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    TUHOKlimaticka zmena / Destroying the Future Is the Most Cost-Effective
    KEB --- ---
    GasNet uvedl do provozu první mobilní samoobslužnou čerpací stanici na LNG v ČR
    TUHO --- ---
    O změně klimatu a o potřebě na něj reagovat se mluví už roky, emise skleníkových plynů a degradace lesů však pokračují, jak zmiňují mnozí odborníci. A další se zase pozastavují nad tím, jestli tedy ve skutečnosti nejde jen o předstírání řešení problémů nebo koncepce, které nikam nevedou.

    „Já neumím posoudit, jestli to je předstírání řešení problému,“ reaguje Tolasz, nicméně klimatologie má v tom podle něho jasno už minimálně třicet let. „Říká, že musíme řešit situaci, a situace se dlouhodobě globálně neřeší, protože globální emise stoupají, a krajina trpí a máme menší takzvané propady skleníkových plynů. Už třicet let víme, že bychom měli něco dělat, globálně se ale neděje nic a Evropa sama to nevytrhne,“ konstatuje Tolasz.

    Souhlasí sice s tím, že může být považováno za smutné, že daleko větší mediální pozornost si vyslouží v souvislosti s klimatem Greta Thunbergová, ať už v negativním, nebo pozitivním slova smyslu, než politici, kteří by opravdu toto téma řešit měli. Nicméně dodává, že se možná ale i díky tomu teď třeba podaří aktivistům to, co se vědcům nepodařilo za zmíněných třicet let.

    Koronavirus může pomoct ke změně. Pokud si uvědomíme, že se lze chovat jinak, říká klimatolog — ČT24 — Česká televize
    TADEAS --- ---
    Review: An Archdruid's Tales by John Michael Greer - Resilience

    John Michael Greer is a longtime scholar of civilizational decline, and he’s noticed that when most people try to make sense of our current civilization’s inevitable fall, they succumb to an odd fallacy. A fair number of those who accept the impermanence of modern industrial society somehow seem to expect its demise to be abrupt and to conclude within their lifetimes, despite all the historical evidence showing civilizational decline to be gradual. To Greer, this expectation of sudden doom has an obvious emotional appeal, namely the fact that it absolves one from having to do something about humanity’s crisis. When you believe the world is just about to go up in one big, spectacular explosion, what’s the point in changing the way you live in an effort to reduce your burden on the planet? This same logic drives those who believe in a future of perpetual betterment: If you think everything is going to work out fine, there’s likewise no use in taking action.

    In his anthology An Archdruid’s Tales, Greer seeks to use fiction, together with a few nonfiction forays into future scenarios, as a means of painting a more accurate picture of what lies ahead for industrial civilization.
    YMLADRIS --- ---
    udelame anketu?

    TADEAS --- ---
    Europe's Leaked Hydrogen Strategy Is Very Ambitious | OilPrice.com

    in a recent Tracking Energy Integration 2020 report, the IEA calls hydrogen one of several integration technologies that are ‘increasingly crucial’ for a low-carbon energy transition. The report notes that important political momentum had been building through last year, listing ten international initiatives and national plans that appeared during 2019. These include top level G20 discussions and target-setting plans by Korea, Japan, Netherlands, Australia and Canada.

    Clearly the hydrogen movement is at a critical moment when continuing innovation is required. The role of government will remain important as fledgling industries seek to gain scale and find markets. Governments will need to provide direct, targeted support for projects that can achieve technical and market advances. And they will need to help stimulate demand in sectors where good near-term opportunities appear.


    The shifting emphasis can be seen especially in Northern Europe, where large concentrations of projects are now found. Renewable energy will power electrolysers to produce hydrogen for industries in northern industrial centers. Other projects focus on power and heat for urban districts. Key applications include large-scale electrolysis, carbon capture, utilization and storage (CCUS), and utilization of natural gas networks.


    In Germany, a power-to-gas project in Emsland in the Ruhr region has been called ‘Hybridge’ for its capacity to couple electric and gas networks. In a partnership of transmission system operator Amprion and gas net operator Open Grid Europe (OGE), electricity from renewable energy will be converted, by means of electrolysis, into hydrogen and methane. The companies will deploy a 100 MW electrolyser, with the resulting hydrogen transported by an OGE hydrogen pipeline and the existing gas pipeline network throughout the Ruhr and beyond. The project is anticipated to start operation in 2023.

    In France, in the Les Hauts de France region around Dunkirk, one of the world’s most ambitious power-to-gas projects will build five 100 MW hydrogen electrolyser production units over five years. The project, a partnership of France’s H2V Industry and Norway’s HydrogenPro, will introduce hydrogen into the natural gas distribution network in order to decarbonize the natural gas used for heating and cooking as well as for transport.

    These ambitious European projects have large-scale electrolysis counterparts in North America. Most notable is a project of the British Columbia-based Renewable Hydrogen Canada (RH2C), which is backed by a private sector utility and investors. The company is planning to build a large electrolysis plant in BC, to produce renewable hydrogen through water electrolysis powered by local hydropower and winds off the Rockies.


    An enormous pilot project to convert the gas networks to hydrogen in the north of England is being planned now. First announced in 2016, the H21 North of England (H21 NoE) project, is a collaboration of two British gas distributors, Northern Gas Networks and Cadent, and Norway’s Equinor (formerly Statoil). They have produced a hydrogen blueprint that will utilize the existing natural gas distribution infrastructure serving a region of 5 million inhabitants including several large cities for domestic and industrial users, with applications including heat, power and transport.

    The project’s planners view it as a way to achieve the ‘deep decarbonization’ that could not be reached with renewable electric power alone. To do so will require carbon capture and storage (CCS). Equinor’s role is to build a hydrogen production facility utilizing a standard reforming process with natural gas. The captured CO2 will be transported offshore to undersea storage. A specially built hydrogen transmission pipeline will link to the local gas distribution networks. The new transmission pipeline is required because injecting hydrogen into gas transmission pipelines is more difficult (although Italy’s Snam has already demonstrated the feasibility of blending hydrogen up to 10% in gas transmission grids).

    Project implementation is to occur between 2028 and 2034. It is anticipated to achieve deep decarbonization of 14% of the UK's heat demand by 2034. Its large scale and significant impact on carbon emissions will make H21 NoE the world’s first at-scale hydrogen economy. Should it succeed, it will lay a basis for expanding such a system across the entire UK, decarbonizing a large percentage of domestic heat, transport and power by 2050

    TADEAS --- ---
    maj plan

    This week @RepMikeLevin and I released the first comprehensive Congressional Report on #SolvingTheClimateCrisis in our nation’s history.

    We also passed legislation to ensure every American has access to affordable health care. All while wearing our masks. https://t.co/b7ieQ8vL5y


    With the devastating consequences of climate change growing at home and abroad, the United States must harness the technological innovation of the moonshot, the creativity of our entrepreneurs, the strength of our workers, and the moral force of a nation endeavoring to establish justice for all. Solving the Climate Crisis: The Congressional Action Plan for a Clean Energy Economy and a Healthy and Just America calls on Congress to build a clean energy economy that values workers, centers environmental justice, and is prepared to meet the challenges of the climate crisis.
    TADEAS --- ---
    Climate change could shrink vital tropical rainfall belt - Northumbria University, Newcastle

    A tropical rainfall belt providing critical summer rains to billions of people is at risk of shrinking due to future climate warming, according to new research.

    The resulting droughts could lead to social unrest and mass migration from affected regions, including Central America and sub-Saharan Africa.

    This stark warning comes from an international team of scientists who looked at past rainfall patterns within the Intertropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ), a critical rainfall belt found near the equator.

    Seasonal shifts in the ITCZ’s location control the beginning and length of the tropical rainy season, and in turn, the agricultural growing season.

    The researchers reconstructed 1,600 years of rainfall using a stalagmite recovered from a cave in Belize, Central America, and compared this with existing rainfall data from other locations.

    The research was led by the University of New Mexico (UNM), USA, with scientists from Northumbria University and Durham University in the UK also part of the international team involved in the project.

    The researchers showed that the ITCZ expands in a cooler climate and contracts or shrinks as temperatures increase.

    As a result, areas of the northern tropics, like Central America, could experience drier conditions, leading to crop failure and possible famine. Belize is currently in a state of drought, and the research suggests that future warming will increase the likelihood and frequency of future droughts.

    Intertropical convergence zone variability in the Neotropics during the Common Era | Science Advances
    TADEAS --- ---

    Nick Offerman

    Sacred Cow is a new book by Diana Rodgers, RD, and Robb Wolf, coming out in just a few weeks illuminating how grazing animals, raised right, are not only healthy for us to eat, but one of our best tools at mitigating climate change. The debate isn’t meat vs. plants, it’s about industrial agriculture needing to change to a more regenerative system. There’s also a companion documentary film, Sacred Cow, which portrays beautiful, regenerative agriculture in action.
    TADEAS --- ---
    Ben See

    Did you know that over 90% of climate scientists think global warming will be so severe by 2038 or so that we'll hit temperatures shown to be hot enough to wreck the basic crops humanity relies upon for decent survival, or do you get your information from ad-dependent newspapers?

    90% of experts predict +2°C.

    64% project catastrophic 3-7°C by 2065-2095.
    (2009) https://amp.theguardian.com/environment/2009/apr/14/global-warming-target-2c

    New climate models show 2°C by 2038-2050.
    2020 https://theconversation.com/...atest-climate-models-suggest-it-could-be-worse-than-we-thought-137281

    2°C is catastrophic for basic crops (wheat, corn).
    2016 https://climate.nasa.gov/news/2458/why-a-half-degree-temperature-rise-is-a-big-deal/
    TADEAS --- ---

    Sacred Cow Trailer

    TADEAS --- ---
    NAGASAWA: myslis jina v tom, ze bylo jiny pocasi? :]
    YMLADRIS --- ---
    TUHO: forbes to ted vydal znovu, repost z roku 2019
    TUHO --- ---
    NAGASAWA: jj, je to tak, algoritmicke vrstvy mi to probublaly ted do feedu ,) ale stejne stoji za precteni myslim
    TUHO --- ---
    TUHO: mihlo by zajimat tadease

    A půda potřebuje dostatek organické hmoty, což je klíčové opatření. Existuje studie Výzkumného ústavu meliorací a ochrany půdy, která říká, že i degradovanou půdu lze za tři až čtyři roky dobrou péčí zregenerovat. Je celá řada zemědělců, kteří už řádně pečují o půdu. Daleko lépe se k ní většinou chovají ti, kdo ji vlastní. Jenže v Česku na 75 procentech zemědělské půdy hospodaří někdo, komu pozemek nepatří
    NAGASAWA --- ---
    TUHO: Jen bych dodal, ze je to článek z roku 2019 kdy byla trochu jiná situace

    TUHO --- ---
    e tenhle jeden déšť nás nespasí. Ani kdyby trval celé léto. Česko je vyprahlé a bude hůř: problémem není nedostatek srážek, ale především vzrůstající průměrná teplota. Právě její vliv v projektu InterSucho Žalud se svými kolegy s napětím sleduje. K dispozici mají bezpočet výpočtů a scénářů, ze kterých sestavují podobu budoucího Česka.

    Ta pro nás nevyznívá zrovna příznivě. Krajina kolem nejspíš získá žlutohnědý sežehlý odstín, nížiny se promění na polopouštní oblasti a v Evropě začne boj o vodu. A jak vědec připomíná, ten je daleko nebezpečnější než válka o nerostné bohatství – jde v něm o život.

    Už nás nespasí, ani kdyby pršelo celé léto. Bioklimatolog předpovídá změnu české krajiny
    TADEAS --- ---
    TADEAS: for the record, nejspis se pouze jenom na twitteru pohadal o rasismu a white privilege a pak si smazal ucet :))
    TADEAS --- ---
    TADEAS: za par dnu ma franta tugle akci na stanfordu, bude i stream. smula ze se mu zrivna smazal twitter feed a zoom nahodou nepujde :D

    Oil Money Runs Deep

    In light of the renewal of the Andlinger Center for Energy and the Environment’s partnership with ExxonMobil, we are pleased to invite you to a talk and Q&A on divestment and research funding by the fossil fuel industry at Princeton this Thursday, July 9, at 5 PM EST with Dr. Benjamin Franta. Franta is a JD-PhD Candidate at Stanford Law School and the Stanford Department of History, where he studies the history of climate science, climate disinformation, and fossil fuel producers.

    He has a separate PhD in applied physics from Harvard University and is a former research fellow at the Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs. His writing on fossil fuel divestment and the history of the fossil fuel industry has appeared in The Guardian, The New Republic, Project Syndicate, and elsewhere.

    We will stream the event here. You can also register to join the Zoom call: bitly.com/divestfranta
    TADEAS --- ---
    Rupert Read

    My new book, edited and with an extended postscript by Samuel Alexander.

    The anthology presents an insider’s perspective of the Extinction Rebellion movement from its inception up until the Covid pandemic, before leading to the urgent questions of strategy and framing going forward.

    Extinction Rebellion: Insights from the Inside by Rupert Read
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