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    TUHOKlimaticka zmena / Destroying the Future Is the Most Cost-Effective
    TADEAS --- ---
    SHEFIK --- ---
    zajmavej a dlouhej clanek ohledne carbon fee a dopadu. stoji za to precist cely

    Carbon Pricing & The Energy Transition | CleanTechnica

    We are making great progress, with costs of solar, wind, and batteries continuing their decline. But we are not moving fast enough to turn the tide on human-caused climate change. One study I saw recently said we need to be installing wind and solar at triple the current rate to get to 90% renewable just for electricity by 2035.


    Actually, one carbon fee solution has received bi-partisan support and significant sponsorship and has already been filed in the US House of Representatives with 80 co-sponsors, House Resolution 763, the Energy Innovation and Carbon Dividends Act (EICDA). This bill would put a steadily rising fee on carbon and return the revenues collected in the form of a dividend to legal residents of the US. There are many other features of this bill which is summarized at www.energyinnovationact.org. EICDA incorporates a set of goals and a carbon fee projection that incorporates differing levels of the fee depending on how the US does in meeting the goals. The goals result in an annual reduction in carbon emissions beginning at 100% through 2022 and declining to 15% in 2050:


    Economists will often argue that placing a price on pollution is the most economically efficient way to go. By having a price on pollution, the market economy finds the least cost combination of methods available without having to have government make decisions on which technology to support and which to abandon. The correct mix of conservation, riding bicycles to work, taking public transport, sequestering carbon, buying high efficiency heat pumps, installing solar or wind power, building nuclear plants, and many more options all get thrown into the mix and all businesses and people need to do is pick the lowest cost options. But will it really work?
    Clearly, it will green the grid. The example we started with is illustrative. I did calculations of the cost of alternative technologies from Lazard, adjusted for EICDA carbon fees for new plants, for 2021, the assumed start date for a carbon fee starting at $15 a ton and rising $10 per year assuming we meet all targets, with results shown below:

    As shown by the blue bars above, immediately after the carbon fee is adopted, wind and solar become far less expensive than the cheapest fossil alternative, even in year one of the carbon fee, at about half the cheapest fossil alternative and only one quarter of the cost of coal. How does this happen in year one with only a $15 carbon fee? Easy. Once EICDA passes and becomes law, utilities will do a 20-year fuel forecast of the price of coal or gas to include in their LCOE and other planning tools. Bingo. The steadily rising carbon fee over the next 20 years, written into the law, makes a major impact on capital investment decisions on day one!
    And this is a conservative estimate. Why conservative? Because the continuing decline in solar and wind and storage costs is not included above. My prediction is that when EICDA is passed by Congress and signed by the president, all US planned fossil fuel plants will be cancelled the next day. The cost advantage for new renewables versus new fossils will be so great that utilities will find a way to overcome the cost of dealing with grid intermittency issues.
    DRSH --- ---
    Česko sužuje největší sucho za posledních několik století | Plus
    TADEAS --- ---
    YMLADRIS: urcity, mozna velky mnozstvi lidi nebude mit moznost delat volbu tohohle typu, takze jde spis o to kam channelovat tu nasranost.
    SHEFIK --- ---
    YMLADRIS: drzel bych se toho co je, ne toho, co si myslime, ze bude. to je totiz jen nas emocionalni konstrukt. budoucnost ma nekonecno promennych... pokud vychovame dusevne vyrovnane deti, ma lidstvo vetsi nadeji prezit, nez kdyz pro ne budem do umoru budovat rajskou zahradu
    YMLADRIS --- ---
    TADEAS: koukali jste někdo na to? (Základní morální imperativ je sundat fosilní režimy, stàt se fearless a jit do toho. stejně umřeme tak co.)

    Rogera mám ráda. přesto mi stále vychází ze spokojene dětství mého syna je větší priorita než matka s revoluční integritou ...
    TADEAS --- ---
    YMLADRIS: emoce se nenosi a mozna uz ma pro deti / vnoucky NZ residency
    YMLADRIS --- ---
    Climate worst-case scenarios may not go far enough, cloud data shows | Climate change | The Guardian

    tento typ clanku nam guardian prinasi poslednich ... ? kolik dekad :) takze fakt nechapu jak muze byt Rockstrom stale very concerned :)

    Compared with the last assessment in 2014, 25% of them show a sharp upward shift from 3C to 5C in climate sensitivity – the amount of warming projected from a doubling of atmospheric carbon dioxide from the preindustrial level of 280 parts per million. This has shocked many veteran observers, because assumptions about climate sensitivity have been relatively unchanged since the 1980s.

    “That is a very deep concern,” Johan Rockström said
    TADEAS --- ---
    DZODZO --- ---
    YMLADRIS: nemusis dumat nic, Clintel je denierska skupina zalozena byvalym zamestnancom Shellu, su za tym obyc prachy

    "The group’s co-founder Guus Berkhout, an engineering professor who began his career at Shell and set up the Delphi Consortium in the 1980s to develop new exploration methods for the oil and gas industry"

    Climate Science Deniers Planning European Misinformation Campaign, Leaked Documents Reveal - Resilience
    LINKOS --- ---
    YMLADRIS: tak lidmi více hýbou emoce než racionální myšlení. Lépe se tím s lidmi manipuluje.
    Jeden by řekl, že klimatologove taky budí strach a hýbou lidmi zkrze emoce, ale klimatologie je ve skutečnosti docela nuda a nějaký emoční pohnuti přinesli až aktivisté. Což je jim zároveň i dost vyčítáno.
    Jenže oni mají na své straně aspoň tu vědeckou obec, kdežto odpůrci řešení klimatické změny používají strach taky - strach, že nás to řešení bude hodně stát a oni přijdou o svojí životní úroveň, svoji jistotu, svůj styl života, svoje spalovaci auta, blahobyt z automobilového průmyslu atd.
    A tak tu nepříjemnou pravdu raději vytěsní.
    YMLADRIS --- ---
    SHEFIK: někdy dumam, v čem je ten zádrhel že se za dvacet generací co se pokoušíme o vědu, ta skutečná poctivá racionalita vlastně vůbec neprosadila

    asi je tam nějakej hlubokej blok proti lidský přirozenosti (vítězí prostě profit, chtíč, moc atd). pravda jako takova zajímá jen pár procent lidí, vetsinove si pravda musí zasloužit svou pozici tím že slouzi něčemu víc primal (strach, zisk, ...)

    není naděje že by to dopadlo racionálně. no třeba to převezme ai
    YMLADRIS --- ---
    Blocking events bat away oncoming low-pressure systems that would bring the prospect of clouds and rain. They are particularly synonymous with heatwaves and drought in summer and bitterly cold conditions in winter.


    What is ‘blocking’?

    What causes blocking?

    Have blocking events changed as the climate has warmed?

    How might climate change affect blocking in future?

    What role does a warming Arctic play?

    Jet stream: Is climate change causing more ‘blocking’ weather events? | Carbon Brief

    SHEFIK --- ---
    chapu, ze nektery korporace maj zajmy uprednostnovat fakta, ktery jim hrajou do karet, ale wtf 900 vedcu pod hlavickou nezavisly agentury CLINTEL?

    Pavel Kalenda: Světová klimatická deklarace - Ekolist.cz
    TADEAS --- ---
    Hope is not the conviction that something will turn out well, but the certainty that something makes sense, regardless of how it turns out. It is the ability to work for something because it is good, not because it stands a chance to succeed." Havel

    Roger Hallam: Post-Doom with Michael Dowd
    YMLADRIS --- ---

    Děcka z Fakt o klimatu udělali 7 novych infografik. Kdykoliv uvítají pomoc, mají málo lidí na to
    YMLADRIS --- ---
    YMLADRIS --- ---
    YMLADRIS --- ---
    YMLADRIS --- ---
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