze skanzen na fosilní paliva. Dnešní odstavení elektrárny Prunéřov I během Mezinárodního dne životního prostředí ukazuje, že zavření zastaralých uhelných elektráren postupně možné je. Musíme ale najít takovou cestu, aby přechod od závislosti na uhlí byl maximálně sociálně citlivý.

    „Piráti cílí na rok 2030 až 2035, kdy by se měly všechny zbývající uhelné elektrárny vypnout. Sociálně citlivý přechod od závislosti na uhlí pokládají Piráti za naprosto zásadní kritérium. ČR má energeticky neefektivní průmysl a obnova po korona krizi je příležitostí k jeho restrukturalizaci a inovacím. Docílíme toho podporou obnovitelných zdrojů, přenesením pozornosti od tradičního průmyslu na střední a malé firmy, a to pomocí efektivně nastavených investičních a dotačních programů. Podmínkou je chytrá přenosová soustava, decentralizace energetických zdrojů a energetické úspory napříč celým hospodářstvím. Energeticky pasivní domy jsou to, kam Piráti míří v oblasti bydlení a správy veřejných budov.

    Ukončení uhelného průmyslu a současné posílení obnovitelných zdrojů energie by vytvořilo více pracovních míst, než jich v důsledku uzavírání uhelných elektráren zanikne. Rozvoj obnovitelných zdrojů energie je příležitostí pro restart české ekonomiky i průmyslu,“ říká poslankyně Dana Balcarová.
    JIMIQ --- ---
    Reseni “cinskeho” problemu
    Brusel chystá daň z uhlíku. Zdražila by dovozy zboží z nezelených zemí - iDNES.cz
    SHEFIK --- ---

    Italian oil major Eni has announced a major restructuring that its chief executive describes as an “irreversible path” that will make the company a leader in the energy transition.

    The company will be split into two new business groups: “Energy Evolution” — focusing on power generation and the switch from fossil fuels to “bio, blue and green” — and “Natural Resources”, which will incorporate its oil & gas activities, including carbon capture and storage (CCS).

    In late February, Descalzi announced plans for Eni to build 55GW of renewable energy projects by 2050 and reduce the emissions of its products by 80% by the same year, which he said would keep it in line with the Paris Agreement. The company already builds its own wind and solar projects.
    SHEFIK --- ---
    tidal, sem zvedavej co na to velryby


    Tidal energy company Nova Innovation has successfully completed its project to manufacture its market-ready, state of the art direct drive tidal turbine that eliminates the need for a gearbox and reduces the cost of tidal energy by 30 percent.  
    DRSH --- ---
    Projekt jaderné elektrárny Dukovany nabírá na tempu. Jednou rozhodnutí přijít muselo, říká novinářka | Plus
    THE_DARKNESS --- ---
    NASA Harvest’s mission is to enable and advance adoption of satellite Earth observations by public and private organizations to benefit food security, agriculture, and human and environmental resiliency in the US and worldwide: https://nasaharvest.org/...sed-global-agricultural-monitoring-system-fast-flexible-and-user-friendly
    PALEONTOLOG --- ---
    YMLADRIS: na pohary z novejch teplotnich rekordu uz neni v policce misto
    YMLADRIS --- ---
    furt dokola ten ač že by taky někdy napsal neco novyho

    TADEAS --- ---
    Michaela Pixová
    Michaela Pixová - Tak toto mě dnes skutečně pobavilo.... | Facebook

    ‼️‼️‼️ Ochrana klimatu zdá se mít nečekaného, ale potenciálně velmi významného spojence! Jiří X Doležal z Reflexu, neochvějný obhájce volného trhu a oponent všeho progresivního a levicového, pochopil, že se mu milovaná příroda mění přímo před očima. A je z toho velmi znepokojen. Ve svém článku, který si bere na paškál klimaskeptiky s Václavem Klausem v čele, píše tónem, který by sám ještě před pár lety označil za alarmistický či hysterický:

    "Pokud naše civilizace okamžitě nezačne něco velmi účinného dělat k nápravě svého negativního působení na klima, končíme. Klimatický rozvrat probíhá právě nyní a zcela očividně i v naší zemi."

    Z článku je patrné značné úsilí Jiřího X Doležala zachovat si ve svém osobním světovém paradigmatu alespoň elementární konzistenci. V úvodu článku neváhá dštít síru proti snahám ekologů regulovat kapitalismus, ale hned na jeho konci pro změnu obhajuje volný trh, který kdyby správně fungoval, byly by v něm zpeněženy negativní externality spočívající v ničení přírody nás všech. Cožpak Jiří X Doležal nechápe, že právě to jsou ty regulace, totiž zavádění emisních povolenek, či uhlíkové daně, kterou "ekologisti" požadují? Namísto toho autor překvapivého článku neváhá fosilní korporace přirovnávat ke komunistům, či ke kapitalismu putinovského typu. Jakkoliv bychom si zajisté s kritikou fosilních miliardářů rovněž nebrali žádné servítky, nutno dodat, že nejhorší fosilní korporace pochází zejména ze zemí, jako jsou USA, kde volnému trhu opravdu v cestě mnoho nestojí. Doležal uvádí v článku příklad hospody, kde byt nad hospodou má kvůli negativním externalitám z hospodského provozu levnější nájem. Jenomže kdo by měl ty externatlily fosilnímu průmyslu působící devastaci přírody vlastně naúčtovat? Kdo je tím, kdo vlastní nájemní smlouvu na klima a ekosystémy, a měl by od uhlobaronů a ropných magnátů žádat kompenzace? Nejsme to náhodou my všichni, obyvatelé Země?A nejsou to náhodou právě ekologové a klimatické hnutí, kdo hlasitě křičí, že se ničení životního prostředí nesmí firmám vyplatit?

    Přesto musíme Jiřímu X Doležalovi opravdu poděkovat za to, že ze své pozice dokáže i konzervativnímu čtenáři a snad i některým klimaskeptikům skelníkový efekt přiblížit možná líp, než samotný Radim Tolasz. Pobavil zejména těmito výroky:

    "Bez oteplení zaviněného CO2 by tedy nevznikli ani trilobiti, ani dinosauři, ani Václav Klaus."

    "I my jsme měli před začátkem průmyslové revoluce 280 ppm uhlíku v atmosféře. Ještě před pár stovkami let. Pak si ale lidstvo postavilo opravdu impozantní množství komínů, a dnes jsme na hodnotě 414 ppm. Nejvíce za poslední miliony let. A tomu odpovídá a bude odpovídat reakce klimatu a ekosystémů, jak se v minulosti stalo vždy. Pokud lidská rasa nepodnikne zásadní kroky k omezení emisí CO2, skončíme jako savci v permu."

    Nezbývá doufat, že Jiří X Doležal bude ve svém samostudiu klimatologie, paleoekologie a geologie pokračovat, a že časem dojde i na to, že nejsme jeho nepřátelé, ale spojenci. Že jsme to právě my, kdo bojuje i za jeho Brdy!

    Jiří X. Doležal: Klimaskepticismus? Útok na kapitalismus volné soutěže – Forum24
    TUHO --- ---
    Climate change faces us with yet another in a long line of actual or potential disasters that have occurred over the last century. One powerful and recurring response to such events frames them as catastrophe from which either physical or spiritual escape is imagined. This article attempts a psycho-social analysis of this apocalyptic response to actual or imagined disasters and traces two variants of this response – the redemptive and the survivalist. Whilst such responses appear radical, I argue that they are essentially a defence in the face of despair that has already found expression within climate change science and activism. In contrast, I suggest that what is required is a realistic response to the possibility of climatic disaster, a possibility the probability of which cannot be known. The quandary we face is how to sound the alarm without being alarmist.

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    Why we can’t count on carbon-sucking farms to slow climate change

    The world’s farmlands do have the capacity to store billions of tons of carbon dioxide in the soil annually, according to a National Academies report last year. But there is still uncertainty concerning which farming techniques work, and to what degree, across different soil types, depths, topographies, crop varieties, climate conditions, and time periods.

    It’s unclear whether the practices can be carried out over long periods and on a massive scale across the world’s farms without undercutting food production. And there are significant disagreements about what it will take to accurately measure and certify that farms are actually removing and storing increased amounts of carbon dioxide.

    These uncertainties further complicate the well-documented challenges in setting up any reliable carbon offsets program. Studies have frequently found these systems can substantially overestimate reductions, as economic, environmental and political pressures all push toward issuing large numbers of offsets credits. The programs can also create opportunities for gamesmanship and greenwashing that undermine real progress on climate change, observers say.

    As Climate Action Reserve looks to ramp up the use of these credits, some fear the group is on the verge of creating a standard that may well invite such behavior.


    The basic idea behind carbon farming, or regenerative agriculture, is that photosynthesis acts as a greenhouse gas pump, pulling CO2 from the air and converting it into sugars stored in leaves, stalks, and roots or excreted into soil. The hope is that farmers can increase the amount of carbon that is left behind in the fields, through practices like planting cover crops between harvests, and drilling seeds instead of continually upturning the soil through tilling.

    But the process playing out in California highlights the challenges of establishing reliable standards that can be broadly applied. Such standards certify that the farmers getting paid to carry out the practices are in fact decreasing carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, lending confidence to people or businesses looking to purchase credits.

    They’re essential to making offsets work, but hard to get right. Climate Action Reserve, which created the protocols that California largely adopted for the nation’s largest cap-and-trade program, released a draft “soil enrichment protocol” for public comment in April. It was scheduled to bring the standard before its board for a vote this month. But last week, the nonprofit announced a second public comment period after receiving numerous responses, several of which questioned whether the protocol will accurately measure additional levels of carbon uptake.


    The issue is that much of the soil carbon research to date finds that carbon uptake differs widely across soil types and other conditions, not just from region to region, but from plot to plot. So it’s difficult to develop any model “that can account for this inherent variability,” and requires them all to be rigorously tested and reviewed, says Jane Zelikova, chief scientist at the Carbon180 think tank, who also signed the letter. She argues that any modeling must be supplemented with thorough and randomized soil sampling, across fields, at varying depths and over time.


    The better approach could simply be to pay farmers directly to carry out practices to improve soil health and reduce environmental impacts, while thinking of any additional carbon storage as a welcome co-benefit–but not one that’s strictly relied upon to balance out another organization’s greenhouse gas pollution.

    “Trying to precisely quantify carbon offsets is almost an impossibly hard problem and one where the deck is stacked against quality outcomes,” says Danny Cullenward, a lecturer at Stanford Law School and policy director of CarbonPlan. “I find it hard to believe we’re going to do a perfect job on this. But that’s what offsets require, because they allow higher emissions elsewhere.
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