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    ztracené heslo?
    TUHOKlimaticka zmena / Destroying the Future Is the Most Cost-Effective
    TADEAS --- ---
    TUHO: duvod vzpomenout na


    TADEAS --- ---
    TUHO: takze vstric testovani low-hanging tipping pointu s dalsim super el ninem. jdu si udelat gumicku na klobouk at mi neulitne.
    PAD --- ---
    TUHO: Mala story o tom, jak uz si vlastne 'zvykame' na sucho. Na jare jsme kopali studnu. V cca 80 cm jsme narazili na trubku, ktera vedla ze sklepa (byvaly odpad). Zajasal jsem, protoze jsem tim padem mel pruchodku ze studny do domu bez prace. Akorat jsem si lamal hlavu, proc ji delali jen v 80 cm a ne v nezamrzne hloubce. Obzvlast, kdyz je tady dlouhodobe hladina vody asi 1.9m pod terenem. Kdyz se ted konecne doplnily zasoby v prvni zvodni, tak hladina vystoupala az skoro k te trubce (cca 30 od ni). Kdyz to delali, tak moc dobre vedeli, co delaji. Zaroven mi prijde neuveritelne, ze to stouplo o tolik za pouhych par tydnu ...
    YMLADRIS --- ---
    Can green sand help to clean up our carbon?
    On an undisclosed Caribbean island, researchers are poised to test whether green sand could help to clean up our atmospheric mess. Project Vesta aims to sequester carbon by speeding up the natural weathering process of a mineral called olivine. The olivine will be ground up into sand and spread on the beach, where — in theory — the wave action will accelerate the sequestration process. The project hopes to show whether ‘enhanced mineral weathering’ can be done in a cost-effective way that’s safe for the marine environment (and acceptable to people who might not fancy the idea of a green-sand beach).

    TUHO --- ---
    DRSH: Uvidime, ono taky muze klidne nastat obdobi par let nadprumernejch srazek a povodni...
    DRSH --- ---
    TUHO: zarámovat na památku?
    TUHO --- ---
    Plus to, ze jsme tedka skoro na urovni roku se super El Ninem ukazuje, ze trend akceleruje
    TUHO --- ---
    Moznost dosazeni ambicioznejsiho cilu Parizsky dohody 1.5 °C do roku 2100 asi padne velmi brzy... Ted jsme na 1.3 °C otepleni.

    Important figure - graph shows global climate variability (bumps) and climate change (long-term upward trend). The 12-month running mean is about 1.3°C above pre-industrial level...

    GIOMIKY --- ---
    Do Karibiku dorazil písek ze Sahary, je ho nejvíce za půl století - Seznam Zprávy
    GOJATLA --- ---
    TUHO: Zajímavá je ta tabulka "jak z toho ven":
    Na mě působí trochu depresivně, všechny cesty mi přijdou nereálné. Nejpravděpodobnější je scénář "too little too late" a následný kolaps.
    JINDRICH --- ---
    Věcný záměr energetického zákona
    Materiál - Portál Aplikace ODok

    PETER_PAN --- ---

    Syngas bude univerzalni prumyslovy mezistupen. Lze ho generovat prakticky z cehokoliv. Ze zemniho plynu, pyrolyzou ropnych zbytku, z uhli, ze dreva ci biomasy, biotechnologicky, zpracovanim organickeho odpadu (pyrolyzne ci fermentacne) byt toho je na to skoda, solarne ci solarne-biotechnologicky a plazmovym zplynovanim uhlikateho a komunalniho odpadu.
    TUHO --- ---
    TUHO: + komentar od Nafeeze Ahmed

    But there’s a deeper problem. New scientific research confirms that capitalism’s structural obsession with endless growth is destroying the very conditions for human survival on planet Earth.
    A landmark study in the journal Nature Communications, “Scientists’ warning on affluence” — by scientists in Australia, Switzerland and the UK — concludes that the most fundamental driver of environmental destruction is the overconsumption of the super-rich.
    This factor lies over and above other factors like fossil fuel consumption, industrial agriculture and deforestation: because it is overconsumption by the super-rich which is the chief driver of these other factors breaching key planetary boundaries.
    The paper notes that the richest 10 percent of people are responsible for up to 43 percent of destructive global environmental impacts.
    In contrast, the poorest 10 percent in the world are responsible just around 5 percent of these environmental impacts:

    TUHO --- ---
    The affluent citizens of the world are responsible for most environmental impacts and are central to any future prospect of retreating to safer environmental conditions. We summarise the evidence and present possible solution approaches. Any transition towards sustainability can only be effective if far-reaching lifestyle changes complement technological advancements. However, existing societies, economies and cultures incite consumption expansion and the structural imperative for growth in competitive market economies inhibits necessary societal change.

    TUHO --- ---
    TUHO: + jeste jeden Keen

    Thermodynamics 2.0 keynote: Macroeconomics, Minsky, & fraud in Neoclassical climate change economics
    TUHO --- ---
    Steve Keen rozebira Williama Nordhause

    This is the draft of an invited paper for the journal Globalizations on "Economics and the Climate Crisis". As I've argued for some time, Neoclassical economists—especially William Nordhaus and Richard Tol—bear enormous responsibility for trivializing the dangers of climate change on intellectually spurious grounds. This paper is the most comprehensive overview I've done of this issue, and it includes new material on Nordhaus's misreading of scientific literature.

    TUHO --- ---
    Stav půdní vláhy je na celém území ČR v obvyklém či lepším stavu (bílá barva), než je průměr z období 1961-2010. Za posledních šest let jsme takto jednobarevnou mapu, znamenající nulové riziko sucha ve vegetačním období, vydat nemohli.

    TUHO --- ---
    Nový doklad, že se počasí zbláznilo. V Česku padl jeden rekord - Seznam Zprávy
    TADEAS --- ---
    Hopi farming: a 2000-year-long agriculture experiment - Radio Cafe

    Hopi farmers were practicing regenerative agriculture before it was named. Working with the soil, the weather, the water cycle, seeds, and cultural practices, they fed themselves in the dry land of northern Arizona for millennia. Now the industrial food system has challenged their way of living and farming. We talk to traditional Hopi farmer Dr. Michael Kotutwa Johnson; he’s a research associate with the Native American Agriculture Fund and has a doctorate in natural resources management.
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